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Nevertheless, under no circumstances should we turn a blind eye to the underlying drawbacks triggered by imposing restrictions on aviation. (交通能源类:是否应该限制飞机旅行)




  Some people think that maintaining public libraries is a waste of time because computer technologies have already replaced its function? To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为计算机科技已经取代了图书馆的功能是否同意?


  首段:背景介绍 + 有待反驳的观点 + 写作意图(明确表达不支持或是不完全支持)


  三段:反驳对方观点 + 提出自己的观点



  Yet, on no account can we lose sight of the immense value of libraries. Firstly, although it is easy to acquire and utilize e-books, it is far from easy, for millions people, to change their deeply-rooted habits of reading in libraries. Still, libraries could serve the function of communication and entertainment. A case in point is that many retired men and young adults like to pay a visit to library for recreation. Lastly, a good library with large collection of books is the symbol of top university as well as civilized city. The ideal academic atmosphere created by libraries can never be matched by e-reading.



  雅思评分的第三项标准是 Lexical Resource(词汇资源)。遣词造句是行文的基石。言之无文,行而不远。雅思写作好比盖楼房,再好的图纸也要靠优良的建筑材料才能筑起高楼,词语就如同建造大厦时的砖瓦。

  语言是思想的载体,有文采的表达可以让文章在思想不变的情况下卓尔不群。设想考官通篇看到的都是基础词汇和口语词汇(good, bad, important, a lot of, I think)难免会有审美疲劳,惯性地打出一个平均分。因此,高分密码的第三项为词汇为亮点。雅思写作用词原则有三,精准性,丰富性,独特性。

  汉语和英语写作都讲究一个达义,词本无意,意由语生。用词第一原则就是选择最贴近语境的词汇。比如,剑桥7册勤奋和天赋哪一个更加重要的满分范文中,学习不同的技能作者的翻译是acquire different skills, 通过个人的努力去学习知识和技能非常准确的用词就是acquire. 同理,在表达不利于的时候,由于宾语不同,动词的选择也讲究一个贴切。有害健康推荐用undermine one’s health(undermine有逐渐损害的含义),破坏经济推荐用cripple the economy (cripple 有严重削弱的含义),破坏环境推荐用ruin the environment(在官方文体中该搭配十分常见)。

  用词的第二原则是避免词穷,积累相关语义场。在剑桥7册勤奋和天赋的范文中,作者就用innate talent, talent that are inherited via genes, nature, natural talent 来代替了题目指令中的people are born with certain talents. 同理,在表达贫困这个概念的时候,不仅仅是有poor 唯一的表达,同义词就有needy, impoverished, poverty-stricken, 推荐短语就有 live in extreme poverty , suffer from poverty, come from humble background等。

  用词的第三原则是熟练使用个性表达,例如写增加自信,我的第一选择就是indoctrinate confidence into oneself, 写使快乐,我的第一选择就是be intoxicated by,写擅长于,我的第一选择就是be apt at。其实,大量精彩的语料的输出唯有靠大量精彩的语料的输入。“有诗书气自华。” 用词的精准,丰富和个性来自润物细无声的阅读积累和词汇课程的学习。强烈建议烤鸭们建设自己的写作语料库。推荐大家精读剑桥各册的阅读文章,也推荐大家研读各国元首的演讲稿,更推荐大家欣赏写作名家的经典范文。在阅读的同时还要随时做摘抄,积极背诵。精彩语料库的建设定能帮助烤鸭们处理相关主题时高屋建瓴,自然也能支撑烤鸭们东施效颦地写出美文。


  雅思写作的第四个评分标准是 Grammatical Range and Accuracy (语法范围与精确性)即看在句子和结构的选择上是否多样化,语法是否准确。雅思写作是规定时间内的写作,题库又浩如烟海。快速流利的写作唯有靠储备多样的写作样句式因此,高分密码的第四项为句型为基础。建议烤鸭准备文章开头结尾及起承转合的基本句型,准备表达赞成或反对的精彩句型。准备表示分析问题,谈及影响和解决问题的写作句型。同时,句型准备时要简单句和复杂句穿插使用,句子成分上可修饰到极限。


  例如,在剑桥七册7.5分的是否支持固定刑罚的范文中,作者开篇就用到了备好模板句型,Fixing punishments for each type of crime has been a debatable issue. There are many arguments supporting both views, those for and those against fixed punishments.可见,模板句型可以使文章思路清晰,字数饱满。以大多中国考生的水平,还很难做到在考场上随心所欲的传情达意。所以,针对不同题型的个性模板句型还是要准备的,不过,模板句型要力求个性和灵活。另需特别注意的是,若模板句型中多复杂句或亮点词汇,相反,烤鸭自己填空的词句却逢写必错,就会造成文章语言风格不统一。句式的准备要符合自己的写作水平。



  There is an increasing tendency in today’s campus that many college undergraduates would only opt for courses that appeal to them. (选课话题:大学是要教授学校规定的课程,还是学生感兴趣的课程)


  Perhaps no issue has led to such endless debate as to whether or not students should be sent to boarding schools. (教育话题:孩子们应不应该读寄宿学校)


  Although animal experimentation sounds appealing to some extent, I still strongly frown on this proposal. (动物话题:小动物试验是否合理)


  Granted, millions of merits could be gained via having a break from academic study after finishing high school. (教育话题:间隔年)


  Nevertheless, under no circumstances should we turn a blind eye to the underlying drawbacks triggered by imposing restrictions on aviation. (交通能源类:是否应该限制飞机旅行)


  From our own school experience, it is easy to find plenty of evidence to support the view that many seemingly ungifted children could be instructed to be fluent speakers of English with continued teaching and guided practice.(教育类: 没有语言天赋的孩子要不要学习外语)


  A young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of mental horizons and knowledge scope. On quite the contrary, it is self-travel and working experiences that forge one’s fortitude as well as mature one’s thought. (教育类:间隔年)


  In light of above-mentioned arguments, one may easily concludes that it exerts positive impacts on students’ personality when living on campus, while its potential demerits should be emphasized and resolved. (教育话题:孩子们该不该读寄宿学校)

