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 e east earth engineering econ economics economy








  acc = account, accountant

  acdg = according

  acpt = accept

  ad = advertisement

  adm = administration

  ads = address

  adv = advice

  agr = agriculture

  agt = agent

  alt = altitude

  a.m. = ante meridiem = before noon

  AMAP = as much as possible

  amb = ambassador

  amt = amount

  anal = analysis

  anc = ancient

  anon = anonymous

  ans = answer

  app = appendix

  Apr = April

  apt = apartment

  arch = architecture

  arr = arrive; arrival

  ASAP = as soon as possible

  ass = assistant; association

  at = atmosphere; atomic

  att = attorney; attention

  Aug = August

  aux = auxiliary

  av = average

  ave = avenue

  a.w.l. = absent with leave (准假)

  a.w.o.l. = absent without official leave (无故缺席)

  B.A. = Bachelor of Arts

  bal = balance

  B.C. = before Christ

  bd = board

  bdl = bundle

  bk = bank; book

  bkts = baskets

  B/L = bill of lading (提单)

  BLDG = building

  bp = birthplace

  br = branch; brother

  B.S. = Bachelor of Science

  bu = bureau

  C = capacity; century; chapter; centigrade; cost; city; center

  cal = calendar; caliber; calories

  cap = capital; captain

  cat = catalog

  cc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送)

  CEO = chief executive officer

  cert = certificate

  CFM = confirm

  cncl = cancel

  cp. = compare

  cit = citizen

  civ = civil; civilization

  clk = clerk

  cml = commercial

  co. = company

  c/o = care of(转交)

  col = college; color

  com = commentary; common; communication; community

  comm = commission
