educator -> education
settler -> settlement
composer -> composition
engineer -> engineering
eg: certain 比certainty优先
如: color monitor 彩显
colorful monitor 外观彩色的显示器
colorful effect 多彩的效果
color effect 彩色效果
1. 没有表示同一概念的形容词时,只能用名词修饰
the city or regional planning
Beijing city commercial bank
the state government
2. noun. + noun. 为特定含义时,不改为adj.
safty glass 防弹玻璃
exhibition flights 飞行表演
color monitor 彩显
3. noun.修饰noun.,表示后一个名词的本质属性,品质,种类时,不改adj.
***noun. + noun. 最后选
beauty salon 对
intelligence test 对
*noun.+noun.在一起 a. 最后选
b. 有无同概念形容词
c. 看句意
1. 副词永远不能修饰名词
up arms -> upper arms
注意陷阱:adv. + 同位语
* special 永远改 especially
The common cold, (which is) normally a minor illness, can threaten
the health of patient.
2. adj. + adj. + noun.
an old red car
a frequent pretty girl(??)
3. adv. + 数 + noun. ; 数 + adj. + noun. 对
数 + adv. + noun. ; adj. + 数 + noun. 错
adv. + 数 + adj. + noun. 对
4. ┏ adj.
┃ V
adj. + ┃ prep.
~~~~ ┃ adv.
┗>adv. ┃ 分词短语
┗ 数词