Although AsianAmericans make up only 2.4 percent of the
nations population, it constitute 17.1 percent of1.
undergraduates at Harvard, 18 percent2.
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and 27.3 percent at the University of California
at Berkeley. Why are AsianAmericans doing so well?
Are they grinds, as some stereotype suggest?
Or can we have a lesson from them about values3.
we have long treasured them but may have misplaced—like4.
hard work, the family and education?
The young Asians achievements have led in5.
a series of fascinated studies. Perhaps the most6.
disturbing results come from the research carried on7.
by a University of Michigan psychologist,
Harold W. Stevenson, who has compared
more than 7,000 students in Chicago and Minneapolis
with counterpart in Beijing, Taipei and Sendai.8.
On a series of math test, the Americans
did worst at all grade levels. Stevenson found difference9.
in IQ. But if differences in performance are showing up
in kindergarten, it suggests something happen10.
in the family, even before the children get to school.