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 Be the first to be concerned with the worlds troubles and the last to enjoy worldly happiness.Fan Zhongyana scholar of the Song Dynastyexpresses eloquently the lofty spirit of Chinese intellectuals in his maxim. On realizing that the cause of Chinas lack of development was its backwardness in science and technologymany modern scholars accordingly went to Western countries to study.



如: Why are foreigners so glad that barriers have been dismantled? China has a population of 1.2 billionand US $1 000 billion of GDP. It is a country with one of the fastest economic growth rates in the world. Chinas entry into the WTO will therefore enable all economic entities in the world to expand trade and investmentbringing benefits to enterprisesconsumers and workers in these countries.



It is reported that from 1995 to 1998the number of cars in Shanghai  rose at the rate of 20%but the average speed of cars  dropped at the rate of 30%. It should be noticed that  43% of added cars during the period of 19951998 is private cars. Therefore some people point out that the most effective way to solve the traffic problem is to ban private cars. But I think they have gone extremely far away.




 This report is divided into three main sections what equipment you needhow to use equipmentand how to maintain equipment.




 On the wholelife in China has become better after 30 yearsOrdinary people now enjoy a more colorful life than before. Though some problems have arisen in the progresswe still cant deny this positive trend.



It is essential that effective measures should be taken to redress such inequality.

It is high time that we should urge an immediate end to this phenomenon.



Psychological health of the youth should be concerned by our society. On being advised by his school that he should leave after failing several examsa Beijing university student decided to commit suicidebut first killed his father and grandmother so as to spare their grief at his own death. A 13-year-old Sichuan Province girl ran away from home recently in pursuit of her favorite movie starand has not been seen since. Isnt there anything wrong with psychological health of the youth?




All of us wish for a bright future and hope to master a useful career. Those who persist in remaining idle will never fulfill their ambitions No painsno gains is a motto with much meaning. Meditate and live by it.




Chinas reforms have brought China a lot of benefits and have changed Chinese peoples life a great deal. A lively atmosphere has prevailed in all walks of fields throughout the country. The national economy has been thriving and national defense has ever been consolidated. In science and technologyquite a lot of achievements have been made. Certainlythe progress made in all fields has led to the raise of living standard for Chinese people.




first of allfor one thingfor anotherto begin withfirstsecondnextin the first (second) placefurthermoremoreoverbeyond thatalsobesidesin additionwhat is moresuch asfinally; for examplefor instance等。


sincebecause (of)asforowing toresult fromdue toon account ofon the ground ofas a result of等。


at the same timeas soon asso farsincethenuntilwhenmeanwhileshortlylaterlatelyafter a whileat that timebeforeearlierpresentlyin the meantimeformerly等。


close toclose at hand(近在身旁),next todownfarbeyondagainst(对着),on the opposite side(相对的),opposite toaboveacrossacross fromaroundat the bottombeforebehindbelowbeneathbetweenin the middle ofin the distancein the center offartheron the left/right等。


in other wordsagainas has been pointed outto repeatas I have said aboveonce againafter allindeedin facttrulyof coursechieflyespeciallycertainlyactuallyparticularlyto be sureabove allsurelymost important of alleven worseno doubtneedless to say等。


sothenthereforethushenceconsequentlyas a resultaccordinglyfor this reasonas a consequenceon that accountit follows that等。


to sum upin summaryto summarizein shortin briefto be briefin other wordson the wholein conclusionto conclude等。


1)对照:buthoweveryetorneverthelessstillnonethelessconverselynorratherwhereasthoughton the one handon the other handon the contraryby contrast with/toin contrast (with/to)even thoughinsteadunlikedifferent frominstead (of)the opposite (of)unlikealthoughwhilebut等。

2)对比:similarlylikewiselikeasat the same timein facttooin the same wayin a like mannerbotheachalsocompared with等。




Moral corruptionAis to the StateBas physical diseaseCis to an individual bodyD.A之于B犹如C之于D

Just as woods are indispensable to birdsso is the earth to human beings.(正如…,…也如此)

As far as personality is concernedTom (A) and Peter (B) have almost everything in common.AB有共同之处)

My hobby (A) is similar to his (B) in that we both like collecting recordsforeign and domestic. (AB相似)

As the economies of all countries are closely interrelated no country can develop in self-seclusion. The same is true of China. (The same is true of. The same can be said of... 也是如此)


Beijing (A) is populous and crowdedwhile Canberra (B) is just the opposite.AB正相反)

Chinas condition (A) differs from ours (B) in that China has the largest population in the world. (A不同于B在于)

While it may be true that basketball and volleyball share certain featuresthe excitement each arouses in the spectators is not the same.(…是不相同的)


It seems safe to say that the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages of divorce.(利大于弊)

Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading. (…是无与伦比的)

There could be no doubt that job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits.(既有优点也有缺点)

Men (A)may be superior to women(B) in physical affairs. Yetthere is no difference in intelligence.A优于B

Peoples attitude towards drugs varies from person to person.(…是因人而异的)


Some people argue as if it is a general truth that    . But to be frankI cannot agree with them for the following reasons.

According to/As can be seen in figures/statistics /the findings/data released/provided by the government/an institute    .

There are several/many causes/reasons for this dramatic/significant growth/change/decline/increase in    .

There are no less than three advantages in    as rendered below.

The reasons are chiefly as follows    .

Another reason why I advocate the attitude of    is that.

Last but not least    .

What is more    .



Asia ranks first both in area and in population among the seven Continents.Europe is second to Asia in populationbut in area it is the last but one.

We all hope that a countrys population should be in proportion to its area, unfortunately the reality often goes against our will.

A is a far larger universitybeing over three times as big as B.



This picture shows    . At the beginning    as we can see in the upper half of the picture. Howeverthe lower half of the picture shows that    .

As is revealed in the graph    .

As the survey results show    .

As we could find out later in this unithis plan was not quite as he had expected.

This table provides several important points of comparison between the two universities.As can be indicated in the tablethe housing space for the staff of A in 1995 was 34 500 square meterswhich nearly doubled the Bs corresponding figure.



This table providesseveral important points of comparison between the two key universities.

The two graphs depict the same thing seen in two different ways. The first diagram simply records    . The second graph throws a new light on    .

The key findings taken from the surveys are as follows    .

If drivers continue to drive more carefully and further strengthen their sense of safetythe rate of accidents can be expected to decline even more dramatically in the year 1998.


As the proverb goes,“    . It is quite understandable that    .

Along with the development of society more and more problems are brought to our attentionone of which is that    .

Admittedlythere are merits to both sides of the argument.

Contrary to widely held beliefI believe that    .

Nowit is commonly believed /some people think that    but I wonder whether    .


On the surface of itthis may seem to be a good solutionbut if thinking againwe would point out some drawbacks.

At first thoughtit may seem to be an attractive ideabut it does not bear closer analysis when we find    .

Superficiallyit seems to be a sound solutionbut when carefully weighing in the mindwe find that    .

A close inspection of these arguments would reveal how flimsy they are.

The undeniable deficiency in this remark is that it is negligent of the bare fact that    .

Howeverwe also cannot deny that    .


One very strong argument for    is that    .

It is an obvious fact that    .

One of the most important things about    is that    .

A particularly notable case of this matter is    .

We may look into every possible reasonhoweverforemost reason for    is    .

is mainly/ partly/ also responsible for the rise/increase/ decrease in    .

We may cite/quote/mention a single/common example of    .

A recent/nationwide study/survey/poll conducted/ taken at a university/ by scientists indicates/reveals/ suggests that    .

Of coursethis will have some negative effects on    .

     is a case in point.


From what has been discussed abovewe may safely draw the conclusion that    .

Taking into account all these factorswe may safely reach the conclusion that    .

Judging from all evidence offeredwe may safely come to the conclusion that    .

All the evidence/analysis supports a (an) sound/ unshakable/just conclusion/ view that    .


It is necessary/ essential that effective actions/ quick steps/ proper measures should be taken to prevent the situation/ correct tendency / end phenomenon.

There is little doubt that serious/ considerable/ special attention must be called /paid /devoted to the problem /shortage of    .

It is high time that we placed/put great/special/considerable emphasis on theimprovement/ development /increase of    .

