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托福写作资料拓展:Personality and expertise


  The way students and scholars interpret the materials they work within their academic fields is more a matter of personality than of training. Different interpretations come about when people with different personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data, or events and see different things.


  Personality and expertise of the student or scholar, together with other contributing factors, both play crucial roles in interpreting the materials they work within the academic arena. Confronted with the same problems under similar circumstance, if not the same, they tend to shape distinct interpretations. But this empirical evidence is weak to leap to the general conclusive argument that people with different personalities or characteristics will inevitably interpret the same thing in different ways or reach different conclusions. The fact is that although individuals are different in a diverse array of features including personality, disposition, and characteristics. Human beings as a whole tend to agree with or even follow some interpretations about the materials that are subject to their investigation. Otherwise, the world would be in endless conflicts, controversies, and incongruities even in trivial aspects.

  That human beings tend to interpret the same things in a similar or same way constitutes the very foundation for human beings to work together in whatever enterprise. One of the most convincing cases in point is that people with different personalities share the same faith and form a certain religion. They are confronted with the same problem: regardless of the differences in such extrinsic features as professions or educational background and intrinsic nature as personalities, they all hanker for a definite answer to such question as where human beings come from. Put it in other world, these different individuals are looking at exactly the same world, and they might share the same interpretation known as creationism to interpret the origin of human beings, giraffes, bacteria, oceans, and trees. Certainly not all human beings share this belief. Some have entirely different interpretations. Darwinists are typical. But such a difference stems not from the heterogeneity of human personalities although the root reason of such a divergence is yet unknown.

  Darwinism certainly is an interpretation of exactly the same world that Christians are looking at. Even in the arena of science, falsely assumed to be a domain entirely conflict with the faith or religion, scientists who share the same theories are clearly different in personalities. This strengthens the rhetoric that people with different personalities not necessarily interpret exactly the same object, data, information, or events in different ways. On the contrary, they are able to reach agreements.

  Focusing on more specific evidence, we are able to further support this argument. All people in the world interpret the sun as the source of life on the earth. Scientists say plants take in the solar energy from the sunlight by the process of photosynthesis while Christians agree with scientists in this aspect. That water in the ocean exerts impacts on the climate and temperature is firmly believed by any person whatever his or her personality. If human beings’ interpretation of an event were entirely determined by the heterogeneous personality then there would not be such things as science, religion, or even culture because any culture necessitates an overwhelmingly massive number of people to share it.

  My point, however, is not to say that human personality contributes little in interpreting data, event, or objects. Instead, I have asserted its contribution at the very beginning of this essay. Personalities sometimes exercise incredibly formidable impacts on the way people perceive or conceive the world within and without. Optimists tend to see the brighter and better side while the pessimists are inclined to see the shadows. Outgoing people are more ready to make friends than introspective type.

  My conclusion concerning this issue is that the diversified human personality impacts how people interpret things but it is invalid to claim that people with different personalities will inevitably interpret in different ways.

