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随着微软vs.net的正式推出,继mcsa微软新认证后,微软推出了针对.net的新考试认证课程。   ...
 visual basic.net


 2559 introduction to visual basic.net programming(for beginning developers)

 2415 programming the .net framework with visual basic.net

 熟悉 visual basic 6.0

 2373 programming with microsoft visual basic.net

 2415 programming the .net framework with visual basic.net visual C#.net

 熟悉 visual c 6.0

 2124 introduction to c# programming for the microsoft .net platform

 2349 programming the microsoft.net framework with c#

 web 界面设计

 1912 introduction to web development technologles 或者 1592 creating and managing web solutions using microsoft frontpage 2000

 1932 build a data-driven web site using microsoft fontpage 2000



 2063 introduction to microsoft asp.net

 2514 developing mobile applications with microsoft mobile internet toolkit


 2310 building web applications with microsoft visual studio.net

 2514 developing mobile applications with microsoft mobile internet toolkit

 windows 应用程序开发人员

 visual basic.net

 2565 developing .net windows applications with microsoft visual basic.net

 visual c#.net

 2555 developing .net windows applications with microsoft visual c#.net



 2500 introduction to xml and the microsoft.net platform

 1905 building xml-based web applications

 1913 exchanging and transforming data using xml and xslt


 2063 introduction to microsoft asp.net


 2310 developing web applications using microsoft visual studio.net

 windows 协作开发人员


 2318 planning collaborative solutions with microsoft office xp technologles

 需要asp和microsoft sql server开发技能

 2380 developing collaborative solutions using microsoft office xp developer

 exchange 和 share point portal server开发

 需要visual basic 和asp 编程技能

 2019 building solutions in microsoft exchange 2000 with the web storage system

 需要xml、asp、microsoft office、dhtml、exchange 2000 web存储系统和microsoft sql server开发技能

 2382 building corporate portals using digital dashboards


 1935 building solutions with microsoft visio 2000

 1585 gathering and analyzing business requirements

 2500 introduction to xml and the microsoft .net platform

 2379 developing and deploying microsoft biztalk server 2000 solutions


 1905 building xml-based web applications

 2091 building xml-enabled applications using microsoft sql server 2000

 2389 programming with ado.net


 1609 designing data services and data models


 1905 building xml-based web applications

 2379 developing and deploying microsoft biztalk server 2000 solutions 或

 1913 exchanging and transforming data using xml and xslt


 2071 querying microsoft sql server 2000 with transact-sql

 2073 programming a microsoft sql server 2000 database


 2074 designing and implementing olap solutions using microsoft sql server 2000

 2092 populating a data warehouse with microsoft sql server 2000

 2093 implementing business logic with mdx in microsoft sql server 2000


 office 开发

 2381 planning collaborative solutions with microsoft office xp technologles

 2380 developing collaborative solutions using microsoft office xp developer

 web part开发

 需要visual basic、asp、xml、microsoft office xp、dhtml、exchange 2000存储系统和microsoft sql server开发技能

 2382 building corporate portals using digital dashboards


 2389 programming with ado.net

 1913 exchanging and transforming data using xml and xslt或

 2524 developing xml web services with visual c#或

 2091 building xml-enabled applications using microsoft sql server 2000


 310 developing web services and server components with microsoft visual studio.net(2002年3月或4月出版)


 2099 building distributed applications with com services and microsoft visual c 或

 2557 developing net enterprise applications

 2524 developing xml web services with visual c#

 2350 securing and deploying microsoft .net assemblies


 310 developing web services and server components with microsoft visual studio.net(2002年3月或4月出版)  


 2260 developing enterprise applications with microsoft.net enterprise servers

 2341 fundamentals of building a business to consumer solution with microsoft commerce

server 2000


 2379 developing and deploying microsoft biztalk server 2000 solutions


 230 designing and implementing solutions with microsoft commerce server 2000

 234 designing and implementing solutions with microsoft biztalk server 2000 enterprise
