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利润表 income statement 编制单位: 年 月 prepared ...
利润表 income statement 编制单位: 年 月 prepared by: month: year: monetary unit: rmb yuan 项目 行次 本月数 本年累计数 item line no . current month current year cumulative 一、主营业务收 1 ⅰ . revenue from main operations 减:主营业各成本 4 less : cost of main operations 主营业务税金及附加 5 taxes and surcharge for main operations 二、主营业务利润 ( 亏损以“ - ”号填列 ) 10 ⅱ. profit/loss from main operations 加:其他业务利润 ( 亏损以“ - ”号填列 ) 11 add : profit/loss from other operations 减:营业费用 14 less : operating expenses 管理费用 15 general and administrative expenses 财务费用 16 financial expenses 三、营业利润 (( 亏损以“ - ”号填列 ) 18 ⅲ. operating profit/loss 加:投资收益 ( 亏损以“ - ”号填列 ) 19 add : investment income/losses 补贴收入 22 revenue from subsidies 营业外收入 23 non-operating revenue 减:营业外支出 25 less : non-operating expenditures 四、利润总额 ( 亏损以“ - ”号填列 ) 27 ⅳ. income/loss before tax 减:所得税 28 less : income tax 五、净利润 ( 亏损以“ - ”号填列 ) 30 v . net income/loss

补充资料 supplementary information: 项目 本年累计数 上年实际数 item current year cumulative prior year actual 1. 出售、处置部门或被投资单位所得收益 gain on sale and disposal of a department or an invested enterprise 2 .自然灾害发生的损失 losses arising from natural disasters 3. 会计政策变更增加 ( 或减少 ) 利润总额 increase / decrease in income before tax due to a change in accounting policy 4. 会计估计变更增加 ( 或减少 ) 利润总额 increase/decrease in income before tax due to a change in accounting estimate 5 .债务重组损失 losses arising from debt restructurings 6 .其他 others