一.前后贯通 整体把握
词语和结构的理解失误是英译汉中最大的问题。2005年的考题是美国前任总统克林顿的自传《我的生活》前言中的部分段落,其中提及克林顿年幼丧父,继父abusive,许多考生的译文中,克林顿的继父“有暴力倾向”、“施虐成性”,克林顿自小实在是生活在水深火热之中,受尽非人待遇。事实果真如此吗?非也。英语中一词多义的词语比比皆是,美军虐待伊拉克囚犯可以用the abuse of prisoners,滥用权力可以用the abuse of power,漫骂辱骂也可以用abusive,克林顿的继父也并非虐待狂,否则克林顿也不会和他相处甚好,甚至从他的姓。所以,词语的意义决定于上下文,上下文是理解的关键,脱离了上下文,词语就失却了其存在的意义。考生在翻译考试中,需要密切关注词语的语境,前后贯通,读懂读通,才能忠实地传达文章的涵义。
【高级口译全真题】but i confess our present educational system excites in my mind grave misgivings, which i cannot believe is the best or even reasonable, a system that thrusts upon reluctant and uncomprehending multitudes treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few.
本句来自英国二战时的杰出首相丘吉尔,本句中他谈及了对于英国教育体制的忧虑,前半句的excites in my mind grave misgivings是excites grave misgivings in my mind变化出的分隔结构,后半句的treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few是thrust的宾语部分,正常语序的结构是thrusts treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few upon reluctant and uncomprehending multitudes,没有对于分隔结构的了解是无法解构丘吉尔错综复杂的长句的。
【高级口译全真题】the task of writing a history of our nation from rome’s earliest days fills me, i confess, with some misgiving, and even were i confident in the value of my work, i should hesitate to say so.(2007/9)
本句中were i confident in the value of my work是虚拟语气中的倒装结构,表示if i were confident in the value of my work之意,表达出自己对于编著史书的忐忑不安、诚惶诚恐,对于史书的价值不敢妄下断言。如果译文中没有添加出if的涵义,译文就偏离了忠实的标准。 同时,本句中的i confess属于插入成分,并非必要成分,插入成分不影响上下文的连接意义,所以fill me with misgivings是完整的意群,仅仅表达作者内心的惴惴不安,而无使他充实和繁忙之意,如果考生从fill me的角度单一地理解为“我很充实”,译文失去了准确和忠实,失分在所难免。
二.词类转换 灵活变通
英语和汉语有动静之分,英语静,名词应用灵活,表现力强;汉语动,动词应用灵活,构成汉语优势。林肯用简简单单三个介词of the people, by the people, for the people,说明了一个**政府的职能:“民有、民治、民享”,这三层涵义汉语没有动词是无法表达的。众多考生拥有较大的词汇量,熟悉英语不少的派生名词,那么,翻译中的适当转换将使译文语言自然通顺,才能符合“达”的翻译要求。如:
【高级口译全真题】the idealization of the family as a refuge from the world and the myth that the work of mothers is harmful has added considerable strain.
【高级口译全真题】he shares a growing realization, even in the multibillionaire set, that something is amiss with the ideology that has prevailed since the end of the cold war: global-capitalism-as-panacea.
本句中的realization又是以-tion结尾的派生名词,a growing realization我们应当还回它的动词真面目: “越来越意识到”。以上两句的派生名词表示心理状态,这类名词往往需要转译为动词,其他还有hope、anxiety、concern、wonder等等。 除此之外,表示动态变化的派生名词,比如增减、扩展等意义的名词都有必要使用转译技巧。
三.合理增添 明确语意
【高译全真题】our own, our country’s honor, calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion. (2000/3)
on apr. 27, the dean of duke’s business school had the unfortunate task of announcing that nearly 10% of the class of 2008 had been caught cheating on a take-home final exam. the scandal, which has cast yet another pall over the leafy, gothic campus, is already going down as the biggest episode of alleged student deception in the b-school’s history.
almost immediately, the questions started swirling. the accused MBAs were, on average, 29 years old. they were the cut-and-paste generation, the champions of LINUX. before going to b-school, they worked in corporations for an average of six years. they did so at a time when their bosses were trumpeting the brave new world of open source, where one’s ability to agGREgate (or rip off) other people’s intellectual property was touted as a crucial competitive advantage.
it’s easy to imagine the explanations these mbas, who are mulling an appeal, might come up with. teaming up on a take-home exam: that’s not academic fraud, it’s postmodern learning, wiki style. text-messaging exam answers or downloading essays onto ipods: that’s simply a wise use of technology.
one can understand the confusion. this is a generation that came of age nabbing music off napster and watching bootlegged hollywood blockbusters in their dorm rooms. “what do you mean?” you can almost hear them saying. “we’re not supposed to share?”
that’s not to say that university administrators should ignore unethical behavior, if it in fact occurred. but in this wired world, maybe the very notion of what constitutes cheating has to be reevaluated. the scandal at duke points to how much the world has changed, and how academia and corporations are confused about it all, sending split messages.
we’re told it’s all about teamwork and shared information. but then we’re graded and ranked as individuals. we assess everybody as single entities. but then we plop them into an interdependent world and tell them their success hinges on creative collaboration.
the new culture of shared information is vastly different from the old, where hoarding information was power. but professors—and bosses, for that matter—need to be able to test individual ability. for all the talk about workforce teamwork, there are plenty of times when a person is on his or her own, arguing a case, preparing a profit and loss statement, or writing a research report.
still, many believe that a rethinking of the assessment process is in store. the stanford university design school, for example, is so collaborative that “it would be impossible to cheat,” says d-school professor robert i. sutton. “if you found somebody to help you write a group project, in our view that’s a sign of an inventive team member who gets stuff done. if you found someone to do work for free who was committed to open source, we’d say, ‘wow, that was smart.’ one group of students got the police to help them with a school project to build a roundabout where there were a lot of bike accidents. is that cheating?”
that’s food for thought at a time when learning is BEComing more and more of a social process embedded in a larger network. this is in no way a pass on those who consciously break the rules. with countries aping american business practices, a backlash against an ethically rudderless culture can’t happen soon enough. but the saga at duke raises an interesting question: in the age of twitter, a social network that keeps users in constant streaming contact with one another, what is cheating?