1. with a simple flight from nearby shandong, beijing opened a $3 billion terminal friday.it marks one more milestone in the city’s transformation before this summer’s olympics games.//
with its new terminal, the currently overtaxed beijing airport should be able to handle some 90 million passengers yearly by 2012 .//
the opening highlights an explosion of air travel in china, brought about by rising prosperity, an easing of travel restrictions and a growing taste for leisure travel among china’s swelling middle classes.//
aircraft manufacturer boeing co. anticipates that china will need an additional 3,310 jetliners by 2026 to meet increased demand for flying -- about three times the 1,150 commercial aircraft that chinese carriers operated last year.//
2. increasing numbers of people don’t even have traditional landline phone service anymore. these folks prefer to rely on their cellphones, which can be cheaper to use and carry a number that travels with a person instead of being locked to a house.//
many others keep their landline-phone service grudgingly, only BECause it is needed for things like fax machines. but even they often use their cellphones at home, because their friends and family members dial their cellphone number routinely.//
but there is a big drawback to using a cellphone at home, especially in a large house: you have to schlep it around with you from room to room. //
by contrast, landline phone service can be used via either cordless or corded extension phones. now, t-mobile, one of the big u.s. cellphone companies, is rolling out a new system that it hopes will make cellphone service at home more convenient and even cheaper to use.//
1. 互联网广告仅占中国广告支出的5%,而在美国占10%。但如果中国经济继续增长,同时,相较于传统娱乐形式,中国的年轻互联网用户越来越多地选择互联网,中国一定会迎头赶上。//
广告但迄今为止,在线广告在中国还没有得到很好的发展,就算是搜索引擎百度(baidu.com inc.)等最大的网络公司也表示,它们要使出浑身解数让中小广告主相信付费搜索的效力.//
internet makes up only about 5% of advertising spending in china compared with 10% in the u.s. but if china’s economy continues to grow and china’s young internet users increasingly choose the internet over traditional forms of entertainment, china is bound to catch up.//
’advertising grows with the growth of the economy and media,’ over the next five years, it is estimated that the number of internet users in china will grow at a compounded annual rate of 18.5%, while the u.s. will grow at only 2.2%. by 2012, that would give china 590 million internet users.//
but so far, online advertising has yet to flourish in china, where even the largest internet companies including search company baidu.com inc. have said they struggle with convincing small to medium-size advertisers of the efficacy of paid search.//
e-commerce, which is expected to be a major driver for online advertising, has also been slow to pick up because many consumers are unaccustomed to shopping online, and are still reluctant to pay for products electronically. //
2. soho中国的数据显示,去年北京土地价格上涨了一倍以上,从2007年2月的每平米2000元人民币左右升至12月份的近5000元人民币。//
data from soho china, which raised $1.7bn from its hong kong initial public offering last year, show that land prices in beijing more than doubled from about rmb2,000 per square metre in february 2007 to nearly rmb5,000 in december.//
the increase was caused by a rising property market but was also spurred by the fact that developers had a variety of financing options – from tapping the equity market to aggressive pre-selling of existing projects – in spite of bank loan restrictions imposed by central government. //
beijing had since taken measures, including restricting mortgage lending, amid rising inflation. //
that had constrained the purchasing ability of house buyers and shaken investor confidence, he said. when liquidity had dried up for developers, the market peaked. //