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英语谜语 (二十二):英语谜语及答案



My first letter is in chocolate but not in ham,

My second is in cake and also in jam, My third at

tea-time is easily found,

My whole is a pet who's often around. What am I?


I saw a man in white,

He looked quite a sight.

He was not old,

But he stood in the cold.

And when he felt the sun

He started to run. Who could he be? Do answer me.


What lives in winter,

Dies in summer,

And grows with its root upwards?


My first letter is in window but not in pane,

My second is in road but not in lane,

My third is in oval but not in round,

My fourth is hearing but not in sound,

My whole is known as a sign of peace,

And from Noah's Ark won quick release.


What has

Six legs, two heads,

Four ears, two hands,

But walks

On four feet?


What is it?

The more you take from it,

The larger it gets. ,


As long as I live 1 eat,

But when I drink I die.


I love to dance

And twist and prance,

I shake my tail,

As away I sail,

Wingless I fly

Into the sky.

What am I?


My first letter is in football but isn't in shoot,

My second is in treasure but isn't in loot,

My fourth is in swallow and so is my third,

My whole on a Sunday is far and wide heard.


What is it

That makes tears without sorrow

And takes its journey to heaven?


211. cat 212. snowman 213. icicle 214. dove

215. horse and rider 216. hole 217. fire 218. kite

219. bell 220. smoke

谜语大全及答案 猜字谜 灯谜 搞笑谜语 节日谜语

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