for graduate fellowship
Please provide a statement about your personal history and your intellectual development. This statement can include a discu ion of educational and cultural o ortunities (or lack of them), family background, ecia linterests and abilities, and future goals. Please note that this statement should not duplicate the Statement of Purpose (Form F). If more ace is needed, you may attach another page. general statement of purpose Please state your purpose in a lying for graduate study, your particular area of ecialization within the major field, your pla for future occupation or profe ion, and any additional information that may a ist the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at Berkeley. This may include information regarding characteristics that will enable you to complete a graduate degree program.
Provide on a separate sheet of paper a brief statement of your scientific and profe ional interests and objectives. Include a description of your past accomplishments that are not evident from the examination of other documents submitted. Report, if a licable, on any
research in progre . List membershi in scientific, profe ional, or honor ary societies. This statement must be written in English by the a licant. It must not be written in another language and tra lated for the a licant by another person.
Statement of Purpose—On a separate sheet of paper, type or print a one- or two-page
concise statement that includes the following information:
1. A brief statement of your primary educational and research interests
2. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publicatio
3. A description of your background in engineering and allied fields that is particularly relevant to your objectives—include any relevant industrial or work experience and any academic honors
4. NOTE to Engineering and Public Policy, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering a licants: To the extent po ible, please discu ecific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research.
(Please be sure your name a ears on your Statement of Purpose.)
4.Cornell Statement of purpose
A detailed (one- to two-page) statement, preferably printed on white paper, should include your reaso for undertaking graduate work, as well as anexplanation of your study and research interests and their relation to your undergraduate study and profe ional goals. Your full name and the major field of study to which you are a lying should be includedat the top of each page.
Statement of Purpose and Educational Objectives
Write a statement indicating your purposes and objectives in undertaking graduate study, your ecial interests and pla , and your strengths and weakne es in your chosen field.
If you have particular reaso for a lying to Duke, please indicate these. If you have communicated with a department or any member of the faculty about your graduate study, please name the department or person. Also, if you have attended more than the usual number of colleges or have earned a master's degree elsewhere, give the reaso for your change. On your attachment please indicate your first name, last name and proposed department on the top of every page.
The a licant must clearly indicate the reaso for wishing to study in this program at Georgia Tech as o osed to some other program or university. The statement of purpose should describe the a licant's academic background, training and experience and should mention honors, membershi , and extracurricular activities. Areas of research interest should be discu ed. If extra ace is needed, please use the reverse side of this form.
Use the ace below to tell us anything you would like us to know about your future goals and how graduate study at Joh Hopki would help to achieve those goals.
8.Mi esota
23. ON SEPARATE SHEET(S) PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: (This information must accompany the a lication for admi ion. Do not mail it separately.)
23A. Statement explaining your immediate and long-range occupational objectives in relation to your major field, being ecific about your particular areas of interest. Also, if known, indicate your proposed minor field. If there is a particular faculty member with whom you wish to study, please give that person's name and explain why you want to study with that person. If you have prepared a statement for the program, please attach a copy of the statement to this a lication for admi ion form.
23B. If there are any factors that have influenced your grade point average or your test scores, for example, if your educational background has generally been disadvantaged or you have a disability that has affected your performance, and you would like these factors to be co idered when your a lication is reviewed, please explain these circumstances f
23C. Give titles of any articles or other publicatio and of any research, inventio , or other creative work that you have done. (If you wish to submit examples of your work, send them directly to the major program to which you are a lying. Do not send them to the Graduate School.)
23D. What skill and preparation do you have in languages other than English?
23E. Date you took TOEFL or MELAB or IELTS and scores you received. See Section B (for International a licants) for information on these English language proficiency exams.
Statement of Objectives
Please read i tructio carefully before you complete this form.
Please give your reaso for wishing to do graduate work in the field you have chosen. Prepare your statement of objectives and goals in whatever form clearly presents your views. Include as far as you can, your particular interests, be they experimental, theoretical, or i ue-oriented, and show how your background and MIT’s programs su ort these interests. The statement could be much like a proposal for graduate studies, in the more ecific con text of your profe ional objectives. You should set forth the i ues and problems you wish to addre . Explain your longer-term profe ional goals. The Admi io Committee will welcome any factors you wish to bring to its attention concerning your academic and work experience to date.
Type or print using black ink.
Use reverse side if nece ary or separate form.
Keep a copy for your file. You may also wish to provide copies to your evaluators before they complete their forms.
Return this form with the completed a lication to the a ropriate MIT department (see Book 1).
Personal Statement:
Attach a separate sheet stating your pla for graduate study and your profe ional career. List any academic honors, distinctio , scholarshi you have earned (including graduate a istantshi held), membershi in profe ional organizatio and any other pertinent profe ional activities. Be as ecific as po ible.
Statement of Purpose
Your statement of purpose is an important part of your a lication. Program admi io committees co ider them carefully in ranking a licants. Be as ecific as po ible about your research interests and qualificatio . If you have particular reaso for choosing Northwestern, be sure to indicate them. Indicate any awards or honors you may have earned, publicatio you may have authored or any pertinent research or work experience. This should be a 5,000 character document or about one-page long. If you use the on-line a lication, the statement is submitted electronically as part of the on-line a lication.
A licants using the paper a lication should submit TWO copies of this