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A History of Silicon Valley: The Greatest Creation of Wealth in the History of the Planet | |||
A History of Silicon Valley: The Greatest Creation of Wealth in the History of the Planet |
Arun Rao is a Californian investor. He has previously contributed articles to the Economist magazine on business issues and the financial markets. Arun has worked at three investment firms, two of which are in Silicon Valley. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and the UCLA Anderson School of Management. -- Piero Scaruffi has lived and worked in Silicon Valley since 1983, designing internet and artificial intelligence applications, originally at Olivetti's research labs. He has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University and a lecturer at UC Berkeley. In the 1990s he pioneered Internet journalism on his website Scaruffi.com. In 2006 the New York Times ran an interview with him titled "The Greatest Website of All Time." He is the author of 17 books on subjects ranging from music to cognitive science.
网友对A History of Silicon Valley: The Greatest Creation of Wealth in the History of the Planet的评论
This was an interesting book, a lot of misspellings and grammatical errors. There was one thing that they got glaringly wrong and that was that Shockley had founded Fairchild Semiconductor. Any geek historian will tell you this is wrong. The book also jumps around a lot.
very easy to read. lots of details and great reference book to silicon valley professionals and residents. i'll buy similar books in the future.
Perhaps the world's only compendium on the history of silicon valley, this book fires fact after fact at its reader.
While dry at parts, the author infuses his opinion into history. For example, he describes Facebook and Google as "parasites".
The author's tone often describes his conclusions as fact. When he noticeably misses his mark, he loses credibility.
The writing is weak, often jumbled. For example, there as a section title "Google vs. Apple. vs. Facebook vs. Amazon." The section does not mention Amazon once.
This one of the most interesting history books I have read in a long time. I have been researching how a clusters of applied technology business developed in Western Nevada County, which has strong connection to the Silicon Valley. The author may have missed some of those connections, specifically Charles Litton's contributions to the chip industry. The 2nd edition is up-to-date with current events, which is a nice feature in a history book. If your are at all interest in economic development in California, this is a must read. However, from my perspective our political leaders have stiffed the development environment that made Silicon Valley what it once was. Read the history and see what you think?
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