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The Bible of Options Strategies: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies (2nd Edition)

In The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition, legendary options trader Guy Cohen systematicall
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The Bible of Options Strategies: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies (2nd Edition) 去商家看看

The Bible of Options Strategies: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies (2nd Edition)

In The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition, legendary options trader Guy Cohen systematically presents today’s most effective strategies for trading options: how and why they work, when they're appropriate and inappropriate, and how to use each one responsibly and with confidence.


Updated throughout, this edition contains new chapters assessing the current options landscape, discussing margin collateral issues, and introducing Cohen’s exceptionally valuable OVI indicators.


The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition is practical from start to finish: modular, easy to navigate, and thoroughly cross-referenced, so you can find what you need fast, and act before your opportunity disappears. Cohen systematically covers every key area of options strategy: income strategies, volatility strategies, sideways market strategies, leveraged strategies, and synthetic strategies.


Even the most complex techniques are explained with unsurpassed clarity – making them accessible to any trader with even modest options experience. More than an incredible value, this is the definitive reference to contemporary options trading: the one book you need by your side whenever you trade. For all options traders with at least some experience.

网友对The Bible of Options Strategies: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies (2nd Edition)的评论

This book is great to have beside the computer to refer to while trading. Guy Cohen does a great job explaining the details of option spreads, when to use a certain spread, how to get in, getting out, selecting the stock, selecting the option along with advantages and disadvantages, it's all there. I have found this book very helpful in my option trading. He explains the Greeks and also an example at the end of each option description. There is how ever one negative aspect of this book, the author refers to his proprietary OVI indicator and the only way to get that is to subscribe to his web site, other than that the book is a wealth of information for options.

more for some who is already and option trader

Using as a reference source for new option strategies. Very well written and covers almost all option strategies. 400+ Pages.

I have bought several of Guy Cohen's options books. I decided to review this one although this review would apply to the others as well. I will not buy another. While the content is generally complete, accurate and well-organized, it's nothing you can't get for free all over the internet, so why pay the $30+ for it?

One thing that really bothers me about this book is that there are lines of useless text repeated over and over again throughout the book. For example, with each options strategy there is a section "Mitigating a Loss:", the advice is to "Unravel the trade as described previously." Or "Exiting the position:" the advice is to "...simply unravel the trade by buying back the options you sold...". It's these broad, over-simplified statements that are repeated over and over again and make up the majority of the book.

The examples provided are contrived and unrealistic. Every example involves the fictional "Stock ABCD". Using some real-life stocks and examples would add some context and credibility to the book.

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