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演讲的艺术2012(第10版)(中国版)(附CD-ROM光盘1张) [平装] | |||
演讲的艺术2012(第10版)(中国版)(附CD-ROM光盘1张) [平装] |
Not only will skills of English public speaking be crucialt0 your Personal success in a world shaped by globalization, they will be Vital to China's Success as it competes with Other nations of the world in the 21st century.
——Stephen E. Lucas
作者:(美国)斯蒂文?E.卢卡斯(Stephen E.Lucas)
1. Introduction to public speaking
CHAPTER 1 Speaking in Public
CHAPTER 2 Speaking Confidently and Ethically
CHAPTER 3 Giving Your First Speech
2.Speech preparation: getting started
CHAPTER 4 Selecting a Topic and a Purpose
CHAPTER 5 Analyzing the Audience
CHAPTER 6 Supporting Your Ideas
3.Speech preparation: organizing and outlining
CHAPTER 7 Organizing the Body of the Speech
CHAPTER 8 Beginning and Ending the Speech
CHAPTER 9 Outlining the Speech
4. Presenting the speech
CHAPTER 10 Using Language
CHAPTER 11 Delivering the Speech
CHAPTER 12 Using Visual Aids
5.Varieties of public speaking
CHAPTER 13 Speaking to Inform
CHAPTER 14 Speaking to Persuade
CHAPTER 15 Speaking on Special Occasions
CHAPTER 16 Speaking in Competitions
APPENDIX Speeches for Appreciation and Analysis
Whenever you quote someone directly, you must attribute the words to that person.Suppose you are giving a speech on Malcolm X, the famous African-American leader ofthe 1960s. While doing your research, you run across the following passage from BrucePerry's acclaimed biography, Malcolm: The Life of the Man Who Changed Black America:
Malcolm X fathered no legislation. He engineered no stunning Supreme Court victories orpolitical campaigns. He scored no major electoral triumphs. Yet because of the way he articulatedhis followers' grievances and anger, the impact he had upon the body politics was enormous.
This is a fine quotation that summarizes the nature and importance of Malcolm'simpact on American politics. It would make a strong addition to your speech——as longas you acknowledge Perry as the author. The way to avoid plagiarism in this instanceis to introduce Perry's statement by saying something like.
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