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The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers, Boost Your Sales [平装]

媒体推荐A powerful sales letter is the ultimate marketing tool. Yet, most sales letters end up getti
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The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers, Boost Your Sales [平装] 去商家看看
The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers, Boost Your Sales [平装] 去商家看看

The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers, Boost Your Sales [平装]


A powerful sales letter is the ultimate marketing tool. Yet, most sales letters end up getting tossed in the junk mail pile. The Ultimate Sales Letter, 3rd Edition shows readers how to write letters that get read, generate leads, and make money. This guide--now with fully revised and updated content--teaches readers a step-by-step system for writing sales letters any business can use--designed by one of the most successful and highly paid professional direct-response copywriters in the country.


Dan S. Kennedy has been writing sales letters for businesses for two decades. His newsletter The No B.S. Marketing Letter reaches a wide audience, and he speaks before thousands of people each year about techniques of selling and marketing.

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