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编程珠玑(英文版?第2版) [平装] | |||
编程珠玑(英文版?第2版) [平装] |
多年以来。当程序员们推选出最心爱的计算机图书时,《编程珠玑》总是位于前列。正如自然界里珍珠出自细沙对牡蛎的磨砺.计算机科学大师Jon Bentley以其独有的洞察力和创造力,从磨砺程序员的实际问题中凝结出一篇篇不朽的编程“珠玑”。这些文章是《ACM通讯》最受欢迎的专栏文章,最终结集为两部书出版。《编程珠玑(英文版·第2版)》为第一卷。主要讨论计算机科学中最本质的问题:如何正确选择和高效地实现算法。
——Steve McConnell,《代码大全》作者
作者:(美国)本特利(Jon Bentley)
本特利,Jon Bentley,1953年2月20日出生于美国加州长滩。1974年毕业于斯坦福大学数学系,1976年获北卡罗来纳大学博士学位。他先后任职于卡内基-梅隆大学(1976-1982)、贝尔实验室(1982-2001)和Avaya实验室(2001年至今)。在卡内基-梅隆大学任教期间。他培养了许多后来知名的计算机大家。包括Scribe的开发者Brian Reid,Tcl语言设计者John Ousterhout,Java专家Joshua Bloch,Java语言设计者James Gosling,《算法导论》作者之——Charles Leiserson。2004年荣获Dr. Dobb’s程序设计卓越奖。
Column 1: Cracking the Oyster
A Friendly Conversation·Precise Problem Statement·Program Design·Implementation Sketch·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 2: Aha! Algorithms
Three Problems·Ubiquitous Binary Search·The Power of Primitives·Getting It Together: Sorting·Principles·Problems·Further Reading·Implementing an Anagram Program
Column 3: Data Structures Programs
A Survey Program·Form-Letter Programming·An Array of Examples·Structuring Data·Powerful Tools for Specialized Data·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 4: Writing Correct Programs
The Challenge of Binary Search·Writing the Program·Understanding the Program·Principles·The Roles of Program Verification·Problems·Further Reading
Column 5: A Small Matter of Programming
From Pseudocode to C·A Test Harness·The Art of Assertion·Automated Testing·Timing·The Complete Program·Principles·Problems·Further Reading·Debugging
Column 6: Perspective on Performance
A Case Study·Design Levels·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 7: The Back of the Envelope
Basic Skills·Performance Estimates·Safety Factors·Little's Law·Principles·Problems·Further Reading·Quick Calculations in Everyday Life
Column 8: Algorithm Design Techniques
The Problem and a Simple Algorithm·Two Quadratic Algorithms·A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm·A Scanning Algorithm·What Does It Matter?·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 9: Code Tuning7
A Typical Story·A First Aid Sampler·Major Surgery——Binary Search·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 10: Squeezing Space
The KeySimplicity·An Illustrative Problem·Techniques for Data Space·Techniques for Code Space·Principles·Problems·Further Reading·A Big Squeeze
Column 11: Sorting 115
Insertion Sort·A Simple Quicksort·Better Quicksorts·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 12: A Sample Problem
The Problem·One Solution·The Design Space·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 13: Searching
The Interface·Linear Structures·Binary Search Trees·Structures for Integers·Principles·Problems·Further Reading·A Real Searching Problem
Column 14: Heaps
The Data Structure·Two Critical Functions·Priority Queues·A Sorting Algorithm·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Column 15: Strings of Pearls
Words·Phrases·Generating Text·Principles·Problems·Further Reading
Epilog to the First Edition
Epilog to the Second Edition
Appendix 1: A Catalog of Algorithms
Appendix 2: An Estimation Quiz
Appendix 3: Cost Models for Time and Space
Appendix 4: Rules for Code Tuning
Appendix 5: C++ Classes for Searching
Hints for Selected Problems
Solutions to Selected Problems
计算机编程有很多方面。Fred Brooks在《人月神话》一书中为我们描绘了全景,他的文章强调了管理在大型软件项目中所起的关键作用。而Steve McConnell在《代码大全》一书中更具体地传授了良好的编程风格。这两本书所讨论的是好软件的关键因素和专业程序员应有的特征。遗憾的是,仅仅熟练地运用这些可靠的工程原理,不见得一定能够如期完成软件并顺利运行。
Algorithm Tuning. The simple algorithm always uses small time steps to handle the rare case that two particles come close to one another. The tree data structure allows such pairs to be recognized and handled by a special function. That doubles the time step size and thereby halves the run time of the program.
Data Structure Reorganization. The tree that represents the initial set of objects is quite poor at representing later sets. Reconfiguring the data structure at each time step costs a little time, but reduces the number of local calculations and thereby halves the total run time.
Code Tuning. Due to additional numerical accuracy provided by the tree, 64-bitdouble-precision floating point numbers could be replaced by 32-bit single-precision numbers; that change halved the run time. Profiling the program showed that 98 percent of the run time was spent in one function; rewriting that code in assembly language increased its speed by a factor of 2.5.
Hard ware. After all the above changes, the program still required two days of time on a departmental machine that cost a quarter of a million dollars, and several runs of the program were desired. Appel therefore moved the program to a slightly more expensive machine equipped with a floating point accelerator, which halved its run time again.
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