基本信息·出版社:清华大学出版社 ·页码:201 页 ·出版日期:2008年12月 ·ISBN:7302188130/9787302188131 ·条形码:9787302188131 ·版本:第1版 · ...
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博士生入学考试英语词汇训练(修订版) |
博士生入学考试英语词汇训练(修订版) |
·页码:201 页
内容简介 《博士生入学考试英语词汇训练》(修订版)以国家教委研究生工作办公室颁布的《硕士、博士学位研究生英语教学大纲》词汇为基础,在《清华大学博士生入学考试词汇训练》的基础上适度扩充和修订而成,注重实践能力的培养,通过大量练习来提高考生对英语词汇的分析、判断和归纳等应试能力。既有按词性分项的单项训练,又有综合训练。练习形式以常见考试题型为主,配有详解。书后附“研究生英语词汇表”。
编辑推荐 《博士生入学考试英语词汇训练》(修订版)适用于报考全国各高校博士生入学考试的考生,能够有效帮助考生克服词汇难关,顺利通过考试。
目录 1 动词
Verb Exercise1
Verb Exercise2
Verb Exercise3
Verb Exercise4
Verb Exercise5
Verb Exercise6
Verb Exercise7
Verb Exercise8
Verb Exercise9
Verb Exercise10
2 名词
Noun Exercise1
Noun Exercise2
Noun Exercise3
Noun Exercise4
Noun Exercise5
Noun Exercise6
Noun Exercise7
Noun Exercise8
Noun Exercise9
Noun Exercise10
3 形容词
Adjective Exercise1
Adjective Exercise2
Adjective Exercise3
Adjective Exercise4
Adjective Exercise5
Adjective Exercise6
Adjective Exercise7
Adjective Exercise8
Adjective Exercise9
Adjective Exercise10
4 副词
Adverb Exercise1
Adverb Exercise2
Adverb Exercise3
Adverb Exercise4
Adverb Exercise5
5 介词
Preposition Exercise1
Preposition Exercise2
Preposition Exercise3
Preposition Exercise4
Preposition Exercise5
6 连词
Conjunction Exercise1
Conjunction Exercise2
Conjunction Exercise3
Conjunction Exercise4
7 综合训练
Vocabulary Test1
Vocabulary Test2
Vocabulary Test3
Vocabulary Test4
Vocabulary Test5
8 简要题解
9 答案
10 研究生英语词汇表
序言 博士研究生教育是我国高等教育的最高阶段,是培养高层次专门人才的重要途径。攻读博士学位者,一方面应具备扎实的专业知识和很强的科研能力,另一方面还应具备相当的外语水平。英语是博士研究生入学考试中的一门重要课程,其成绩在一定程度上直接影响考生能否被录取;在专业成绩相差无几的情况下,英语成绩更是能否被录取的关键。而词汇则可以说是关键之中的关键。
文摘 7. Did you behold what a beautiful sight it is over there behind the mountain?
A. notice B. preface C. mystify D. endow
8. Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors.
A. opposed B. abandoned C. presented D. overflowed
9. The committee' s report fully endorsed the government' s proposals.
A. denied B. encountered C. supported D. endowed
10. The patient got so afraid that he firmly clenched the arms of the dentist' s chair.
A. enchanted B. pressed C. touched D. grasped
11. The retiring professor made important achievements in research and was exalted by his colleagues.
A. praised B. fascinated C. evaluated D. examined
12. Good secretarial skills should enhance your chances of getting a job.
A. restore B. heighten C. entreat D. resign
13. The two copper mining companies will be merged soon so as to become more competitive at the world market.
A. operated B. combined C. reorganized D. bankrupted
14. People jammed the streets, and no cars could pass.
A. notarized B. departed C. relieved D. crowded
15. The teacher illustrated his lesson about France with photographs of the people who live there.
A. protected B. indicated C. explained D. instructed
16. The function of ears in hearing is to convert the sound waves to nerve impulse.
A. change B. prove C. manufacture D. prevent
17. The engineer devised an instrument to measure light waves.
A. researched B. studied C. devoured D. invented
18. The computer can be programmed to list all the French words in the dictionary.
A. adjusted B. followed C. ordered D. attracted
19. We're working fast to try and make up for lost time.
A. console B. comp