The boy and Assantant’ talk
The boy :This rideo is best,I like it very much! How
这个男孩 :这个收音机真棒! 我非常喜欢它! 它
much is it?
Assistant:It’s need costs ninety Yuan.
售货员 :它需要花九十元钱。
The boy :Oh,no! It’s very expensive.
这个男孩 :哦,不!它太贵了。
Assistant:Yes.It’s the most expensive in shop.
售货员 :是的。它是店里最贵的。
The boy :Sorry,I can’t buy it. Because I’m a student.
这个男孩 :对不起,我不能买它。 因为我还是个学生。
Assistant:You’re welcome. You can have a look the model
售货员 :没有关系。 你还可以看看这一款收音机。
rideo. The model rideo less expensive that
model rideo. It’s need costs seventy yuan.
The boy :But,I feel it expensive, too.
这个男孩 :但是,我还是觉得它有些贵。
Assistant:And this model rideo, it only need costs fifty
售货员 :还有这款收音机, 它仅仅需要五十
yuan. It’s the lest expensive in the shop.
The boy :OK! I buy it!
这个男孩 :好!我就买它了!
Assistant:Thank you. Welcome next in the shop!
售货员 :谢谢。 欢迎下次光临本店!