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i’m growing up with my motherlandthe motherland 60


i’m growing up with my motherland

the motherland 60th anniversary is coming up in a few days. three generations of people testimony motherland growth. under the leadership of the communist party and the guidance of marxim-lenninism and maozedong thought, dengxiaoping theory and the important thought of the “three represents,” the chinese people of all ethnic groups will continue to adhere to people’s democratic dictatorship and the socialist legal system, work hard and self-reliantly to modernize the сountry’s industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology step by step, and promote a coordinated development of material, political and spiritual civilizations to turn china into a socialist сountry that is prosperous, powerful, democratic and culturally advanced.

in the past 60 years, significant advances have been made in educational, scientific, cultural and other undertakings, and education in socialist ideology has produced noteworthy results.

from the elementary school, the junior middle school to the high school, my smooth growth benefits from the development of the motherland education. i started from the elementary school to study english, which became the modern citizen for us to provide the advantage

motherland this 60 years, occurred could not say that the story, arrogant, the magnificent story followed the motherland 60 years to depart. believed that the motherland the future will also have some difficulties and the setback, but, they will not baffle china, because, the motherland magnificent already passed, the motherland future will belong to us!

祖国伴我成长 郑倩 1700字

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