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字符串String操作类/*?* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more?* contrib



?* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

?* contributor license agreements. ?See the NOTICE file distributed with

?* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

?* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

?* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

?* the License. ?You may obtain a copy of the License at


?* ? ? ?http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


?* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

?* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


?* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

?* limitations under the License.


package com.core.util;



?* <p>Operations on {@link java.lang.String} that are

?* <code>null</code> safe.</p>


?* <ul>

?* ?<li><b>IsEmpty/IsBlank</b>

?* ? ? ?- checks if a String contains text</li>

?* ?<li><b>Trim/Strip</b>

?* ? ? ?- removes leading and trailing whitespace</li>

?* ?<li><b>Equals</b>

?* ? ? ?- compares two strings null-safe</li>

?* ?<li><b>startsWith</b>

?* ? ? ?- check if a String starts with a prefix null-safe</li>

?* ?<li><b>endsWith</b>

?* ? ? ?- check if a String ends with a suffix null-safe</li>

?* ?<li><b>IndexOf/LastIndexOf/Contains</b>

?* ? ? ?- null-safe index-of checks

?* ?<li><b>IndexOfAny/LastIndexOfAny/IndexOfAnyBut/LastIndexOfAnyBut</b>

?* ? ? ?- index-of any of a set of Strings</li>

?* ?<li><b>ContainsOnly/ContainsNone/ContainsAny</b>

?* ? ? ?- does String contains only/none/any of these characters</li>

?* ?<li><b>Substring/Left/Right/Mid</b>

?* ? ? ?- null-safe substring extractions</li>

?* ?<li><b>SubstringBefore/SubstringAfter/SubstringBetween</b>

?* ? ? ?- substring extraction relative to other strings</li>

?* ?<li><b>Split/Join</b>

?* ? ? ?- splits a String into an array of substrings and vice versa</li>

?* ?<li><b>Remove/Delete</b>

?* ? ? ?- removes part of a String</li>

?* ?<li><b>Replace/Overlay</b>

?* ? ? ?- Searches a String and replaces one String with another</li>

?* ?<li><b>Chomp/Chop</b>

?* ? ? ?- removes the last part of a String</li>

?* ?<li><b>LeftPad/RightPad/Center/Repeat</b>

?* ? ? ?- pads a String</li>

?* ?<li><b>UpperCase/LowerCase/SwapCase/Capitalize/Uncapitalize</b>

?* ? ? ?- changes the case of a String</li>

?* ?<li><b>CountMatches</b>

?* ? ? ?- counts the number of occurrences of one String in another</li>

?* ?<li><b>IsAlpha/IsNumeric/IsWhitespace/IsAsciiPrintable</b>

?* ? ? ?- checks the characters in a String</li>

?* ?<li><b>DefaultString</b>

?* ? ? ?- protects against a null input String</li>

?* ?<li><b>Reverse/ReverseDelimited</b>

?* ? ? ?- reverses a String</li>

?* ?<li><b>Abbreviate</b>

?* ? ? ?- abbreviates a string using ellipsis</li>

?* ?<li><b>Difference</b>

?* ? ? ?- compares Strings and reports on their differences</li>

?* ?<li><b>LevensteinDistance</b>

?* ? ? ?- the number of changes needed to change one String into another</li>

?* </ul>


?* <p>The <code>StringUtils</code> class defines certain words related to

?* String handling.</p>


?* <ul>

?* ?<li>null - <code>null</code></li>

?* ?<li>empty - a zero-length string (<code>""</code>)</li>

?* ?<li>space - the space character (<code>' '</code>, char 32)</li>

?* ?<li>whitespace - the characters defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}</li>

?* ?<li>trim - the characters &lt;= 32 as in {@link String#trim()}</li>

?* </ul>


?* <p><code>StringUtils</code> handles <code>null</code> input Strings quietly.

?* That is to say that a <code>null</code> input will return <code>null</code>.

?* Where a <code>boolean</code> or <code>int</code> is being returned

?* details vary by method.</p>


?* <p>A side effect of the <code>null</code> handling is that a

?* <code>NullPointerException</code> should be considered a bug in

?* <code>StringUtils</code> (except for deprecated methods).</p>


?* <p>Methods in this class give sample code to explain their operation.

?* The symbol <code>*</code> is used to indicate any input including <code>null</code>.</p>


?* @see java.lang.String

?* @author <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/">Apache Jakarta Turbine</a>

?* @author <a href="mailto:jon@latchkey.com">Jon S. Stevens</a>

?* @author Daniel L. Rall

?* @author <a href="mailto:gcoladonato@yahoo.com">Greg Coladonato</a>

?* @author <a href="mailto:ed@apache.org">Ed Korthof</a>

?* @author <a href="mailto:rand_mcneely@yahoo.com">Rand McNeely</a>

?* @author Stephen Colebourne

?* @author <a href="mailto:fredrik@westermarck.com">Fredrik Westermarck</a>

?* @author Holger Krauth

?* @author <a href="mailto:alex@purpletech.com">Alexander Day Chaffee</a>

?* @author <a href="mailto:hps@intermeta.de">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</a>

?* @author Arun Mammen Thomas

?* @author Gary Gregory

?* @author Phil Steitz

?* @author Al Chou

?* @author Michael Davey

?* @author Reuben Sivan

?* @author Chris Hyzer

?* @author Scott Johnson

?* @since 1.0

?* @version $Id: StringUtils.java 635447 2008-03-10 06:27:09Z bayard $


public class StringUtil {

? ? // Performance testing notes (JDK 1.4, Jul03, scolebourne)

? ? // Whitespace:

? ? // Character.isWhitespace() is faster than WHITESPACE.indexOf()

? ? // where WHITESPACE is a string of all whitespace characters

? ? //

? ? // Character access:

? ? // String.charAt(n) versus toCharArray(), then array[n]

? ? // String.charAt(n) is about 15% worse for a 10K string

? ? // They are about equal for a length 50 string

? ? // String.charAt(n) is about 4 times better for a length 3 string

? ? // String.charAt(n) is best bet overall

? ? //

? ? // Append:

? ? // String.concat about twice as fast as StringBuffer.append

? ? // (not sure who tested this)


? ? /**

? ? ?* The empty String <code>""</code>.

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static final String EMPTY = "";


? ? /**

? ? ?* Represents a failed index search.

? ? ?* @since 2.1

? ? ?*/

? ? public static final int INDEX_NOT_FOUND = -1;


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>The maximum size to which the padding constant(s) can expand.</p>

? ? ?*/

? ? private static final int PAD_LIMIT = 8192;


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p><code>StringUtils</code> instances should NOT be constructed in

? ? ?* standard programming. Instead, the class should be used as

? ? ?* <code>StringUtils.trim(" foo ");</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean

? ? ?* instance to operate.</p>

? ? ?*/

? ? public StringUtil() {

? ? ? ? super();

? ? }


? ? // Empty checks

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if a String is empty ("") or null.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isEmpty(null) ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isEmpty("") ? ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isEmpty(" ") ? ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isEmpty("bob") ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isEmpty(" ?bob ?") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0.

? ? ?* It no longer trims the String.

? ? ?* That functionality is available in isBlank().</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String is empty or null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isEmpty(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null || str.length() == 0;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if a String is not empty ("") and not null.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotEmpty(null) ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotEmpty("") ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotEmpty(" ") ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotEmpty("bob") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotEmpty(" ?bob ?") = true

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String is not empty and not null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isNotEmpty(String str) {

? ? ? ? return !StringUtil.isEmpty(str);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isBlank(null) ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isBlank("") ? ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isBlank(" ") ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isBlank("bob") ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isBlank(" ?bob ?") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String is null, empty or whitespace

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isBlank(String str) {

? ? ? ? int strLen;

? ? ? ? if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return true;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if ((Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i)) == false)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if a String is not empty (""), not null and not whitespace only.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotBlank(null) ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotBlank("") ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotBlank(" ") ? ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotBlank("bob") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNotBlank(" ?bob ?") = true

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String is

? ? ?* ?not empty and not null and not whitespace

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isNotBlank(String str) {

? ? ? ? return !StringUtil.isBlank(str);

? ? }


? ? // Trim

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes control characters (char &lt;= 32) from both

? ? ?* ends of this String, handling <code>null</code> by returning

? ? ?* an empty String ("").</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.clean(null) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.clean("") ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.clean("abc") ? ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.clean(" ? ?abc ? ?") = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.clean(" ? ? ") ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#trim()

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to clean, may be null

? ? ?* @return the trimmed text, never <code>null</code>

? ? ?* @deprecated Use the clearer named {@link #trimToEmpty(String)}.

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String clean(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? EMPTY : str.trim();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes control characters (char &lt;= 32) from both

? ? ?* ends of this String, handling <code>null</code> by returning

? ? ?* <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is trimmed using {@link String#trim()}.

? ? ?* Trim removes start and end characters &lt;= 32.

? ? ?* To strip whitespace use {@link #strip(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>To trim your choice of characters, use the

? ? ?* {@link #strip(String, String)} methods.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.trim(null) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.trim("") ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.trim(" ? ? ") ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.trim("abc") ? ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.trim(" ? ?abc ? ?") = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to be trimmed, may be null

? ? ?* @return the trimmed string, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String trim(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? null : str.trim();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes control characters (char &lt;= 32) from both

? ? ?* ends of this String returning <code>null</code> if the String is

? ? ?* empty ("") after the trim or if it is <code>null</code>.

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is trimmed using {@link String#trim()}.

? ? ?* Trim removes start and end characters &lt;= 32.

? ? ?* To strip whitespace use {@link #stripToNull(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToNull(null) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToNull("") ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToNull(" ? ? ") ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToNull("abc") ? ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToNull(" ? ?abc ? ?") = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to be trimmed, may be null

? ? ?* @return the trimmed String,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if only chars &lt;= 32, empty or null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String trimToNull(String str) {

? ? ? ? String ts = trim(str);

? ? ? ? return isEmpty(ts) ? null : ts;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes control characters (char &lt;= 32) from both

? ? ?* ends of this String returning an empty String ("") if the String

? ? ?* is empty ("") after the trim or if it is <code>null</code>.

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is trimmed using {@link String#trim()}.

? ? ?* Trim removes start and end characters &lt;= 32.

? ? ?* To strip whitespace use {@link #stripToEmpty(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToEmpty(null) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToEmpty("") ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToEmpty(" ? ? ") ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToEmpty("abc") ? ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.trimToEmpty(" ? ?abc ? ?") = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to be trimmed, may be null

? ? ?* @return the trimmed String, or an empty String if <code>null</code> input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String trimToEmpty(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? EMPTY : str.trim();

? ? }


? ? // Stripping

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>This is similar to {@link #trim(String)} but removes whitespace.

? ? ?* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(null) ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip("") ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" ? ") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip("abc") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" ?abc") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip("abc ?") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" abc ") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" ab c ") = "ab c"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to remove whitespace from, may be null

? ? ?* @return the stripped String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String strip(String str) {

? ? ? ? return strip(str, null);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String ?returning

? ? ?* <code>null</code> if the String is empty ("") after the strip.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>This is similar to {@link #trimToNull(String)} but removes whitespace.

? ? ?* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull(null) ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull("") ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull(" ? ") ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull("abc") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull(" ?abc") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull("abc ?") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull(" abc ") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToNull(" ab c ") = "ab c"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to be stripped, may be null

? ? ?* @return the stripped String,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if whitespace, empty or null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String stripToNull(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? str = strip(str, null);

? ? ? ? return str.length() == 0 ? null : str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String ?returning

? ? ?* an empty String if <code>null</code> input.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>This is similar to {@link #trimToEmpty(String)} but removes whitespace.

? ? ?* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty(null) ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty("") ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" ? ") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty("abc") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" ?abc") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty("abc ?") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" abc ") ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripToEmpty(" ab c ") = "ab c"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to be stripped, may be null

? ? ?* @return the trimmed String, or an empty String if <code>null</code> input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String stripToEmpty(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? EMPTY : strip(str, null);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of a String.

? ? ?* This is similar to {@link String#trim()} but allows the characters

? ? ?* to be stripped to be controlled.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty string ("") input returns the empty string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If the stripChars String is <code>null</code>, whitespace is

? ? ?* stripped as defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.

? ? ?* Alternatively use {@link #strip(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip("", *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip("abc", null) ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" ?abc", null) ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip("abc ?", null) ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" abc ", null) ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.strip(" ?abcyx", "xyz") = " ?abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to remove characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param stripChars ?the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace

? ? ?* @return the stripped String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String strip(String str, String stripChars) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? str = stripStart(str, stripChars);

? ? ? ? return stripEnd(str, stripChars);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips any of a set of characters from the start of a String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty string ("") input returns the empty string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If the stripChars String is <code>null</code>, whitespace is

? ? ?* stripped as defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart(null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart("", *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart("abc", "") ? ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart("abc", null) ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart(" ?abc", null) ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart("abc ?", null) ? ?= "abc ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart(" abc ", null) ? ?= "abc "

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripStart("yxabc ?", "xyz") = "abc ?"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to remove characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param stripChars ?the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace

? ? ?* @return the stripped String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String stripStart(String str, String stripChars) {

? ? ? ? int strLen;

? ? ? ? if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int start = 0;

? ? ? ? if (stripChars == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? while ((start != strLen) && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(start))) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? start++;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? } else if (stripChars.length() == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? while ((start != strLen) && (stripChars.indexOf(str.charAt(start)) != -1)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? start++;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(start);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips any of a set of characters from the end of a String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty string ("") input returns the empty string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If the stripChars String is <code>null</code>, whitespace is

? ? ?* stripped as defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd(null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd("", *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd("abc", "") ? ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd("abc", null) ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd(" ?abc", null) ? ?= " ?abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd("abc ?", null) ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd(" abc ", null) ? ?= " abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripEnd(" ?abcyx", "xyz") = " ?abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to remove characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param stripChars ?the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace

? ? ?* @return the stripped String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String stripEnd(String str, String stripChars) {

? ? ? ? int end;

? ? ? ? if (str == null || (end = str.length()) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (stripChars == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? while ((end != 0) && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(end - 1))) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? end--;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? } else if (stripChars.length() == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? while ((end != 0) && (stripChars.indexOf(str.charAt(end - 1)) != -1)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? end--;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, end);

? ? }


? ? // StripAll

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips whitespace from the start and end of every String in an array.

? ? ?* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A new array is returned each time, except for length zero.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> array will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty array will return itself.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> array entry will be ignored.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(null) ? ? ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll([]) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = []

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(["abc", " ?abc"]) = ["abc", "abc"]

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(["abc ?", null]) ?= ["abc", null]

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param strs ?the array to remove whitespace from, may be null

? ? ?* @return the stripped Strings, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String[] stripAll(String[] strs) {

? ? ? ? return stripAll(strs, null);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of every

? ? ?* String in an array.</p>

? ? ?* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A new array is returned each time, except for length zero.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> array will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty array will return itself.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> array entry will be ignored.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> stripChars will strip whitespace as defined by

? ? ?* {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll([], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= []

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(["abc", " ?abc"], null) = ["abc", "abc"]

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(["abc ?", null], null) ?= ["abc", null]

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(["abc ?", null], "yz") ?= ["abc ?", null]

? ? ?* StringUtils.stripAll(["yabcz", null], "yz") ?= ["abc", null]

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param strs ?the array to remove characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param stripChars ?the characters to remove, null treated as whitespace

? ? ?* @return the stripped Strings, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String[] stripAll(String[] strs, String stripChars) {

? ? ? ? int strsLen;

? ? ? ? if (strs == null || (strsLen = strs.length) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return strs;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? String[] newArr = new String[strsLen];

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < strsLen; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? newArr[i] = strip(strs[i], stripChars);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return newArr;

? ? }


? ? // Equals

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Compares two Strings, returning <code>true</code> if they are equal.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code>s are handled without exceptions. Two <code>null</code>

? ? ?* references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.equals(null, null) ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.equals(null, "abc") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.equals("abc", null) ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.equals("abc", "abc") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.equals("abc", "ABC") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#equals(Object)

? ? ?* @param str1 ?the first String, may be null

? ? ?* @param str2 ?the second String, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the Strings are equal, case sensitive, or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean equals(String str1, String str2) {

? ? ? ? return str1 == null ? str2 == null : str1.equals(str2);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Compares two Strings, returning <code>true</code> if they are equal ignoring

? ? ?* the case.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code>s are handled without exceptions. Two <code>null</code>

? ? ?* references are considered equal. Comparison is case insensitive.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, null) ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, "abc") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", null) ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "abc") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC") = true

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#equalsIgnoreCase(String)

? ? ?* @param str1 ?the first String, may be null

? ? ?* @param str2 ?the second String, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the Strings are equal, case insensitive, or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str1, String str2) {

? ? ? ? return str1 == null ? str2 == null : str1.equalsIgnoreCase(str2);

? ? }


? ? // IndexOf

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the first index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> or empty ("") String will return <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf(null, *) ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("", *) ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'a') = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b') = 2

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChar ?the character to find

? ? ?* @return the first index of the search character,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOf(String str, char searchChar) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.indexOf(searchChar);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the first index within a String from a start position,

? ? ?* handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(int, int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> or empty ("") String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A negative start position is treated as zero.

? ? ?* A start position greater than the string length returns <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("", *, *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 0) ?= 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 3) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 9) ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', -1) = 2

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChar ?the character to find

? ? ?* @param startPos ?the start position, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @return the first index of the search character,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOf(String str, char searchChar, int startPos) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.indexOf(searchChar, startPos);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the first index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf(null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf(*, null) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("", "") ? ? ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "a") ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b") ?= 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "ab") = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "") ? = 0

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return the first index of the search String,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOf(String str, String searchStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.indexOf(searchStr);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the n-th index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(*, null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("", "", *) ? ? ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 1) ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 2) ?= 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 1) ?= 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 2) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 1) = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 2) = 4

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 1) ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2) ? = 0

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @param ordinal ?the n-th <code>searchStr</code> to find

? ? ?* @return the n-th index of the search String,

? ? ?* ?<code>-1</code> (<code>INDEX_NOT_FOUND</code>) if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.1

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int ordinalIndexOf(String str, String searchStr, int ordinal) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null || ordinal <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (searchStr.length() == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int found = 0;

? ? ? ? int index = INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

? ? ? ? do {

? ? ? ? ? ? index = str.indexOf(searchStr, index + 1);

? ? ? ? ? ? if (index < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return index;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? found++;

? ? ? ? } while (found < ordinal);

? ? ? ? return index;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the first index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(String, int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A negative start position is treated as zero.

? ? ?* An empty ("") search String always matches.

? ? ?* A start position greater than the string length only matches

? ? ?* an empty search String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf(*, null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("", "", 0) ? ? ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 0) ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 0) ?= 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 0) = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 3) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 9) ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "b", -1) = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("aabaabaa", "", 2) ? = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOf("abc", "", 9) ? ? ? ?= 3

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @param startPos ?the start position, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @return the first index of the search String,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOf(String str, String searchStr, int startPos) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? // JDK1.2/JDK1.3 have a bug, when startPos > str.length for "", hence

? ? ? ? if (searchStr.length() == 0 && startPos >= str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.length();

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.indexOf(searchStr, startPos);

? ? }


? ? // LastIndexOf

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the last index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#lastIndexOf(int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> or empty ("") String will return <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *) ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", *) ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'a') = 7

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b') = 5

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChar ?the character to find

? ? ?* @return the last index of the search character,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int lastIndexOf(String str, char searchChar) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.lastIndexOf(searchChar);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the last index within a String from a start position,

? ? ?* handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#lastIndexOf(int, int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> or empty ("") String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A negative start position returns <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A start position greater than the string length searches the whole string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", *, ?*) ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 8) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 4) ?= 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 0) ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', 9) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'b', -1) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", 'a', 0) ?= 0

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChar ?the character to find

? ? ?* @param startPos ?the start position

? ? ?* @return the last index of the search character,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int lastIndexOf(String str, char searchChar, int startPos) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.lastIndexOf(searchChar, startPos);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the last index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#lastIndexOf(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf(*, null) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("", "") ? ? ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a") ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b") ?= 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab") = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "") ? = 8

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return the last index of the search String,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int lastIndexOf(String str, String searchStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.lastIndexOf(searchStr);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Finds the first index within a String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#lastIndexOf(String, int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A negative start position returns <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") search String always matches unless the start position is negative.

? ? ?* A start position greater than the string length searches the whole string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf(*, null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 8) ?= 7

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 8) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "ab", 8) = 4

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 9) ?= 5

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", -1) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "a", 0) ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOf("aabaabaa", "b", 0) ?= -1

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @param startPos ?the start position, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @return the first index of the search String,

? ? ?* ?-1 if no match or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int lastIndexOf(String str, String searchStr, int startPos) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.lastIndexOf(searchStr, startPos);

? ? }


? ? // Contains

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if String contains a search character, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(int)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> or empty ("") String will return <code>false</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains(null, *) ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("", *) ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", 'a') = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", 'z') = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChar ?the character to find

? ? ?* @return true if the String contains the search character,

? ? ?* ?false if not or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean contains(String str, char searchChar) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.indexOf(searchChar) >= 0;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if String contains a search String, handling <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#indexOf(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>false</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains(null, *) ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains(*, null) ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("", "") ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "") ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "a") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "z") ?= false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return true if the String contains the search String,

? ? ?* ?false if not or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean contains(String str, String searchStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.indexOf(searchStr) >= 0;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if String contains a search String irrespective of case,

? ? ?* handling <code>null</code>. This method uses

? ? ?* {@link #contains(String, String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>false</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains(null, *) = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains(*, null) = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("", "") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "a") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "z") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "A") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.contains("abc", "Z") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStr ?the String to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return true if the String contains the search String irrespective of

? ? ?* case or false if not or <code>null</code> string input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String str, String searchStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || searchStr == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return contains(str.toUpperCase(), searchStr.toUpperCase());

? ? }


? ? // ContainsAny

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains any character in the given

? ? ?* set of characters.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> or zero length search array will return <code>false</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("", *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny(*, null) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny(*, []) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx",['z','a']) = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx",['b','y']) = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("aba", ['z']) ? ? ? ? ? = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChars ?the chars to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the <code>true</code> if any of the chars are found,

? ? ?* <code>false</code> if no match or null input

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean containsAny(String str, char[] searchChars) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || str.length() == 0 || searchChars == null || searchChars.length == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? char ch = str.charAt(i);

? ? ? ? ? ? for (int j = 0; j < searchChars.length; j++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (searchChars[j] == ch) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return true;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return false;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> String will return <code>false</code>. A <code>null</code> search string will return

? ? ?* <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("", *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny(*, null) ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny(*, "") ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx", "za") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("zzabyycdxx", "by") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsAny("aba","z") ? ? ? ? ?= false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* @param str

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChars

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the chars to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the <code>true</code> if any of the chars are found, <code>false</code> if no match or null input

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean containsAny(String str, String searchChars) {

? ? ? ? if (searchChars == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return containsAny(str, searchChars.toCharArray());

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Search a String to find the first index of any

? ? ?* character not in the given set of characters.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search string will return <code>-1</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("", *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, null) ? ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(*, "") ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", "za") = 3

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("zzabyycdxx", "") ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut("aba","ab") ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChars ?the chars to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the index of any of the chars, -1 if no match or null input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOfAnyBut(String str, String searchChars) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(searchChars)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (searchChars.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return i;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? }


? ? // ContainsNone

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks that the String does not contain certain characters.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>true</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> invalid character array will return <code>true</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") always returns true.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone(null, *) ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone(*, null) ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("", *) ? ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("ab", '') ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("abab", 'xyz') = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("ab1", 'xyz') ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("abz", 'xyz') ?= false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param invalidChars ?an array of invalid chars, may be null

? ? ?* @return true if it contains none of the invalid chars, or is null

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean containsNone(String str, char[] invalidChars) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || invalidChars == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return true;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int strSize = str.length();

? ? ? ? int validSize = invalidChars.length;

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < strSize; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? char ch = str.charAt(i);

? ? ? ? ? ? for (int j = 0; j < validSize; j++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (invalidChars[j] == ch) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks that the String does not contain certain characters.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>true</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> invalid character array will return <code>true</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") always returns true.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone(null, *) ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone(*, null) ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("", *) ? ? ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("ab", "") ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("abab", "xyz") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("ab1", "xyz") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.containsNone("abz", "xyz") ?= false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param invalidChars ?a String of invalid chars, may be null

? ? ?* @return true if it contains none of the invalid chars, or is null

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean containsNone(String str, String invalidChars) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || invalidChars == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return true;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return containsNone(str, invalidChars.toCharArray());

? ? }


? ? // IndexOfAny strings

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Find the first index of any of a set of potential substrings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> or zero length search array will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search array entry will be ignored, but a search

? ? ?* array containing "" will return <code>0</code> if <code>str</code> is not

? ? ?* null. This method uses {@link String#indexOf(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, []) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["ab","cd"]) ? = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["cd","ab"]) ? = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["zab","aby"]) = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", [""]) ? ? ? ? ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("", [""]) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfAny("", ["a"]) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStrs ?the Strings to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the first index of any of the searchStrs in str, -1 if no match

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOfAny(String str, String[] searchStrs) {

? ? ? ? if ((str == null) || (searchStrs == null)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = searchStrs.length;


? ? ? ? // String's can't have a MAX_VALUEth index.

? ? ? ? int ret = Integer.MAX_VALUE;


? ? ? ? int tmp = 0;

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? String search = searchStrs[i];

? ? ? ? ? ? if (search == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continue;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? tmp = str.indexOf(search);

? ? ? ? ? ? if (tmp == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continue;

? ? ? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? ? ? if (tmp < ret) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ret = tmp;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? return (ret == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? -1 : ret;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Find the latest index of any of a set of potential substrings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search array will return <code>-1</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> or zero length search array entry will be ignored,

? ? ?* but a search array containing "" will return the length of <code>str</code>

? ? ?* if <code>str</code> is not null. This method uses {@link String#indexOf(String)}</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, null) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, []) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(*, [null]) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["ab","cd"]) = 6

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["cd","ab"]) = 6

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn","op"]) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny("zzabyycdxx", ["mn",""]) ? = 10

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchStrs ?the Strings to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the last index of any of the Strings, -1 if no match

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int lastIndexOfAny(String str, String[] searchStrs) {

? ? ? ? if ((str == null) || (searchStrs == null)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = searchStrs.length;

? ? ? ? int ret = -1;

? ? ? ? int tmp = 0;

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? String search = searchStrs[i];

? ? ? ? ? ? if (search == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continue;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? tmp = str.lastIndexOf(search);

? ? ? ? ? ? if (tmp > ret) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ret = tmp;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return ret;

? ? }


? ? // Substring

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A negative start position can be used to start <code>n</code>

? ? ?* characters from the end of the String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") String will return "".</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring(null, *) ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("", *) ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 0) ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 2) ?= "c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 4) ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", -2) = "bc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", -4) = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get the substring from, may be null

? ? ?* @param start ?the position to start from, negative means

? ? ?* ?count back from the end of the String by this many characters

? ? ?* @return substring from start position, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substring(String str, int start) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // handle negatives, which means last n characters

? ? ? ? if (start < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? start = str.length() + start; // remember start is negative

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (start < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? start = 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (start > str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? return str.substring(start);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A negative start position can be used to start/end <code>n</code>

? ? ?* characters from the end of the String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The returned substring starts with the character in the <code>start</code>

? ? ?* position and ends before the <code>end</code> position. All position counting is

? ? ?* zero-based -- i.e., to start at the beginning of the string use

? ? ?* <code>start = 0</code>. Negative start and end positions can be used to

? ? ?* specify offsets relative to the end of the String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If <code>start</code> is not strictly to the left of <code>end</code>, ""

? ? ?* is returned.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring(null, *, *) ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("", * , ?*) ? ?= "";

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 0, 2) ? = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 0) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 4) ? = "c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 4, 6) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", 2, 2) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", -2, -1) = "b"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substring("abc", -4, 2) ?= "ab"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get the substring from, may be null

? ? ?* @param start ?the position to start from, negative means

? ? ?* ?count back from the end of the String by this many characters

? ? ?* @param end ?the position to end at (exclusive), negative means

? ? ?* ?count back from the end of the String by this many characters

? ? ?* @return substring from start position to end positon,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substring(String str, int start, int end) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // handle negatives

? ? ? ? if (end < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? end = str.length() + end; // remember end is negative

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (start < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? start = str.length() + start; // remember start is negative

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // check length next

? ? ? ? if (end > str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? end = str.length();

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // if start is greater than end, return ""

? ? ? ? if (start > end) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (start < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? start = 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (end < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? end = 0;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? return str.substring(start, end);

? ? }


? ? // Left/Right/Mid

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the leftmost <code>len</code> characters of a String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If <code>len</code> characters are not available, or the

? ? ?* String is <code>null</code>, the String will be returned without

? ? ?* an exception. An exception is thrown if len is negative.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.left(null, *) ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.left(*, -ve) ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.left("", *) ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.left("abc", 0) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.left("abc", 2) ? = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.left("abc", 4) ? = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get the leftmost characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param len ?the length of the required String, must be zero or positive

? ? ?* @return the leftmost characters, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String left(String str, int len) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (len < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.length() <= len) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, len);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the rightmost <code>len</code> characters of a String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If <code>len</code> characters are not available, or the String

? ? ?* is <code>null</code>, the String will be returned without an

? ? ?* an exception. An exception is thrown if len is negative.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.right(null, *) ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.right(*, -ve) ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.right("", *) ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.right("abc", 0) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.right("abc", 2) ? = "bc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.right("abc", 4) ? = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get the rightmost characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param len ?the length of the required String, must be zero or positive

? ? ?* @return the rightmost characters, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String right(String str, int len) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (len < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.length() <= len) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(str.length() - len);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets <code>len</code> characters from the middle of a String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If <code>len</code> characters are not available, the remainder

? ? ?* of the String will be returned without an exception. If the

? ? ?* String is <code>null</code>, <code>null</code> will be returned.

? ? ?* An exception is thrown if len is negative.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid(null, *, *) ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid(*, *, -ve) ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid("", 0, *) ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid("abc", 0, 2) ? = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid("abc", 0, 4) ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid("abc", 2, 4) ? = "c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid("abc", 4, 2) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.mid("abc", -2, 2) ?= "ab"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get the characters from, may be null

? ? ?* @param pos ?the position to start from, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @param len ?the length of the required String, must be zero or positive

? ? ?* @return the middle characters, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String mid(String str, int pos, int len) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (len < 0 || pos > str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (pos < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? pos = 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.length() <= (pos + len)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(pos);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(pos, pos + len);

? ? }


? ? // SubStringAfter/SubStringBefore

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator.

? ? ?* The separator is not returned.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> separator will return the input string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "a") ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("abcba", "b") = "a"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "c") ? = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "d") ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", "") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBefore("abc", null) ?= "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get a substring from, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring before the first occurrence of the separator,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substringBefore(String str, String separator) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || separator == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (separator.length() == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int pos = str.indexOf(separator);

? ? ? ? if (pos == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, pos);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator.

? ? ?* The separator is not returned.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> separator will return the empty string if the

? ? ?* input string is not <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter(*, null) ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "a") ? = "bc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter("abcba", "b") = "cba"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "c") ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "d") ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfter("abc", "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get a substring from, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring after the first occurrence of the separator,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substringAfter(String str, String separator) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (separator == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int pos = str.indexOf(separator);

? ? ? ? if (pos == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(pos + separator.length());

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator.

? ? ?* The separator is not returned.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.

? ? ?* An empty or <code>null</code> separator will return the input string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abcba", "b") = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("abc", "c") ? = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "a") ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "z") ? ? = "a"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", null) ? ?= "a"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBeforeLast("a", "") ? ? ?= "a"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get a substring from, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring before the last occurrence of the separator,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substringBeforeLast(String str, String separator) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(separator)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int pos = str.lastIndexOf(separator);

? ? ? ? if (pos == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, pos);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator.

? ? ?* The separator is not returned.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") string input will return the empty string.

? ? ?* An empty or <code>null</code> separator will return the empty string if

? ? ?* the input string is not <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast(*, "") ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast(*, null) ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abc", "a") ? = "bc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abcba", "b") = "a"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast("abc", "c") ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast("a", "a") ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringAfterLast("a", "z") ? ? = ""

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to get a substring from, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring after the last occurrence of the separator,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substringAfterLast(String str, String separator) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(separator)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int pos = str.lastIndexOf(separator);

? ? ? ? if (pos == -1 || pos == (str.length() - separator.length())) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.substring(pos + separator.length());

? ? }


? ? // Substring between

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the String that is nested in between two instances of the

? ? ?* same String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> tag returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("", "") ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("", "tag") ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", null) ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("tagabctag", "tag") = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String containing the substring, may be null

? ? ?* @param tag ?the String before and after the substring, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring, <code>null</code> if no match

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substringBetween(String str, String tag) {

? ? ? ? return substringBetween(str, tag, tag);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings.

? ? ?* Only the first match is returned.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> open/close returns <code>null</code> (no match).

? ? ?* An empty ("") open and close returns an empty string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("wx[b]yz", "[", "]") = "b"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween(*, null, *) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween(*, *, null) ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("", "", "") ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("", "", "]") ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("", "[", "]") ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("yabcz", "", "") ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("yabcz", "y", "z") ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.substringBetween("yabczyabcz", "y", "z") ? = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String containing the substring, may be null

? ? ?* @param open ?the String before the substring, may be null

? ? ?* @param close ?the String after the substring, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring, <code>null</code> if no match

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String substringBetween(String str, String open, String close) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || open == null || close == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int start = str.indexOf(open);

? ? ? ? if (start != -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? int end = str.indexOf(close, start + open.length());

? ? ? ? ? ? if (end != -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(start + open.length(), end);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return null;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String

? ? ?* containing the provided list of elements.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>No separator is added to the joined String.

? ? ?* Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by

? ? ?* empty strings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(null) ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([]) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null]) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"]) = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"]) = "a"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param array ?the array of values to join together, may be null

? ? ?* @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String join(Object[] array) {

? ? ? ? return join(array, null);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String

? ? ?* containing the provided list of elements.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>No delimiter is added before or after the list.

? ? ?* Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by

? ? ?* empty strings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], ';') ?= "a;b;c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ';') ?= ";;a"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param array ?the array of values to join together, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the separator character to use

? ? ?* @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String join(Object[] array, char separator) {

? ? ? ? if (array == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String

? ? ?* containing the provided list of elements.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>No delimiter is added before or after the list.

? ? ?* Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by

? ? ?* empty strings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], ';') ?= "a;b;c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ';') ?= ";;a"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param array ?the array of values to join together, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the separator character to use

? ? ?* @param startIndex the first index to start joining from. ?It is

? ? ?* an error to pass in an end index past the end of the array

? ? ?* @param endIndex the index to stop joining from (exclusive). It is

? ? ?* an error to pass in an end index past the end of the array

? ? ?* @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String join(Object[] array, char separator, int startIndex, int endIndex) {

? ? ? ? if (array == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int bufSize = (endIndex - startIndex);

? ? ? ? if (bufSize <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? bufSize *= ((array[startIndex] == null ? 16 : array[startIndex].toString().length()) + 1);

? ? ? ? StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(bufSize);


? ? ? ? for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (i > startIndex) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(separator);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? if (array[i] != null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(array[i]);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return buf.toString();

? ? }



? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String

? ? ?* containing the provided list of elements.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>No delimiter is added before or after the list.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> separator is the same as an empty String ("").

? ? ?* Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by

? ? ?* empty strings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--") ?= "a--b--c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ',') ? = ",,a"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param array ?the array of values to join together, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the separator character to use, null treated as ""

? ? ?* @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String join(Object[] array, String separator) {

? ? ? ? if (array == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return join(array, separator, 0, array.length);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String

? ? ?* containing the provided list of elements.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>No delimiter is added before or after the list.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> separator is the same as an empty String ("").

? ? ?* Null objects or empty strings within the array are represented by

? ? ?* empty strings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null], *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "--") ?= "a--b--c"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], null) ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join(["a", "b", "c"], "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.join([null, "", "a"], ',') ? = ",,a"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param array ?the array of values to join together, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?the separator character to use, null treated as ""

? ? ?* @param startIndex the first index to start joining from. ?It is

? ? ?* an error to pass in an end index past the end of the array

? ? ?* @param endIndex the index to stop joining from (exclusive). It is

? ? ?* an error to pass in an end index past the end of the array

? ? ?* @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String join(Object[] array, String separator, int startIndex, int endIndex) {

? ? ? ? if (array == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (separator == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? separator = EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // endIndex - startIndex > 0: ? Len = NofStrings *(len(firstString) + len(separator))

? ? ? ? // ? ? ? ? ? (Assuming that all Strings are roughly equally long)

? ? ? ? int bufSize = (endIndex - startIndex);

? ? ? ? if (bufSize <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? bufSize *= ((array[startIndex] == null ? 16 : array[startIndex].toString().length())

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + separator.length());


? ? ? ? StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(bufSize);


? ? ? ? for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (i > startIndex) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(separator);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? if (array[i] != null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(array[i]);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return buf.toString();

? ? }



? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Deletes all whitespaces from a String as defined by

? ? ?* {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(null) ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("") ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.deleteWhitespace("abc") ? ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(" ? ab ?c ?") = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to delete whitespace from, may be null

? ? ?* @return the String without whitespaces, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String deleteWhitespace(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? char[] chs = new char[sz];

? ? ? ? int count = 0;

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (!Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? chs[count++] = str.charAt(i);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (count == sz) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new String(chs, 0, count);

? ? }


? ? // Remove

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string,

? ? ?* otherwise returns the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> source string will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search string will return the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart(*, null) ? ? ?= *

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart("www.domain.com", "www.") ? = "domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart("domain.com", "www.") ? ? ? = "domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStart("abc", "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the source String to search, may be null

? ? ?* @param remove ?the String to search for and remove, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring with the string removed if found,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.1

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String removeStart(String str, String remove) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.startsWith(remove)){

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(remove.length());

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the begining of a source string,

? ? ?* otherwise returns the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> source string will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search string will return the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(*, null) ? ? ?= *

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("www.domain.com", "www.") ? = "domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("www.domain.com", "WWW.") ? = "domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("domain.com", "www.") ? ? ? = "domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase("abc", "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the source String to search, may be null

? ? ?* @param remove ?the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring with the string removed if found,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String removeStartIgnoreCase(String str, String remove) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (startsWithIgnoreCase(str, remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(remove.length());

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes a substring only if it is at the end of a source string,

? ? ?* otherwise returns the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> source string will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search string will return the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd(*, null) ? ? ?= *

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com.") ?= "www.domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com") ? = "www.domain"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("abc", "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the source String to search, may be null

? ? ?* @param remove ?the String to search for and remove, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring with the string removed if found,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.1

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String removeEnd(String str, String remove) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.endsWith(remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, str.length() - remove.length());

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string,

? ? ?* otherwise returns the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> source string will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> search string will return the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("", *) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd(*, null) ? ? ?= *

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com.") ?= "www.domain.com."

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", ".com") ? = "www.domain"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("www.domain.com", "domain") = "www.domain.com"

? ? ?* StringUtils.removeEnd("abc", "") ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the source String to search, may be null

? ? ?* @param remove ?the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring with the string removed if found,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String removeEndIgnoreCase(String str, String remove) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (endsWithIgnoreCase(str, remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, str.length() - remove.length());

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> source string will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> remove string will return the source string.

? ? ?* An empty ("") remove string will return the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove(null, *) ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove("", *) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove(*, null) ? ? ? ?= *

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove(*, "") ? ? ? ? ?= *

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove("queued", "ue") = "qd"

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove("queued", "zz") = "queued"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the source String to search, may be null

? ? ?* @param remove ?the String to search for and remove, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring with the string removed if found,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.1

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String remove(String str, String remove) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return replace(str, remove, EMPTY, -1);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes all occurrences of a character from within the source string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> source string will return <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") source string will return the empty string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove(null, *) ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove("", *) ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove("queued", 'u') = "qeed"

? ? ?* StringUtils.remove("queued", 'z') = "queued"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the source String to search, may be null

? ? ?* @param remove ?the char to search for and remove, may be null

? ? ?* @return the substring with the char removed if found,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.1

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String remove(String str, char remove) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || str.indexOf(remove) == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? char[] chars = str.toCharArray();

? ? ? ? int pos = 0;

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (chars[i] != remove) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? chars[pos++] = chars[i];

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new String(chars, 0, pos);

? ? }


? ? // Replacing

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String, once.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> reference passed to this method is a no-op.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce(null, *, *) ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("", *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", null, *) ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", *, null) ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("any", "", *) ? ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", null) ?= "aba"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "") ? ?= "ba"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "z") ? = "zba"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see #replace(String text, String searchString, String replacement, int max)

? ? ?* @param text ?text to search and replace in, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchString ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @param replacement ?the String to replace with, may be null

? ? ?* @return the text with any replacements processed,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replaceOnce(String text, String searchString, String replacement) {

? ? ? ? return replace(text, searchString, replacement, 1);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Replaces all occurrences of a String within another String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> reference passed to this method is a no-op.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace(null, *, *) ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("", *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", null, *) ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", *, null) ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", "", *) ? ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", null) ?= "aba"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "") ? ?= "b"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("aba", "a", "z") ? = "zbz"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see #replace(String text, String searchString, String replacement, int max)

? ? ?* @param text ?text to search and replace in, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchString ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @param replacement ?the String to replace it with, may be null

? ? ?* @return the text with any replacements processed,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replace(String text, String searchString, String replacement) {

? ? ? ? return replace(text, searchString, replacement, -1);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String,

? ? ?* for the first <code>max</code> values of the search String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> reference passed to this method is a no-op.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace(null, *, *, *) ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("", *, *, *) ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", null, *, *) ? ? = "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", *, null, *) ? ? = "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", "", *, *) ? ? ? = "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("any", *, *, 0) ? ? ? ?= "any"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", null, -1) = "abaa"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "", -1) ? = "b"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 0) ? = "abaa"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 1) ? = "zbaa"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", 2) ? = "zbza"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replace("abaa", "a", "z", -1) ?= "zbzz"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param text ?text to search and replace in, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchString ?the String to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @param replacement ?the String to replace it with, may be null

? ? ?* @param max ?maximum number of values to replace, or <code>-1</code> if no maximum

? ? ?* @return the text with any replacements processed,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replace(String text, String searchString, String replacement, int max) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(text) || isEmpty(searchString) || replacement == null || max == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return text;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int start = 0;

? ? ? ? int end = text.indexOf(searchString, start);

? ? ? ? if (end == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return text;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int replLength = searchString.length();

? ? ? ? int increase = replacement.length() - replLength;

? ? ? ? increase = (increase < 0 ? 0 : increase);

? ? ? ? increase *= (max < 0 ? 16 : (max > 64 ? 64 : max));

? ? ? ? StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(text.length() + increase);

? ? ? ? while (end != -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(text.substring(start, end)).append(replacement);

? ? ? ? ? ? start = end + replLength;

? ? ? ? ? ? if (--max == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? end = text.indexOf(searchString, start);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? buf.append(text.substring(start));

? ? ? ? return buf.toString();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if

? ? ?* any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be

? ? ?* ignored. This will not repeat. For repeating replaces, call the

? ? ?* overloaded method.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *) ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0]) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null) ?= "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}) ?= "b"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}) ?= "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}) ?= "wcte"

? ? ?* ?(example of how it does not repeat)

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}) ?= "dcte"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* @param text

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?text to search and replace in, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param searchList

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the Strings to search for, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param replacementList

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null

? ? ?* @return the text with any replacements processed, <code>null</code> if

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? null String input

? ? ?* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok,

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? and/or size 0)

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replaceEach(String text, String[] searchList, String[] replacementList) {

? ? ? ? return replaceEach(text, searchList, replacementList, false, 0);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if

? ? ?* any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be

? ? ?* ignored. This will not repeat. For repeating replaces, call the

? ? ?* overloaded method.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *, *) = null

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *, *) = ""

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0], *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}, *) = "b"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}, *) = "wcte"

? ? ?* ?(example of how it repeats)

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, false) = "dcte"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, true) = "tcte"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, true) = IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, false) = "dcabe"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* @param text

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?text to search and replace in, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param searchList

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the Strings to search for, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param replacementList

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null

? ? ?* @return the text with any replacements processed, <code>null</code> if

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? null String input

? ? ?* @throws IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? if the search is repeating and there is an endless loop due

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? to outputs of one being inputs to another

? ? ?* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok,

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? and/or size 0)

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replaceEachRepeatedly(String text, String[] searchList, String[] replacementList) {

? ? ? ? // timeToLive should be 0 if not used or nothing to replace, else it's

? ? ? ? // the length of the replace array

? ? ? ? int timeToLive = searchList == null ? 0 : searchList.length;

? ? ? ? return replaceEach(text, searchList, replacementList, true, timeToLive);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String.

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <p>

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if

? ? ?* any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be

? ? ?* ignored.?

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *, *) = null

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *, *) = ""

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0], *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}, *) = "b"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}, *) = "aba"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}, *) = "wcte"

? ? ?* ?(example of how it repeats)

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, false) = "dcte"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, true) = "tcte"

? ? ?* ?StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, *) = IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* @param text

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?text to search and replace in, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param searchList

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the Strings to search for, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param replacementList

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null

? ? ?* @param repeat if true, then replace repeatedly?

? ? ?* ? ? ? until there are no more possible replacements or timeToLive < 0

? ? ?* @param timeToLive

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?if less than 0 then there is a circular reference and endless

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?loop

? ? ?* @return the text with any replacements processed, <code>null</code> if

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? null String input

? ? ?* @throws IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? if the search is repeating and there is an endless loop due

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? to outputs of one being inputs to another

? ? ?* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok,

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? and/or size 0)

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? private static String replaceEach(String text, String[] searchList, String[] replacementList,?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boolean repeat, int timeToLive)?

? ? {


? ? ? ? // mchyzer Performance note: This creates very few new objects (one major goal)

? ? ? ? // let me know if there are performance requests, we can create a harness to measure


? ? ? ? if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || searchList == null ||?

? ? ? ? ? ? searchList.length == 0 || replacementList == null || replacementList.length == 0)?

? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? ? ? return text;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // if recursing, this shouldnt be less than 0

? ? ? ? if (timeToLive < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? throw new IllegalStateException("TimeToLive of " + timeToLive + " is less than 0: " + text);

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? int searchLength = searchList.length;

? ? ? ? int replacementLength = replacementList.length;


? ? ? ? // make sure lengths are ok, these need to be equal

? ? ? ? if (searchLength != replacementLength) {

? ? ? ? ? ? throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search and Replace array lengths don't match: "

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + searchLength

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + " vs "

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + replacementLength);

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // keep track of which still have matches

? ? ? ? boolean[] noMoreMatchesForReplIndex = new boolean[searchLength];


? ? ? ? // index on index that the match was found

? ? ? ? int textIndex = -1;

? ? ? ? int replaceIndex = -1;

? ? ? ? int tempIndex = -1;


? ? ? ? // index of replace array that will replace the search string found

? ? ? ? // NOTE: logic duplicated below START

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] || searchList[i] == null ||?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? searchList[i].length() == 0 || replacementList[i] == null)?

? ? ? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continue;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? tempIndex = text.indexOf(searchList[i]);


? ? ? ? ? ? // see if we need to keep searching for this

? ? ? ? ? ? if (tempIndex == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] = true;

? ? ? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (textIndex == -1 || tempIndex < textIndex) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? textIndex = tempIndex;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? replaceIndex = i;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? // NOTE: logic mostly below END


? ? ? ? // no search strings found, we are done

? ? ? ? if (textIndex == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return text;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? int start = 0;


? ? ? ? // get a good guess on the size of the result buffer so it doesnt have to double if it goes over a bit

? ? ? ? int increase = 0;


? ? ? ? // count the replacement text elements that are larger than their corresponding text being replaced

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < searchList.length; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? int greater = replacementList[i].length() - searchList[i].length();

? ? ? ? ? ? if (greater > 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? increase += 3 * greater; // assume 3 matches

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? // have upper-bound at 20% increase, then let Java take over

? ? ? ? increase = Math.min(increase, text.length() / 5);


? ? ? ? StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(text.length() + increase);


? ? ? ? while (textIndex != -1) {


? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = start; i < textIndex; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(text.charAt(i));

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(replacementList[replaceIndex]);


? ? ? ? ? ? start = textIndex + searchList[replaceIndex].length();


? ? ? ? ? ? textIndex = -1;

? ? ? ? ? ? replaceIndex = -1;

? ? ? ? ? ? tempIndex = -1;

? ? ? ? ? ? // find the next earliest match

? ? ? ? ? ? // NOTE: logic mostly duplicated above START

? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] || searchList[i] == null ||?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? searchList[i].length() == 0 || replacementList[i] == null)?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continue;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? tempIndex = text.indexOf(searchList[i], start);


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // see if we need to keep searching for this

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (tempIndex == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] = true;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (textIndex == -1 || tempIndex < textIndex) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? textIndex = tempIndex;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? replaceIndex = i;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? // NOTE: logic duplicated above END


? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int textLength = text.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = start; i < textLength; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(text.charAt(i));

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? String result = buf.toString();

? ? ? ? if (!repeat) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return result;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? return replaceEach(result, searchList, replacementList, repeat, timeToLive - 1);

? ? }


? ? // Replace, character based

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Replaces all occurrences of a character in a String with another.

? ? ?* This is a null-safe version of {@link String#replace(char, char)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") string input returns an empty string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars(null, *, *) ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("", *, *) ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", 'b', 'y') = "aycya"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", 'z', 'y') = "abcba"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?String to replace characters in, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChar ?the character to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @param replaceChar ?the character to replace, may be null

? ? ?* @return modified String, <code>null</code> if null string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replaceChars(String str, char searchChar, char replaceChar) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.replace(searchChar, replaceChar);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Replaces multiple characters in a String in one go.

? ? ?* This method can also be used to delete characters.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For example:<br />

? ? ?* <code>replaceChars(&quot;hello&quot;, &quot;ho&quot;, &quot;jy&quot;) = jelly</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* An empty ("") string input returns an empty string.

? ? ?* A null or empty set of search characters returns the input string.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The length of the search characters should normally equal the length

? ? ?* of the replace characters.

? ? ?* If the search characters is longer, then the extra search characters

? ? ?* are deleted.

? ? ?* If the search characters is shorter, then the extra replace characters

? ? ?* are ignored.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("", *, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", null, *) ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "", *) ? ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "b", null) ? ? = "ac"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abc", "b", "") ? ? ? = "ac"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "yz") ?= "ayzya"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "y") ? = "ayya"

? ? ?* StringUtils.replaceChars("abcba", "bc", "yzx") = "ayzya"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?String to replace characters in, may be null

? ? ?* @param searchChars ?a set of characters to search for, may be null

? ? ?* @param replaceChars ?a set of characters to replace, may be null

? ? ?* @return modified String, <code>null</code> if null string input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String replaceChars(String str, String searchChars, String replaceChars) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(searchChars)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (replaceChars == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? replaceChars = EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? boolean modified = false;

? ? ? ? int replaceCharsLength = replaceChars.length();

? ? ? ? int strLength = str.length();

? ? ? ? StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(strLength);

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? char ch = str.charAt(i);

? ? ? ? ? ? int index = searchChars.indexOf(ch);

? ? ? ? ? ? if (index >= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? modified = true;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (index < replaceCharsLength) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(replaceChars.charAt(index));

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(ch);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (modified) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return buf.toString();

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? // Overlay

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Overlays part of a String with another String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString(null, *, *, *) ? ? ? ? ? = NullPointerException

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString(*, null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ? = NullPointerException

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("", "abc", 0, 0) ? ? ? ? = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", null, 2, 4) ? ?= "abef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "", 2, 4) ? ? ?= "abef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 4) ?= "abzzzzef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", 4, 2) ?= "abcdzzzzcdef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", -1, 4) = IndexOutOfBoundsException

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlayString("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 8) ?= IndexOutOfBoundsException

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param text ?the String to do overlaying in, may be null

? ? ?* @param overlay ?the String to overlay, may be null

? ? ?* @param start ?the position to start overlaying at, must be valid

? ? ?* @param end ?the position to stop overlaying before, must be valid

? ? ?* @return overlayed String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @throws NullPointerException if text or overlay is null

? ? ?* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if either position is invalid

? ? ?* @deprecated Use better named {@link #overlay(String, String, int, int)} instead.

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String overlayString(String text, String overlay, int start, int end) {

? ? ? ? return new StringBuffer(start + overlay.length() + text.length() - end + 1)

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(text.substring(0, start))

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(overlay)

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(text.substring(end))

? ? ? ? ? ? .toString();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Overlays part of a String with another String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> string input returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* A negative index is treated as zero.

? ? ?* An index greater than the string length is treated as the string length.

? ? ?* The start index is always the smaller of the two indices.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay(null, *, *, *) ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("", "abc", 0, 0) ? ? ? ? ?= "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", null, 2, 4) ? ? = "abef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "", 2, 4) ? ? ? = "abef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "", 4, 2) ? ? ? = "abef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 4) ? = "abzzzzef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 4, 2) ? = "abzzzzef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", -1, 4) ?= "zzzzef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 8) ? = "abzzzz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", -2, -3) = "zzzzabcdef"

? ? ?* StringUtils.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 8, 10) ?= "abcdefzzzz"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to do overlaying in, may be null

? ? ?* @param overlay ?the String to overlay, may be null

? ? ?* @param start ?the position to start overlaying at

? ? ?* @param end ?the position to stop overlaying before

? ? ?* @return overlayed String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String overlay(String str, String overlay, int start, int end) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (overlay == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? overlay = EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int len = str.length();

? ? ? ? if (start < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? start = 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (start > len) {

? ? ? ? ? ? start = len;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (end < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? end = 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (end > len) {

? ? ? ? ? ? end = len;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (start > end) {

? ? ? ? ? ? int temp = start;

? ? ? ? ? ? start = end;

? ? ? ? ? ? end = temp;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new StringBuffer(len + start - end + overlay.length() + 1)

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(str.substring(0, start))

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(overlay)

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(str.substring(end))

? ? ? ? ? ? .toString();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Removes <code>separator</code> from the end of

? ? ?* <code>str</code> if it's there, otherwise leave it alone.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>NOTE: This method changed in version 2.0.

? ? ?* It now more closely matches Perl chomp.

? ? ?* For the previous behavior, use {@link #substringBeforeLast(String, String)}.

? ? ?* This method uses {@link String#endsWith(String)}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp(null, *) ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("", *) ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foobar", "bar") = "foo"

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foobar", "baz") = "foobar"

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foo", "foo") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foo ", "foo") ? = "foo "

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp(" foo", "foo") ? = " "

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foo", "foooo") ?= "foo"

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foo", "") ? ? ? = "foo"

? ? ?* StringUtils.chomp("foo", null) ? ? = "foo"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to chomp from, may be null

? ? ?* @param separator ?separator String, may be null

? ? ?* @return String without trailing separator, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String chomp(String str, String separator) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || separator == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.endsWith(separator)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, str.length() - separator.length());

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? // Padding

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Repeat a String <code>repeat</code> times to form a

? ? ?* new String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.repeat(null, 2) = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.repeat("", 0) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.repeat("", 2) ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.repeat("a", 3) ?= "aaa"

? ? ?* StringUtils.repeat("ab", 2) = "abab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.repeat("a", -2) = ""

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to repeat, may be null

? ? ?* @param repeat ?number of times to repeat str, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @return a new String consisting of the original String repeated,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String repeat(String str, int repeat) {

? ? ? ? // Performance tuned for 2.0 (JDK1.4)


? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (repeat <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int inputLength = str.length();

? ? ? ? if (repeat == 1 || inputLength == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (inputLength == 1 && repeat <= PAD_LIMIT) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return padding(repeat, str.charAt(0));

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? int outputLength = inputLength * repeat;

? ? ? ? switch (inputLength) {

? ? ? ? ? ? case 1 :

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? char ch = str.charAt(0);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? char[] output1 = new char[outputLength];

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = repeat - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? output1[i] = ch;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return new String(output1);

? ? ? ? ? ? case 2 :

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? char ch0 = str.charAt(0);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? char ch1 = str.charAt(1);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? char[] output2 = new char[outputLength];

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = repeat * 2 - 2; i >= 0; i--, i--) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? output2[i] = ch0;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? output2[i + 1] = ch1;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return new String(output2);

? ? ? ? ? ? default :

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(outputLength);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? buf.append(str);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return buf.toString();

? ? ? ? }

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Returns padding using the specified delimiter repeated

? ? ?* to a given length.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.padding(0, 'e') ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.padding(3, 'e') ?= "eee"

? ? ?* StringUtils.padding(-2, 'e') = IndexOutOfBoundsException

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Note: this method doesn't not support padding with

? ? ?* <a href="http://www.unicode.org/glossary/#supplementary_character">Unicode Supplementary Characters</a>

? ? ?* as they require a pair of <code>char</code>s to be represented.

? ? ?* If you are needing to support full I18N of your applications

? ? ?* consider using {@link #repeat(String, int)} instead.?

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param repeat ?number of times to repeat delim

? ? ?* @param padChar ?character to repeat

? ? ?* @return String with repeated character

? ? ?* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>repeat &lt; 0</code>

? ? ?* @see #repeat(String, int)

? ? ?*/

? ? private static String padding(int repeat, char padChar) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {

? ? ? ? if (repeat < 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Cannot pad a negative amount: " + repeat);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? final char[] buf = new char[repeat];

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? buf[i] = padChar;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new String(buf);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Right pad a String with spaces (' ').</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is padded to the size of <code>size</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad(null, *) ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("", 3) ? ? = " ? "

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3) ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5) ?= "bat ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1) ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1) = "bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to pad out, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the size to pad to

? ? ?* @return right padded String or original String if no padding is necessary,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String rightPad(String str, int size) {

? ? ? ? return rightPad(str, size, ' ');

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Right pad a String with a specified character.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is padded to the size of <code>size</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *) ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, 'z') ? ? = "zzz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, 'z') ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, 'z') ?= "batzz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, 'z') ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to pad out, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the size to pad to

? ? ?* @param padChar ?the character to pad with

? ? ?* @return right padded String or original String if no padding is necessary,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String rightPad(String str, int size, char padChar) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int pads = size - str.length();

? ? ? ? if (pads <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str; // returns original String when possible

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return rightPad(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar));

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.concat(padding(pads, padChar));

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Right pad a String with a specified String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is padded to the size of <code>size</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, "z") ? ? ?= "zzz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, "yz") ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "yz") ?= "batyz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 8, "yz") ?= "batyzyzy"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, "yz") ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, null) ?= "bat ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "") ? ?= "bat ?"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to pad out, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the size to pad to

? ? ?* @param padStr ?the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space

? ? ?* @return right padded String or original String if no padding is necessary,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String rightPad(String str, int size, String padStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(padStr)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? padStr = " ";

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int padLen = padStr.length();

? ? ? ? int strLen = str.length();

? ? ? ? int pads = size - strLen;

? ? ? ? if (pads <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str; // returns original String when possible

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return rightPad(str, size, padStr.charAt(0));

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (pads == padLen) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.concat(padStr);

? ? ? ? } else if (pads < padLen) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.concat(padStr.substring(0, pads));

? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? char[] padding = new char[pads];

? ? ? ? ? ? char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray();

? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen];

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.concat(new String(padding));

? ? ? ? }

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Left pad a String with spaces (' ').</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The String is padded to the size of <code>size<code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad(null, *) ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("", 3) ? ? = " ? "

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3) ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5) ?= " ?bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1) ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1) = "bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to pad out, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the size to pad to

? ? ?* @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String leftPad(String str, int size) {

? ? ? ? return leftPad(str, size, ' ');

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Left pad a String with a specified character.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Pad to a size of <code>size</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *) ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, 'z') ? ? = "zzz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, 'z') ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, 'z') ?= "zzbat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, 'z') ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to pad out, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the size to pad to

? ? ?* @param padChar ?the character to pad with

? ? ?* @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String leftPad(String str, int size, char padChar) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int pads = size - str.length();

? ? ? ? if (pads <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str; // returns original String when possible

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return leftPad(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar));

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return padding(pads, padChar).concat(str);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Left pad a String with a specified String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Pad to a size of <code>size</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, "z") ? ? ?= "zzz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, "yz") ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "yz") ?= "yzbat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 8, "yz") ?= "yzyzybat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, "yz") ?= "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, null) ?= " ?bat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "") ? ?= " ?bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to pad out, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the size to pad to

? ? ?* @param padStr ?the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space

? ? ?* @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary,

? ? ?* ?<code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String leftPad(String str, int size, String padStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(padStr)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? padStr = " ";

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int padLen = padStr.length();

? ? ? ? int strLen = str.length();

? ? ? ? int pads = size - strLen;

? ? ? ? if (pads <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str; // returns original String when possible

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return leftPad(str, size, padStr.charAt(0));

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (pads == padLen) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return padStr.concat(str);

? ? ? ? } else if (pads < padLen) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return padStr.substring(0, pads).concat(str);

? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? char[] padding = new char[pads];

? ? ? ? ? ? char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray();

? ? ? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen];

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? return new String(padding).concat(str);

? ? ? ? }

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* Gets a String's length or <code>0</code> if the String is <code>null</code>.

? ? ?*?

? ? ?* @param str

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ?a String or <code>null</code>

? ? ?* @return String length or <code>0</code> if the String is <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int length(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? 0 : str.length();

? ? }


? ? // Centering

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Centers a String in a larger String of size <code>size</code>

? ? ?* using the space character (' ').<p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* A negative size is treated as zero.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Equivalent to <code>center(str, size, " ")</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.center(null, *) ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("", 4) ? ? = " ? ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("ab", -1) ?= "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("ab", 4) ? = " ab "

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("abcd", 2) = "abcd"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("a", 4) ? ?= " a ?"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to center, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the int size of new String, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @return centered String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String center(String str, int size) {

? ? ? ? return center(str, size, ' ');

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Centers a String in a larger String of size <code>size</code>.

? ? ?* Uses a supplied character as the value to pad the String with.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* A negative size is treated as zero.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.center(null, *, *) ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("", 4, ' ') ? ? = " ? ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("ab", -1, ' ') ?= "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("ab", 4, ' ') ? = " ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("abcd", 2, ' ') = "abcd"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("a", 4, ' ') ? ?= " a ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("a", 4, 'y') ? ?= "yayy"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to center, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the int size of new String, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @param padChar ?the character to pad the new String with

? ? ?* @return centered String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String center(String str, int size, char padChar) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || size <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int strLen = str.length();

? ? ? ? int pads = size - strLen;

? ? ? ? if (pads <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? str = leftPad(str, strLen + pads / 2, padChar);

? ? ? ? str = rightPad(str, size, padChar);

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Centers a String in a larger String of size <code>size</code>.

? ? ?* Uses a supplied String as the value to pad the String with.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> String returns <code>null</code>.

? ? ?* A negative size is treated as zero.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.center(null, *, *) ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("", 4, " ") ? ? = " ? ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("ab", -1, " ") ?= "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("ab", 4, " ") ? = " ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("abcd", 2, " ") = "abcd"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("a", 4, " ") ? ?= " a ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("a", 4, "yz") ? = "yayz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("abc", 7, null) = " ?abc ?"

? ? ?* StringUtils.center("abc", 7, "") ? = " ?abc ?"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to center, may be null

? ? ?* @param size ?the int size of new String, negative treated as zero

? ? ?* @param padStr ?the String to pad the new String with, must not be null or empty

? ? ?* @return centered String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @throws IllegalArgumentException if padStr is <code>null</code> or empty

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String center(String str, int size, String padStr) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || size <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(padStr)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? padStr = " ";

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int strLen = str.length();

? ? ? ? int pads = size - strLen;

? ? ? ? if (pads <= 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? str = leftPad(str, strLen + pads / 2, padStr);

? ? ? ? str = rightPad(str, size, padStr);

? ? ? ? return str;

? ? }


? ? // Case conversion

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Converts a String to upper case as per {@link String#toUpperCase()}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.upperCase(null) ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.upperCase("") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.upperCase("aBc") = "ABC"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to upper case, may be null

? ? ?* @return the upper cased String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String upperCase(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.toUpperCase();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Converts a String to lower case as per {@link String#toLowerCase()}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.lowerCase(null) ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.lowerCase("") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.lowerCase("aBc") = "abc"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to lower case, may be null

? ? ?* @return the lower cased String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String lowerCase(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.toLowerCase();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as

? ? ?* per {@link Character#toTitleCase(char)}. No other letters are changed.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For a word based algorithm, see {@link WordUtils#capitalize(String)}.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.capitalize(null) ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.capitalize("") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.capitalize("cat") = "Cat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.capitalize("cAt") = "CAt"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to capitalize, may be null

? ? ?* @return the capitalized String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @see WordUtils#capitalize(String)

? ? ?* @see #uncapitalize(String)

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String capitalize(String str) {

? ? ? ? int strLen;

? ? ? ? if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new StringBuffer(strLen)

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(Character.toTitleCase(str.charAt(0)))

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(str.substring(1))

? ? ? ? ? ? .toString();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as

? ? ?* per {@link Character#toTitleCase(char)}. No other letters are changed.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to capitalize, may be null

? ? ?* @return the capitalized String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @deprecated Use the standardly named {@link #capitalize(String)}.

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String capitalise(String str) {

? ? ? ? return capitalize(str);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as

? ? ?* per {@link Character#toLowerCase(char)}. No other letters are changed.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For a word based algorithm, see {@link WordUtils#uncapitalize(String)}.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.uncapitalize(null) ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.uncapitalize("") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.uncapitalize("Cat") = "cat"

? ? ?* StringUtils.uncapitalize("CAT") = "cAT"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to uncapitalize, may be null

? ? ?* @return the uncapitalized String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @see WordUtils#uncapitalize(String)

? ? ?* @see #capitalize(String)

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String uncapitalize(String str) {

? ? ? ? int strLen;

? ? ? ? if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new StringBuffer(strLen)

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(0)))

? ? ? ? ? ? .append(str.substring(1))

? ? ? ? ? ? .toString();

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as

? ? ?* per {@link Character#toLowerCase(char)}. No other letters are changed.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to uncapitalize, may be null

? ? ?* @return the uncapitalized String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @deprecated Use the standardly named {@link #uncapitalize(String)}.

? ? ?* ? ? ? ? ? ? Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String uncapitalise(String str) {

? ? ? ? return uncapitalize(str);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to

? ? ?* lower case, and lower case to upper case.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <ul>

? ? ?* ?<li>Upper case character converts to Lower case</li>

? ? ?* ?<li>Title case character converts to Lower case</li>

? ? ?* ?<li>Lower case character converts to Upper case</li>

? ? ?* </ul>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For a word based algorithm, see {@link WordUtils#swapCase(String)}.

? ? ?* A <code>null</code> input String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.swapCase(null) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.swapCase("") ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.swapCase("The dog has a BONE") = "tHE DOG HAS A bone"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0.

? ? ?* It no longer performs a word based algorithm.

? ? ?* If you only use ASCII, you will notice no change.

? ? ?* That functionality is available in WordUtils.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to swap case, may be null

? ? ?* @return the changed String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String swapCase(String str) {

? ? ? ? int strLen;

? ? ? ? if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(strLen);


? ? ? ? char ch = 0;

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ch = str.charAt(i);

? ? ? ? ? ? if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);

? ? ? ? ? ? } else if (Character.isTitleCase(ch)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);

? ? ? ? ? ? } else if (Character.isLowerCase(ch)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? buffer.append(ch);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return buffer.toString();

? ? }


? ? // Count matches

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> or empty ("") String input returns <code>0</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches(null, *) ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches("", *) ? ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches("abba", null) ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "") ? ?= 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "a") ? = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "ab") ?= 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.countMatches("abba", "xxx") = 0

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param sub ?the substring to count, may be null

? ? ?* @return the number of occurrences, 0 if either String is <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int countMatches(String str, String sub) {

? ? ? ? if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(sub)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int count = 0;

? ? ? ? int idx = 0;

? ? ? ? while ((idx = str.indexOf(sub, idx)) != -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? count++;

? ? ? ? ? ? idx += sub.length();

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return count;

? ? }


? ? // Character Tests

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only unicode letters.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlpha(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlpha("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlpha(" ?") ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlpha("abc") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlpha("ab2c") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlpha("ab-c") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains letters, and is non-null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isAlpha(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (Character.isLetter(str.charAt(i)) == false) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only unicode letters and

? ? ?* space (' ').</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(" ?") ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("abc") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab c") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab2c") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphaSpace("ab-c") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains letters and space,

? ? ?* ?and is non-null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isAlphaSpace(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if ((Character.isLetter(str.charAt(i)) == false) && (str.charAt(i) != ' ')) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(" ?") ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("abc") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab c") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab2c") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab-c") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains letters or digits,

? ? ?* ?and is non-null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isAlphanumeric(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only unicode letters, digits

? ? ?* or space (<code>' '</code>).</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(" ?") ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("abc") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab c") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab2c") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isAlphanumeric("ab-c") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains letters, digits or space,

? ? ?* ?and is non-null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isAlphanumericSpace(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if ((Character.isLetterOrDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false) && (str.charAt(i) != ' ')) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only unicode digits.

? ? ?* A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric(" ?") ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("123") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("ab2c") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("12-3") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("12.3") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains digits, and is non-null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isNumeric(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only unicode digits or space

? ? ?* (<code>' '</code>).

? ? ?* A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric(" ?") ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("123") ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("ab2c") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("12-3") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isNumeric("12.3") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains digits or space,

? ? ?* ?and is non-null

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isNumericSpace(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if ((Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false) && (str.charAt(i) != ' ')) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Checks if the String contains only whitespace.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code> will return <code>false</code>.

? ? ?* An empty String ("") will return <code>true</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.isWhitespace(null) ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isWhitespace("") ? ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isWhitespace(" ?") ? = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.isWhitespace("abc") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isWhitespace("ab2c") = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.isWhitespace("ab-c") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if only contains whitespace, and is non-null

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean isWhitespace(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int sz = str.length();

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if ((Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i)) == false)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? }


? ? // Defaults

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Returns either the passed in String,

? ? ?* or if the String is <code>null</code>, an empty String ("").</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.defaultString(null) ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.defaultString("") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.defaultString("bat") = "bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see ObjectUtils#toString(Object)

? ? ?* @see String#valueOf(Object)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @return the passed in String, or the empty String if it

? ? ?* ?was <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String defaultString(String str) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? EMPTY : str;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is

? ? ?* <code>null</code>, the value of <code>defaultStr</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.defaultString(null, "NULL") ?= "NULL"

? ? ?* StringUtils.defaultString("", "NULL") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.defaultString("bat", "NULL") = "bat"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see ObjectUtils#toString(Object,String)

? ? ?* @see String#valueOf(Object)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param defaultStr ?the default String to return

? ? ?* ?if the input is <code>null</code>, may be null

? ? ?* @return the passed in String, or the default if it was <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String defaultString(String str, String defaultStr) {

? ? ? ? return str == null ? defaultStr : str;

? ? }


? ? // Reversing

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Reverses a String as per {@link StringBuffer#reverse()}.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>A <code>null</code> String returns <code>null</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.reverse(null) ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.reverse("") ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.reverse("bat") = "tab"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to reverse, may be null

? ? ?* @return the reversed String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String reverse(String str) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return new StringBuffer(str).reverse().toString();

? ? }


? ? // Abbreviating

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Abbreviates a String using ellipses. This will turn

? ? ?* "Now is the time for all good men" into "Now is the time for..."</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Specifically:

? ? ?* <ul>

? ? ?* ? <li>If <code>str</code> is less than <code>maxWidth</code> characters

? ? ?* ? ? ? long, return it.</li>

? ? ?* ? <li>Else abbreviate it to <code>(substring(str, 0, max-3) + "...")</code>.</li>

? ? ?* ? <li>If <code>maxWidth</code> is less than <code>4</code>, throw an

? ? ?* ? ? ? <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>.</li>

? ? ?* ? <li>In no case will it return a String of length greater than

? ? ?* ? ? ? <code>maxWidth</code>.</li>

? ? ?* </ul>

? ? ?* </p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate(null, *) ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("", 4) ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 6) = "abc..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 7) = "abcdefg"

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 8) = "abcdefg"

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 4) = "a..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefg", 3) = IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param maxWidth ?maximum length of result String, must be at least 4

? ? ?* @return abbreviated String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width is too small

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String abbreviate(String str, int maxWidth) {

? ? ? ? return abbreviate(str, 0, maxWidth);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Abbreviates a String using ellipses. This will turn

? ? ?* "Now is the time for all good men" into "...is the time for..."</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Works like <code>abbreviate(String, int)</code>, but allows you to specify

? ? ?* a "left edge" offset. ?Note that this left edge is not necessarily going to

? ? ?* be the leftmost character in the result, or the first character following the

? ? ?* ellipses, but it will appear somewhere in the result.

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>In no case will it return a String of length greater than

? ? ?* <code>maxWidth</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate(null, *, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= null

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("", 0, 4) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", -1, 10) = "abcdefg..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 0, 10) ?= "abcdefg..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 1, 10) ?= "abcdefg..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 4, 10) ?= "abcdefg..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 10) ?= "...fghi..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 6, 10) ?= "...ghij..."

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 8, 10) ?= "...ijklmno"

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 10, 10) = "...ijklmno"

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 12, 10) = "...ijklmno"

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 0, 3) ? ? ? ?= IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* StringUtils.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 5, 6) ? ? ? ?= IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param offset ?left edge of source String

? ? ?* @param maxWidth ?maximum length of result String, must be at least 4

? ? ?* @return abbreviated String, <code>null</code> if null String input

? ? ?* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width is too small

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String abbreviate(String str, int offset, int maxWidth) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return null;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (maxWidth < 4) {

? ? ? ? ? ? throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum abbreviation width is 4");

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str.length() <= maxWidth) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (offset > str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? offset = str.length();

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if ((str.length() - offset) < (maxWidth - 3)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? offset = str.length() - (maxWidth - 3);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (offset <= 4) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str.substring(0, maxWidth - 3) + "...";

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (maxWidth < 7) {

? ? ? ? ? ? throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum abbreviation width with offset is 7");

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if ((offset + (maxWidth - 3)) < str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return "..." + abbreviate(str.substring(offset), maxWidth - 3);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return "..." + str.substring(str.length() - (maxWidth - 3));

? ? }


? ? // Difference

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Compares two Strings, and returns the portion where they differ.

? ? ?* (More precisely, return the remainder of the second String,

? ? ?* starting from where it's different from the first.)</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For example,

? ? ?* <code>difference("i am a machine", "i am a robot") -> "robot"</code>.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference(null, null) = null

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("", "") = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("", "abc") = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("abc", "") = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("abc", "abc") = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("ab", "abxyz") = "xyz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("abcde", "abxyz") = "xyz"

? ? ?* StringUtils.difference("abcde", "xyz") = "xyz"

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str1 ?the first String, may be null

? ? ?* @param str2 ?the second String, may be null

? ? ?* @return the portion of str2 where it differs from str1; returns the

? ? ?* empty String if they are equal

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String difference(String str1, String str2) {

? ? ? ? if (str1 == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str2;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str2 == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return str1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int at = indexOfDifference(str1, str2);

? ? ? ? if (at == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str2.substring(at);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Compares two Strings, and returns the index at which the

? ? ?* Strings begin to differ.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For example,

? ? ?* <code>indexOfDifference("i am a machine", "i am a robot") -> 7</code></p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(null, null) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("", "") = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("", "abc") = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abc", "") = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abc", "abc") = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("ab", "abxyz") = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abcde", "abxyz") = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference("abcde", "xyz") = 0

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param str1 ?the first String, may be null

? ? ?* @param str2 ?the second String, may be null

? ? ?* @return the index where str2 and str1 begin to differ; -1 if they are equal

? ? ?* @since 2.0

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOfDifference(String str1, String str2) {

? ? ? ? if (str1 == str2) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return 0;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int i;

? ? ? ? for (i = 0; i < str1.length() && i < str2.length(); ++i) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (str1.charAt(i) != str2.charAt(i)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (i < str2.length() || i < str1.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return i;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Compares all Strings in an array and returns the index at which the

? ? ?* Strings begin to differ.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For example,

? ? ?* <code>indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) -> 7</code></p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(null) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {}) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc"}) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null}) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", ""}) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", null}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", null, null}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null, "abc"}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = -1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = 2

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = 7

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param strs ?array of strings, entries may be null

? ? ?* @return the index where the strings begin to differ; -1 if they are all equal

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int indexOfDifference(String[] strs) {

? ? ? ? if (strs == null || strs.length <= 1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? boolean anyStringNull = false;

? ? ? ? boolean allStringsNull = true;

? ? ? ? int arrayLen = strs.length;

? ? ? ? int shortestStrLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

? ? ? ? int longestStrLen = 0;


? ? ? ? // find the min and max string lengths; this avoids checking to make

? ? ? ? // sure we are not exceeding the length of the string each time through

? ? ? ? // the bottom loop.

? ? ? ? for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? if (strs[i] == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? anyStringNull = true;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? shortestStrLen = 0;

? ? ? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? allStringsNull = false;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? shortestStrLen = Math.min(strs[i].length(), shortestStrLen);

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? longestStrLen = Math.max(strs[i].length(), longestStrLen);

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // handle lists containing all nulls or all empty strings

? ? ? ? if (allStringsNull || (longestStrLen == 0 && !anyStringNull)) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return -1;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // handle lists containing some nulls or some empty strings

? ? ? ? if (shortestStrLen == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return 0;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // find the position with the first difference across all strings

? ? ? ? int firstDiff = -1;

? ? ? ? for (int stringPos = 0; stringPos < shortestStrLen; stringPos++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? char comparisonChar = strs[0].charAt(stringPos);

? ? ? ? ? ? for (int arrayPos = 1; arrayPos < arrayLen; arrayPos++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if (strs[arrayPos].charAt(stringPos) != comparisonChar) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? firstDiff = stringPos;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? if (firstDiff != -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (firstDiff == -1 && shortestStrLen != longestStrLen) {

? ? ? ? ? ? // we compared all of the characters up to the length of the

? ? ? ? ? ? // shortest string and didn't find a match, but the string lengths

? ? ? ? ? ? // vary, so return the length of the shortest string.

? ? ? ? ? ? return shortestStrLen;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return firstDiff;

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Compares all Strings in an array and returns the initial sequence of?

? ? ?* characters that is common to all of them.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>For example,

? ? ?* <code>getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) -> "i am a "</code></p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(null) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc"}) = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {null, null}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", ""}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", null}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", null, null}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {null, null, "abc"}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = "abc"

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = "a"

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = "ab"

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = ""

? ? ?* StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = "i am a "

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param strs ?array of String objects, entries may be null

? ? ?* @return the initial sequence of characters that are common to all Strings

? ? ?* in the array; empty String if the array is null, the elements are all null?

? ? ?* or if there is no common prefix.?

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static String getCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {

? ? ? ? if (strs == null || strs.length == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int smallestIndexOfDiff = indexOfDifference(strs);

? ? ? ? if (smallestIndexOfDiff == -1) {

? ? ? ? ? ? // all strings were identical

? ? ? ? ? ? if (strs[0] == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? return strs[0];

? ? ? ? } else if (smallestIndexOfDiff == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? // there were no common initial characters

? ? ? ? ? ? return EMPTY;

? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? // we found a common initial character sequence

? ? ? ? ? ? return strs[0].substring(0, smallestIndexOfDiff);

? ? ? ? }

? ? } ?


? ? // Misc

? ? //-----------------------------------

? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Find the Levenshtein distance between two Strings.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>This is the number of changes needed to change one String into

? ? ?* another, where each change is a single character modification (deletion,

? ? ?* insertion or substitution).</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>The previous implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm

? ? ?* was from <a href="http://www.merriampark.com/ld.htm">http://www.merriampark.com/ld.htm</a></p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p>Chas Emerick has written an implementation in Java, which avoids an OutOfMemoryError

? ? ?* which can occur when my Java implementation is used with very large strings.<br>

? ? ?* This implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm

? ? ?* is from <a href="http://www.merriampark.com/ldjava.htm">http://www.merriampark.com/ldjava.htm</a></p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(null, *) ? ? ? ? ? ? = IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(*, null) ? ? ? ? ? ? = IllegalArgumentException

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","") ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = 0

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("","a") ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("aaapppp", "") ? ? ? = 7

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("frog", "fog") ? ? ? = 1

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("fly", "ant") ? ? ? ?= 3

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("elephant", "hippo") = 7

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "elephant") = 7

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hippo", "zzzzzzzz") = 8

? ? ?* StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance("hello", "hallo") ? ?= 1

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param s ?the first String, must not be null

? ? ?* @param t ?the second String, must not be null

? ? ?* @return result distance

? ? ?* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either String input <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? public static int getLevenshteinDistance(String s, String t) {

? ? ? ? if (s == null || t == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strings must not be null");

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? /*

? ? ? ? ? ?The difference between this impl. and the previous is that, rather?

? ? ? ? ? ?than creating and retaining a matrix of size s.length()+1 by t.length()+1,?

? ? ? ? ? ?we maintain two single-dimensional arrays of length s.length()+1. ?The first, d,

? ? ? ? ? ?is the 'current working' distance array that maintains the newest distance cost

? ? ? ? ? ?counts as we iterate through the characters of String s. ?Each time we increment

? ? ? ? ? ?the index of String t we are comparing, d is copied to p, the second int[]. ?Doing so

? ? ? ? ? ?allows us to retain the previous cost counts as required by the algorithm (taking?

? ? ? ? ? ?the minimum of the cost count to the left, up one, and diagonally up and to the left

? ? ? ? ? ?of the current cost count being calculated). ?(Note that the arrays aren't really?

? ? ? ? ? ?copied anymore, just switched...this is clearly much better than cloning an array?

? ? ? ? ? ?or doing a System.arraycopy() each time ?through the outer loop.)


? ? ? ? ? ?Effectively, the difference between the two implementations is this one does not?

? ? ? ? ? ?cause an out of memory condition when calculating the LD over two very large strings.

? ? ? ? ?*/


? ? ? ? int n = s.length(); // length of s

? ? ? ? int m = t.length(); // length of t


? ? ? ? if (n == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return m;

? ? ? ? } else if (m == 0) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return n;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? if (n > m) {

? ? ? ? ? ? // swap the input strings to consume less memory

? ? ? ? ? ? String tmp = s;

? ? ? ? ? ? s = t;

? ? ? ? ? ? t = tmp;

? ? ? ? ? ? n = m;

? ? ? ? ? ? m = t.length();

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? int p[] = new int[n+1]; //'previous' cost array, horizontally

? ? ? ? int d[] = new int[n+1]; // cost array, horizontally

? ? ? ? int _d[]; //placeholder to assist in swapping p and d


? ? ? ? // indexes into strings s and t

? ? ? ? int i; // iterates through s

? ? ? ? int j; // iterates through t


? ? ? ? char t_j; // jth character of t


? ? ? ? int cost; // cost


? ? ? ? for (i = 0; i<=n; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? p[i] = i;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? for (j = 1; j<=m; j++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? t_j = t.charAt(j-1);

? ? ? ? ? ? d[0] = j;


? ? ? ? ? ? for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? cost = s.charAt(i-1)==t_j ? 0 : 1;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // minimum of cell to the left+1, to the top+1, diagonally left and up +cost

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? d[i] = Math.min(Math.min(d[i-1]+1, p[i]+1), ?p[i-1]+cost);

? ? ? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? ? ? // copy current distance counts to 'previous row' distance counts

? ? ? ? ? ? _d = p;

? ? ? ? ? ? p = d;

? ? ? ? ? ? d = _d;

? ? ? ? }


? ? ? ? // our last action in the above loop was to switch d and p, so p now?

? ? ? ? // actually has the most recent cost counts

? ? ? ? return p[n];

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Gets the minimum of three <code>int</code> values.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @param a ?value 1

? ? ?* @param b ?value 2

? ? ?* @param c ?value 3

? ? ?* @return ?the smallest of the values

? ? ?*/


? ? private static int min(int a, int b, int c) {

? ? ? ? // Method copied from NumberUtils to avoid dependency on subpackage

? ? ? ? if (b < a) {

? ? ? ? ? ? a = b;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (c < a) {

? ? ? ? ? ? a = c;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return a;

? ? }



? ? // startsWith

? ? //-----------------------------------


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Check if a String starts with a specified prefix.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code>s are handled without exceptions. Two <code>null</code>

? ? ?* references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWith(null, null) ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWith(null, "abcdef") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWith("abc", null) ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWith("abc", "abcdef") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWith("abc", "ABCDEF") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#startsWith(String)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param prefix the prefix to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String starts with the prefix, case sensitive, or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean startsWith(String str, String prefix) {

? ? ? ? return startsWith(str, prefix, false);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Case insensitive check if a String starts with a specified prefix.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code>s are handled without exceptions. Two <code>null</code>

? ? ?* references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case insensitive.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(null, null) ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(null, "abcdef") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abc", null) ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abc", "abcdef") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase("abc", "ABCDEF") = true

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#startsWith(String)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param prefix the prefix to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String starts with the prefix, case insensitive, or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String prefix) {

? ? ? ? return startsWith(str, prefix, true);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Check if a String starts with a specified prefix (optionally case insensitive).</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#startsWith(String)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param prefix the prefix to find, may be null

? ? ?* @param ignoreCase inidicates whether the compare should ignore case

? ? ?* ?(case insensitive) or not.

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String starts with the prefix or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? private static boolean startsWith(String str, String prefix, boolean ignoreCase) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || prefix == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return (str == null && prefix == null);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (prefix.length() > str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? return str.regionMatches(ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length());

? ? }


? ? // endsWith

? ? //-----------------------------------


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Check if a String ends with a specified suffix.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code>s are handled without exceptions. Two <code>null</code>

? ? ?* references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWith(null, null) ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWith(null, "abcdef") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWith("def", null) ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWith("def", "abcdef") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWith("def", "ABCDEF") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#endsWith(String)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param suffix the suffix to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String ends with the suffix, case sensitive, or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean endsWith(String str, String suffix) {

? ? ? ? return endsWith(str, suffix, false);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Case insensitive check if a String ends with a specified suffix.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <p><code>null</code>s are handled without exceptions. Two <code>null</code>

? ? ?* references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case insensitive.</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* <pre>

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, null) ? ? ?= true

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(null, "abcdef") ?= false

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("def", null) ? ? = false

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("def", "abcdef") = true

? ? ?* StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase("def", "ABCDEF") = false

? ? ?* </pre>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#endsWith(String)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param suffix the suffix to find, may be null

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String ends with the suffix, case insensitive, or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?* @since 2.4

? ? ?*/

? ? public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String suffix) {

? ? ? ? return endsWith(str, suffix, true);

? ? }


? ? /**

? ? ?* <p>Check if a String ends with a specified suffix (optionally case insensitive).</p>

? ? ?*

? ? ?* @see java.lang.String#endsWith(String)

? ? ?* @param str ?the String to check, may be null

? ? ?* @param suffix the suffix to find, may be null

? ? ?* @param ignoreCase inidicates whether the compare should ignore case

? ? ?* ?(case insensitive) or not.

? ? ?* @return <code>true</code> if the String starts with the prefix or

? ? ?* ?both <code>null</code>

? ? ?*/

? ? private static boolean endsWith(String str, String suffix, boolean ignoreCase) {

? ? ? ? if (str == null || suffix == null) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return (str == null && suffix == null);

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? if (suffix.length() > str.length()) {

? ? ? ? ? ? return false;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? int strOffset = str.length() - suffix.length();

? ? ? ? return str.regionMatches(ignoreCase, strOffset, suffix, 0, suffix.length());

? ? }


