informix -----Unable to initialize the Dynamic Server.
我在安装informix10的时候, 总是不能实例化(instance)一个数据库?
Unable to initialize the Dynamic Server.
Check Event Viewer's Security log and
e:\progra`1\ibm\informix\ol_2 b43.log
请问大家这是什么问题 ?
21:17:43 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
Thu Jul 17 21:17:43 2008
21:17:43 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'E:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\tmp' has insecure permissions
21:17:43 Booting Language <c> from module <>
21:17:43 Loading Module <CNULL>
21:17:43 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
21:17:43 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
21:17:47 Assert Failed: Memory free block header corruption detected in mt_shm_malloc_segid 5
21:17:47 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.TC6ET
21:17:47 Who: Session(4, informix@, 0, 00000000)
Thread(9, soctcplst, 0, 1)
File: mtshpool.c Line: 3471
21:17:47 Results: Pool not repaired
21:17:47 Action: Please notify IBM Informix Technical Support.
21:17:47 stack trace for pid 1808 written to E:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\tmp\af.3f1467b
21:17:47 See Also: E:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\tmp\af.3f1467b, shmem.3f1467b.0
21:18:02 Memory free block header corruption detected in mt_shm_malloc_segid 5
21:18:04 Assert Failed: Memory free block header corruption detected in mt_shm_malloc_segid 5
21:18:04 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.TC6ET
21:18:04 Who: Session(4, informix@, 0, 00000000)
Thread(0, noname, 0, 0)
File: mtshpool.c Line: 3471
21:18:04 Results: Pool not repaired
21:18:04 Action: Please notify IBM Informix Technical Support.
21:18:04 stack trace for pid 1808 written to E:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\tmp\af.1468b