[解决办法] In the following list of ANSI escape sequences, the abbreviation ESC represents the ASCII escape character 27 (1Bh), which appears at the beginning of each escape sequence.
ESC[PL;PcH Cursor Position: Moves the cursor to the specified position (coordinates). If you do not specify a position, the cursor moves to the home position--the upper-left corner of the screen (line 0, column 0). This escape sequence works the same way as the following Cursor Position escape sequence.
ESC[PL;Pcf Cursor Position: Works the same way as the preceding Cursor Position escape sequence.
ESC[PnA Cursor Up: Moves the cursor up by the specified number of lines without changing columns. If the cursor is already on the top line, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.
ESC[PnB Cursor Down: Moves the cursor down by the specified number of lines without changing columns. If the cursor is already on the bottom line, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.
ESC[PnC Cursor Forward: Moves the cursor forward by the specified number of columns without changing lines. If the cursor is already in the rightmost column, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.
ESC[PnD Cursor Backward: Moves the cursor back by the specified number of columns without changing lines. If the cursor is already in the leftmost column, ANSI.SYS ignores this sequence.
ESC[s Save Cursor Position: Saves the current cursor position. You can move the cursor to the saved cursor position by using the Restore Cursor Position sequence.
ESC[u Restore Cursor Position: Returns the cursor to the position stored by the Save Cursor Position sequence.
ESC[2J Erase Display: Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the home position (line 0, column 0).
ESC[K Erase Line: Clears all characters from the cursor position to the end of the line (including the character at the cursor position).
ESC[Ps;...;Psm Set Graphics Mode: Calls the graphics functions specified by the following values. These specified functions remain active until the next occurrence of this escape sequence. Graphics mode changes the colors and
attributes of text (such as bold and underline) displayed on the screen. ……