。。。统计某水电厂某年每个月累计供水量select Month(t2.tm) as time,SUM(t2.ll) as tll,t1.stnm as names from LL_ZD_DATA t1 inner join LL_SS_DATAt2 on t2.stcd=t1.stcd where t2.stcd='00000002' and t2.tm>'2013/01/01 00:00:00' and t2.tm<'2013/12/31 23:59:59' group by Month(t2.tm),stnm order by Month(t2.tm)====================================================。。。某站2013年平均水位select b.stnm, b.stcd ,avg(t1.rz) 年平均水位 from st_stbprp_b binner join st_rsvr_r t1 on t1.stcd=b.stcd where t1.stcd='62902700' and t1.tm>='2013/1/1' and t1.tm<='2014/1/1' group by b.stnm, b.stcd=====================================================。。。查询2013年各测站的年平均水位/**第一种方式:*/select b.stnm 测站名称,b.stcd 测站编码,(select avg(t1.rz) from st_rsvr_r t1 where t1.stcd=b.stcd and t1.tm>='2013/1/1' and t1.tm<='2014/1/1' ) as 年平均水位 from st_stbprp_b b /**第二种方式:*/select b.stnm, b.stcd ,avg(t1.rz) 年平均水位 from st_stbprp_b binner join st_rsvr_r t1 on t1.stcd=b.stcd where t1.stcd is not null and t1.tm>='2013/1/1' and t1.tm<='2014/1/1' group by b.stnm, b.stcd=====================================================