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create or replace procedure SP_COPY_DATAS(  to_user           varchar2 ,is_create_table   varchar2 default 'N' ,is_truncate_table varchar2 default 'N'   ,from_dblink       varchar2 ,from_user         varchar2 default null ,table_filter      varchar2 default null) authid current_useris--通过DBLINK拷贝数据到本地/*create global temporary table GTMP_TABLES (  TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(50)) on commit preserve rows;create global temporary table GTMP_TEXT  (  text VARCHAR2(4000),  type varchar2(20)) on commit preserve rows;*/  v_owner1 varchar2(33)  := (case when from_user is null then null else from_user || '.' end);  v_module varchar2(100) := 'SP_COPY_DATAS';  v_sql    varchar2(4000);  v_date   date := sysdate;  function get_copy_sql(tb_name varchar2) return varchar2 is   begin    return     ('insert /*+append*/ into '||to_user||'.'||tb_name||' nologging     select * from '||v_owner1 ||tb_name||'@'||from_dblink);  end;      function get_create_sql(tb_name varchar2) return varchar2 is   begin    return     ('create table '||to_user||'.'||tb_name||' nologging as      select * from '||v_owner1 ||tb_name||'@'||from_dblink||'     where 1 = 0');  end; begin  --1.确定目标表  delete from gtmp_tables;    if from_user is null then    execute immediate    'insert into gtmp_tables (table_name)     select table_name from user_tables@'||from_dblink || '    where 1 = 1 ' || (case when table_filter is null then null else ' and '||table_filter end);    else    execute immediate    'insert into gtmp_tables (table_name)     select table_name from all_tables@'||from_dblink||'    where owner = '''||upper(from_user)||''''     ||(case when table_filter is null then null else ' and '||table_filter end);    end if;    --2.拷贝数据  sysout(v_module,'BEGIN SP_COPY_DATAS(to_user='||to_user   ||',from_dblink='||from_dblink   ||',table_filter='||table_filter||')');      --2.1禁用约束  delete from GTMP_TEXT;  insert into GTMP_TEXT(TEXT,TYPE)  select 'alter table '||owner||'.'||table_name||' disable constraint '||CONSTRAINT_NAME as text    ,CONSTRAINT_TYPE  from all_constraints  t  where t.owner = upper(to_user)    and t.CONSTRAINT_NAME not like 'BIN$%';  sysout(v_module,'disable all constraints');  for x in (select text from GTMP_TEXT order by type desc) loop  begin    execute immediate x.text;  exception    when others then           sysout(v_module, '..' || x.text || ' error: '||sqlerrm);  end;    end loop;  sysout(v_module,'all constraints disabled');   --2.2 拷贝数据  sysout(v_module,'copy tables begin');  for x in (select table_name from gtmp_tables order by table_name) loop  begin    if is_create_table = 'Y' then    begin      execute immediate get_create_sql(x.table_name);    exception       when others then null;    end;    end if;       if is_truncate_table = 'Y' then      execute immediate 'truncate table '||to_user||'.'||x.table_name;    end if;                 execute immediate get_copy_sql(x.table_name);    commit;        sysout(v_module,'..copy ' || x.table_name || ' OK');      exception    when others then       sysout(v_module,'..copy ' || x.table_name || ' error: ' || sqlerrm);  end;     end loop;  sysout(v_module,'copy tables end');    --2.3 启用约束   sysout(v_module,'enable all constraints');  for x in (select text from GTMP_TEXT order by type) loop  begin      v_sql := replace(x.text,' disable constraint ',' enable constraint ');    execute immediate v_sql;  exception    when others then           sysout(v_module, '..' || v_sql || ' error: '||sqlerrm);  end;    end loop;   sysout(v_module,'all constraints enabled');    sysout(v_module,'END SP_COPY_DATAS. Elapsed time: '||round((sysdate-v_date)*24*3600)||' seconds');end SP_COPY_DATAS;

create or replace procedure sysout(  module_id varchar2 ,text      varchar2) isbegin   dbms_output.put_line(    to_char(systimestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff3')     || ' ['||module_id||'] ' || substr(text, 1, 1000)   );end sysout;
