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一个简单的python程序实例(通讯录)#!/usr/bin/python#Filename:friendbook.pyimport cPickle as pimport s

import cPickle as p
import sys
import time
import os

#site www.jbxue.com

??????? 'Laexly':'fev@fe.com',
??????? 'Fukc':'fexok@ver.com',
??????? 'Stifu':'stif@qq.com'

def Dumpfile(list):
??????? f=file(friendab,'w')
??????? p.dump(list,f)
??????? f.close()

if os.path.isfile('friendab.data'):
??????? friendab='friendab.data'
??????? os.touch('friendab.data')
??????? Dumpfile(ab)
??????? del ab


class Person:
??????? def __init__(self,name):
??????????????? self.name=name
??????? def saysome(self):
??????????????? print 'The friend %s,his E-mail is %s '%(sname,frilist[sname])
class addPerson:
??????? def __init__(self,name,email):
??????????????? self.name=name
??????????????? self.email=email
??????? def addbook(self):
??????????????? ab=frilist
??????????????? ab[sname]=email
??????????????? Dumpfile(ab)
??????????????? del ab
??????????????? print 'Succlessful!'
class delPerson:
??????? def __init__(self,name):
??????????????? self.name=name
??????? def delbook(self):
??????????????? ab=frilist
??????????????? ab.pop(sname)
??????????????? Dumpfile(ab)
??????????????? del ab
??????????????? print 'Success DEL'

class alterPerson:
??????? def __init__(self,name,email):
??????????????? self.name=name
??????????????? self.email=email
??????? def alterbook(self):
??????????????? ab=frilist
??????????????? ab[sname]=email
??????????????? Dumpfile(ab)
??????????????? del ab
??????????????? print 'Succlessful update!'

print '''\
This program prints files to the standard output.
Any number of files can be specified.
Options include:
[1] : Search your friend's email from friendsbook
[2] : add your friend's email to firendsbook
[3] : del your friend's email from firnedsbook
[4] : alter your friend's email from friendsbook
[5] : All friends list
[6] : exit the program

num=raw_input('Press the number [1,2,3,4,5] -->')

if (num=='1'):
??????? sname=raw_input('Enter the name-->')
??????? if sname in? frilist:
??????????????? p=Person(sname)
??????????????? p.saysome()
??????? else:
??????????????? print 'Not in it'
elif (num=='2'):
??????? sname=raw_input('Enter the name-->')
??????? email=raw_input('Enter the email-->')
??????? pa=addPerson(sname,email)
??????? pa.addbook()
??????? #p=Person(sname)
??????? #p.saysome()
??????? print frilist
elif (num=='3'):
??????? sname=raw_input('Enter the name-->')
??????? pa=delPerson(sname)
??????? pa.delbook()
elif (num=='4'):
??????? sname=raw_input('Enter the name-->')
??????? if sname in? frilist:
??????????????? email=raw_input('Enter the email-->')
??????????????? p=alterPerson(sname,email)
??????????????? p.alterbook()
??????? else:
??????????????? print 'Not in it'
elif (num=='5'):
??????? print frilist
elif (num=='6'):
??????? print "Bye!"
??????? print "Please input the right number"


