mysql对表常用操作NEXTONE :createcreate table testtable(id int(10) not null auto_increment primary k
NEXTONE :create
create table testtable(
id int(10) not null auto_increment primary key comment '',
name varchar(20) not null character set utf8 comment '',
age? int null comment '',
gender char(2) coment '',
gmt_created datetime not null comment ''
)engine=innoDB default charset=utf8;Set the increment sequence: auto_increment
Set the primary key: primary key
Label: comment.
Set the field is not empty: not null
Set the field be empty: null
Format: character set utf8
Char fixed length variable length, varchar
Time type: datetimeNEXTTWO:insert,updae,delete,select passNEXTTHREE:alert:
1.delete column
?alter talbe table drop column
2.alert rename
?alter table table rename new_table
3.alter drop primary key
?alter table table drop primary key
4.alter add primary key
?alter table sj_resource_charges add constraint pk_sj_resource_charges primary key (resid,resfromid)
5.add column
?alter table table add column_name type not null comment ''
6.change column type
?alter table table change column_name new_column_name type not null comment ''
7.alter index_name
?alter table table add colunm index_name(index_column_name)
8.alter drop index emp_name
?alter table table drop index index_column_name
Structure of the drop statement will delete tables are dependent constraints (constrain), trigger (trigger), index (index) depends on the table;
The stored procedure / function will be retained, but to the invalid state.