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8.1 示范web程序

8.1 示例web程序?jee: jndi-lookup idfooQueue? ? ? jndi-namejava:comp/env/jms/FooQueue? ? ? ca

8.1 示例web程序


<jee: jndi-lookup id="fooQueue"

? ? ? jndi-name="java:comp/env/jms/FooQueue"

? ? ? cache="true"

? ? ? resource-ref="true"

? ? ? lookup-on-startup="true"

? ? ? expected-type="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue"

? ? ? proxy-interface="javax.jms.Queue" />


<bean id="jmsMessageBean"

? ? ? />

? ? ??

<bean id="messageSenderService"

? ? ? />



The Spring application context shown in listing 8.2 is an XML configuration file for

the Spring Framework: see http://www.springframework.org. (Please also note that

Spring’s p-namespace http://mng.bz/dLT9 is being used in the configuration.) The

<jee:jndi-lookup> elements utilize Spring to perform a JNDI lookup of the noted

resources. These resources are then injected into the messageSenderService Java

bean (the values are inserted via setter methods) after it’s instantiated by Spring. The

messageSenderService is then used by the web application to send a JMS message.


代码清单8.2所示的是Spring程序上下文配置文件,该文件是用于Spring 框架的XML配置文件

参阅:http://www.springframework.org. (注意,在配置中使用了Sping的p命名空间,参阅:

http://mng.bz/dLT9).<jee:jndi-lookup>元素使用Spring 来进行JNDI查找已暴露的资源.





Listing 8.3 shows the source code for the JmsMessageSenderService bean.

代码清单8.3 是 JmsMessageSenderService bean的源代码.


Listing 8.3 The JmsMessageSenderService class

代码清单8.3 ?JmsMessageSenderService 类的源代码.


public class JmsMessageSenderService?


private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;


public void sendMessage(final JmsMessage bean) throws JMSException?


if (bean.isPersistent())





if (0 != bean.getTimeToLive())?






(new MessageCreator()?


public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException?


TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(bean.getMessagePayload());

if (bean.getReplyTo() != null && !bean.getReplyTo().equals(""))?


ActiveMQQueue replyToQueue = new ActiveMQQueue(bean.getReplyTo());



return message;





public void setJmsTemplate(JmsTemplate jmsTemplate)?


this.jmsTemplate = jmsTemplate;




The JmsMessageSenderService bean is kept simple so that it only focuses on the task

of sending the JMS message. This class uses the Spring JmsTemplate and an anonymous

MessageCreator to easily send the JMS message.


JmsMessageSenderService bean被设计成尽量保持简单,以便能将精力集中在发送JMS消息上.




There’s only one web page in this web application and it’s deliberately uncomplicated.

This is because the web application is only necessary to test the integration and

nothing more. To add further detail to it would only complicate matters and detract

from the real purpose of the chapter.






To better understand the flow of a JMS message through these classes, take a look

at figure 8.2.



Here’s a brief explanation of the illustrated steps:



Step 1 The JmsMessageSenderService implements

an anonymous Spring Message-

Creator to create the message.



Step 2 The JmsMessageSenderService uses the

Spring JmsTemplate to send the message

to ActiveMQ.



Step 3 The Spring DefaultMessageListener-

Container consumes the message and

hands it off to the JmsMessageDelegate.




Step 4 The JmsMessageDelegate bean processes

the message (it outputs the message payload).

第4步,JmsMessageDelegate bean处理消息(它输出payload消息).


The ?JmsMessageSenderService is ?completely isolated ?from the ?Spring

DefaultMessageListener- Container and the JmsMessageDelegate bean. Any ?messages

sent to ActiveMQ by the JmsMessage- SenderService have no bearing on whether the

DefaultMessageListenerContainer ?is actually ?online and ?ready to ?consume.?


JmsMessageSenderService与Spring中的DefaultMessageListenerContainer and和

JmsMessageDelegate 是完全隔离的.任何通过 JmsMessageSenderService发送给




In fact, ? ?the ? ?Jms-MessageSenderService ? ?and ? ?the ? ?Spring ? ? Default

MessageListenerContainer could easily be split out of this application so as ?to

reside ?in ? completely ?different ? processes ?and ? it ?wouldn’t ? change ?the

functionality of this application. This is a perfect albeit small example of the

asynchronous messaging provided ?by ActiveMQ. figure ?8.2 are all ?hidden behind

the scenes of the single page in ?the sample web application shown in 8.3.?


事实上,在这个程序之外,Jms MessageSenderService 和 Spring默认的MessageListenerContainer





?When sending a message using ?the page shown in ?figure 8.3, a small ?message appears

briefly on the page and then fades away quickly to indicate that the message was

sent. This is just a sanity check to show some activity in the web ?application.

These are ?the only ?visible features ?in the ?web application. ?Everything else

happens behind the scenes.






These are only the portions of the web application that are apropos to the integration

of ActiveMQ with application servers. To get a better look at the details of this

sample web application, and to actually deploy it yourself to test your own integrations

as you work through the examples, download the example source code for the book.






The four versions of the sample web application for this chapter are



? jms-webapp-geronimo —Used to demonstrate ActiveMQ integration with Geronimo

jms-webapp-geronimo -- 用于说明Geronimo和ActiveMQ集成

? jms-webapp-global—Used to demonstrate ActiveMQ integration with Tomcat and Jetty using global JNDI

jms-webapp-global -- 用于说明ActiveMQ与Tomcat和Jetty的集成并使用了全局JNDI

? jms-webapp-jboss—Used to demonstrate ActiveMQ configuration and deployment with JBoss

jms-webapp-jboss -- 用于说明ActiveMQ和JBoss的集成配置和部署

? jms-webapp-local—Used to demonstrate ActiveMQ integration with Tomcat and Jetty using local JNDI

?jms-webapp-local -- 用于说明ActiveMQ和Jetty的集成并使用了本地JNDI


NOTE The local JNDI configuration example and the global JNDI configuration

example can’t be deployed at the same time. This will cause classloader

issues and will prevent ActiveMQ from being deployed correctly. Make sure to

only deploy one style of configuration at a time.





Before proceeding with this chapter, you need to build all four of these examples.

This can be achieved using the Maven command shown next.




Listing 8.4 Build the examples

代码清单8.4 构建示例程序


[amq-in-action-example-src] $ cd chapter8/

[chapter8] $ mvn clean install

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[INFO] Reactor build order:

[INFO] jms-webapp-geronimo

[INFO] jms-webapp-global

[INFO] jms-webapp-jboss

[INFO] jms-webapp-local

[INFO] ActiveMQ In Action Examples Chapter 8




[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Reactor Summary:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] jms-webapp-geronimo ...................................SUCCESS [4.787s]

[INFO] jms-webapp-global .....................................SUCCESS [1.265s]

[INFO] jms-webapp-jboss ......................................SUCCESS [8.278s]

[INFO] jms-webapp-local ......................................SUCCESS [2.359s]

[INFO] ActiveMQ In Action Examples Chapter 8 .................SUCCESS [1.911s]

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Total time: 18 seconds

[INFO] Finished at: Mon Apr 26 13:24:31 MDT 2010

[INFO] Final Memory: 19M/35M

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Note that the output in listing 8.4 has been elided slightly. As long as you see the BUILD

SUCCESSFUL message, the examples were built correctly and a WAR file for each one

should now exist in each project’s target directory. This WAR file can then be deployed

to the appropriate application server and used to test the ActiveMQ integration.


注意,代码清单8.4中的输出信息是经过简化的以便显示的更简洁.只要你看到BUILD SUCCESSFUL后




NOTE Although this chapter describes in detail the changes necessary for

each application server, all of these changes have already been made in each

of the projects. Just make sure to download the source code for the book to

get these example projects.

注意: 尽管本章描述了针对每一个应用程序服务器而对应用程序进行修改的各种细节,



Now that you have an overview of the sample applications, you’re ready to walk

through the integrations. The first application server with which to integrate

ActiveMQ is Apache Tomcat.


和ActiveMQ集成了.第一个用来集成的应用程序服务器是Apache tomcat.




