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hadoop 单机节点装配

hadoop 单机节点安装ExecutionFormat a new distributed-filesystem:$ bin/hadoop namenode -formatStart

hadoop 单机节点安装

Format a new distributed-filesystem:
$ bin/hadoop namenode -format

Start the hadoop daemons:
$ bin/start-all.sh

The hadoop daemon log output is written to the?${HADOOP_LOG_DIR}?directory (defaults to?${HADOOP_HOME}/logs).

Browse the web interface for the NameNode and the JobTracker; by default they are available at:

  • NameNode?-?http://localhost:50070/
  • JobTracker?-?http://localhost:50030/

    Copy the input files into the distributed filesystem:
    $ bin/hadoop fs -put conf input

    Run some of the examples provided:
    $ bin/hadoop jar hadoop-examples-*.jar grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'

    Examine the output files:

    Copy the output files from the distributed filesystem to the local filesytem and examine them:
    $ bin/hadoop fs -get output output?
    $ cat output/*


    View the output files on the distributed filesystem:
    $ bin/hadoop fs -cat output/*

    When you're done, stop the daemons with:
    $ bin/stop-all.sh
