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9.4 在web中使用ActiveMQ讯息

9.4 在web中使用ActiveMQ消息http://localhost:8161/demo/message/STOCKS/JAVA?typetopicHere we’ve used

9.4 在web中使用ActiveMQ消息


Here we’ve used the -d switch to specify that we want to POST data to the server. As

you can see, the actual content of the message is passed as the body parameter. The

sent message should be received by our previously run consumer.

This simple example shows how easy it is to use the REST API to do asynchronous

messaging even from the command line. But generally, you should give STOMP a try

(if it’s available for your platform) before falling back to the REST API, because it

allows you more flexibility and is much more messaging-oriented.


9.4.2 Using the ActiveMQ Ajax API

9.4.2 使用ActiveMQ Ajax API


As we said earlier, the option to communicate with the web server asynchronously

changed how developers thought about web applications. In this section we’ll see how

web developers can embrace asynchronous programming even further, by communicating

with message brokers directly from JavaScript.




First of all, we should configure our web server to support the ActiveMQ Ajax API.

Similar to the MessageServlet class used for implementing the REST API, ActiveMQ

provides an AjaxServlet that implements Ajax support. Figure 9.3 shows how the

AjaxServlet serves as a mediator between the web browser and the broker. So the

JavaScript clients communicate with the servlet, which connects to the broker as a

standard JMS client.


首先,我们需要配置web服务器支持ActiveMQ Ajax API.与MessageServlet实现了REST API





The following example shows how to configure it in your web application’s WEBINF/














Of course, in order to make it work properly you have to put ActiveMQ in your web

application’s classpath. Now that we have a server side configured and a servlet listening

to the requests submitted to the URIs starting with /amq/, we can proceed to

implementing the client side of our Ajax application.





First of all, we have to include the amq.js script, which includes all necessary

JavaScript libraries for us. Also, we have to point the amq.uri variable to the URI our

Ajax servlet listens to. The following snippet shows how to achieve this:



?amq.uri变量指向Ajax servlet监听的URI.下面的代码片段完成了这两步配置:


<script type="text/javascript" src="amq/amq.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">amq.uri='/amq';</script>


The amq.js script defines a JavaScript object named amq, which provides an API for us

to send messages and subscribe to ActiveMQ destinations. The following example

shows how to send a simple message from our Ajax application:

amq.sendMessage("topic://TEST", "message");




amq.sendMessage("topic://TEST", "message");


It can’t be much simpler than this: all you have to do is call a sendMessage() method

and provide a destination and the text of the message to be sent.





If you wish to subscribe to a certain destination (or multiple destinations), you

have to register a callback function that will be called every time a new message is

available. This is done with the addListener() method of the amq object, which in

addition to a callback function accepts a destination to subscribe to and ID that makes

further handling of this listener possible.



新消息时,会调用这个函数.尅通过 amq对象的addListener() 注册回调函数,该函数除了接受一个 回




The ActiveMQ demo application comes with the stock portfolio example we’ve

used throughout the book, adopted to the web environment. The example contains a

servlet that publishes market data and a web page that uses the Ajax API to consume

that data. Using this example, we’ll show how to consume messages using the Ajax

API. Let’s take a look at the code shown in the following listing.


ActiveMQ demo程序是本书一直使用的stock portfolio示例程序为能在web环境中运行而修改后的版本.

这个例子包含一个用于发布市场数据的servlet和一个使用Ajax API处理市场数据的web页面.通过使用这个

例子,我们可以了解如何通过Ajax API处理消息.下面让我们看下下面的示例代码:


Listing 9.18 Consume messages from JavaScript using Ajax API

代码清单9.18 JavaScript 使用 Ajax API处理消息


var priceHandler =





if (message != null)?


var price = parseFloat(message.getAttribute('bid'))

var symbol = message.getAttribute('stock')

var movement = message.getAttribute('movement')

if (movement == null)?


movement = 'up'



var row = document.getElementById(symbol)


if (row)


// perform portfolio calculations

var value = asFloat(find(row, 'amount')) * price

var pl = value - asFloat(find(row, 'cost'))

// now let’s update the HTML DOM

find(row, 'price').innerHTML = fixedDigits(price, 2)

find(row, 'value').innerHTML = fixedDigits(value, 2)

find(row, 'pl').innerHTML = fixedDigits(pl, 2)

find(row, 'price').className = movement

find(row, 'pl').className = pl >= 0 ? 'up' : 'down'






function portfolioPoll(first)


if (first)


amq.addListener('stocks', 'topic://STOCKS.*', priceHandler._price);






For starters, we’ve defined a JavaScript object named priceHandler with the _price()

function we’ll use to handle messages. This function finds an appropriate page element

and updates its value (or changes its class to show whether it’s a positive or negative

change). Now we have to register this function to listen to the stock topics. As you

can see, we’ve named our listener stocks, set it to listen to all topics in the STOCKS

name hierarchy, and defined _price() as a callback function. You can later remove

this subscription (if you wish) by calling the removeListener() function of the amq

object and providing the specified ID (stocks in this case).




闲我们已经将这个函数注册为监听 stock提提了.正如你所看到的,我们将监听器命名为stocks,并将其设置为




Now we’re ready to run this example. First we’re going to start the portfolio publisher

servlet by entering the following URL in the browser:



The Ajax consumer example is located at the following address:





以便启动portfolio的publisher.Ajax 消费者例子的位置为下面的地址:



After starting it, you can expect a page that looks similar to the one shown in figure 9.4.

The page will dynamically update as messages come to the broker. This simple

example shows how Ajax applications can benefit from asynchronous messaging, thus

taking dynamic web pages to a whole new level.


从这个简单的例子可以看出,得利于异步消息系统,Ajax 程序可以将动态页面技术提升至一个




