题目:算法导论第二版 P216 15.5-1
package introductionToAlgorithms.dp;public class ConstructOprimalBST {private int[][] root={{1,1,2,2,2},{0,2,2,2,4},{0,0,3,4,5},{0,0,0,4,5},{0,0,0,0,5}};public void constructOptimalBST(int left,int right){if(left == 0 && right == root.length-1) {System.out.println("k[" + root[left][right]+"] is the root");}if(left < right) {int r = root[left][right]-1;System.out.println("k[" + root[left][r-1]+"] is the left child of k[" + (r+1) + "]");constructOptimalBST(left,r-1);if(r < right ) //右孩子不是k[i],而是d[i],不用在这里打印System.out.println("k[" + root[r+1][right]+"] is the right child of k[" + (r+1) +"]");constructOptimalBST(r+1,right);}else if(left == right) {System.out.println("d[" + left+"] is the left child of k[" + (left+1) +"]");System.out.println("d[" + (left+1)+"] is the right child of k[" + (left+1) +"]");}else {System.out.println("d[" + left +"] is the right child of k[" + (right+1) + "]");}}public static void main(String[] args) {ConstructOprimalBST c = new ConstructOprimalBST();c.constructOptimalBST(0,c.root.length-1);}}?