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Hyperic Agent 装配配置报 - No token file found, waiting for Agent to initialize

Hyperic Agent 安装配置报 - No token file found, waiting for Agent to initialize本人经过跟VMWare 支

Hyperic Agent 安装配置报 - No token file found, waiting for Agent to initialize

本人经过跟VMWare 支持的多方努力,问题终于得到解决,方案如下:

* Stop the agent Windows service.

* Make sure all the agent processes are down - wrapper  and Java processes.

* Verify that the the path %SystemRoot%\TEMP exist in themachine.

* If it exists, remove the file:%SystemRoot%\TEMP\agent.encrypt.lock


* Open%AGENT_INSTALL_HOME%\bundles\agent-5.0.0\bin\hq-agent.bat (%AGENT_INSTALL_HOME%is probably C:\hyperic\hyperic-hqee-agent-5.0.0)

** Search for the following text:

set CLIENT_CMD="%HQ_JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"

** And replace it with the text:

set CLIENT_CMD="%HQ_JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"-Djava.io.tmpdir="%SystemRoot%\TEMP"

** The rest of the line should stay as is.


* Open%AGENT_INSTALL_HOME%\bundles\agent-5.0.0\conf\wrapper.conf(%AGENT_INSTALL_HOME% is probably C:\hyperic\hyperic-hqee-agent-5.0.0)

** Look for the wrapper.java.additional propertiessection.

** Add the following new line at the end of the section.Don't forget to replace the XXX with the correct number.



* Start the agent in the usual way.
