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作为一个Python初学者+自然语言处理初学者,我用Python写了一个简单的中文分词器,整个程序 加上注释100行左右,算是一个小练习。

Table of Contents1 数据来源2 算法描述3 源代码及注释4 测试及评分结果

数据来自 Bakeoff2005 官方网站:http://sighan.cs.uchicago.edu/bakeoff2005/ 下载其中的 icwb2-data.tar.bz2 解压后取出以下文件:

训练数据:icwb2-data/training/pku_ training.utf8测试数据:icwb2-data/testing/pku_ test.utf8正确分词结果:icwb2-data/gold/pku_ test_ gold.utf8评分工具:icwb2-data/script/socre



注:这是最初的算法,这样做代码可以控制在60行内,后来看测试结果发现没有很好地处理数字问题, 才又增加了对数字的处理。

#! /usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Author: minix# Date:   2013-03-20# Email:  minix007@foxmail.comimport codecsimport sys# 由规则处理的一些特殊符号numMath = [u'0', u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4', u'5', u'6', u'7', u'8', u'9']numMath_suffix = [u'.', u'%', u'亿', u'万', u'千', u'百', u'十', u'个']numCn = [u'一', u'二', u'三', u'四', u'五', u'六', u'七', u'八', u'九', u'〇', u'零']numCn_suffix_date = [u'年', u'月', u'日']numCn_suffix_unit = [u'亿', u'万', u'千', u'百', u'十', u'个']special_char = [u'(', u')']def proc_num_math(line, start):    """ 处理句子中出现的数学符号 """    oldstart = start    while line[start] in numMath or line[start] in numMath_suffix:        start = start + 1    if line[start] in numCn_suffix_date:        start = start + 1    return start - oldstartdef proc_num_cn(line, start):    """ 处理句子中出现的中文数字 """    oldstart = start    while line[start] in numCn or line[start] in numCn_suffix_unit:        start = start + 1    if line[start] in numCn_suffix_date:        start = start + 1    return start - oldstartdef rules(line, start):    """ 处理特殊规则 """    if line[start] in numMath:        return proc_num_math(line, start)    elif line[start] in numCn:        return proc_num_cn(line, start)def genDict(path):    """ 获取词典 """    f = codecs.open(path,'r','utf-8')    contents = f.read()    contents = contents.replace(u'\r', u'')    contents = contents.replace(u'\n', u'')    # 将文件内容按空格分开    mydict = contents.split(u' ')    # 去除词典List中的重复    newdict = list(set(mydict))    newdict.remove(u'')    # 建立词典    # key为词首字,value为以此字开始的词构成的List    truedict = {}    for item in newdict:        if len(item)>0 and item[0] in truedict:            value = truedict[item[0]]            value.append(item)            truedict[item[0]] = value        else:            truedict[item[0]] = [item]    return truedictdef print_unicode_list(uni_list):    for item in uni_list:        print item,def divideWords(mydict, sentence):    """     根据词典对句子进行分词,    使用正向匹配的算法,从左到右扫描,遇到最长的词,    就将它切下来,直到句子被分割完闭    """    ruleChar = []    ruleChar.extend(numCn)    ruleChar.extend(numMath)    result = []    start = 0    senlen = len(sentence)    while start < senlen:        curword = sentence[start]        maxlen = 1        # 首先查看是否可以匹配特殊规则        if curword in numCn or curword in numMath:            maxlen = rules(sentence, start)        # 寻找以当前字开头的最长词        if curword in mydict:            words = mydict[curword]            for item in words:                itemlen = len(item)                if sentence[start:start+itemlen] == item and itemlen > maxlen:                    maxlen = itemlen        result.append(sentence[start:start+maxlen])        start = start + maxlen    return resultdef main():    args = sys.argv[1:]    if len(args) < 3:        print 'Usage: python dw.py dict_path test_path result_path'        exit(-1)    dict_path = args[0]    test_path = args[1]    result_path = args[2]    dicts = genDict(dict_path)    fr = codecs.open(test_path,'r','utf-8')    test = fr.read()    result = divideWords(dicts,test)    fr.close()    fw = codecs.open(result_path,'w','utf-8')    for item in result:        fw.write(item + ' ')    fw.close()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

    使用 dw.py 训练数据 测试数据, 生成结果文件使用 score 根据训练数据,正确分词结果,和我们生成的结果进行评分使用 tail 查看结果文件最后几行的总体评分,另外socre.utf8中还提供了大量的比较结果, 可以用于发现自己的分词结果在哪儿做的不够好


    $ python dw.py pku_training.utf8 pku_test.utf8 pku_result.utf8$ perl score pku_training.utf8 pku_test_gold.utf8 pku_result.utf8 > score.utf8$ tail -22 score.utf8 INSERTIONS:     0DELETIONS:      0SUBSTITUTIONS:  0NCHANGE:        0NTRUTH: 27NTEST:  27TRUE WORDS RECALL:      1.000TEST WORDS PRECISION:   1.000=== SUMMARY:=== TOTAL INSERTIONS:   4623=== TOTAL DELETIONS:    1740=== TOTAL SUBSTITUTIONS:        6650=== TOTAL NCHANGE:      13013=== TOTAL TRUE WORD COUNT:      104372=== TOTAL TEST WORD COUNT:      107255=== TOTAL TRUE WORDS RECALL:    0.920=== TOTAL TEST WORDS PRECISION: 0.895=== F MEASURE:  0.907=== OOV Rate:   0.940=== OOV Recall Rate:    0.917=== IV Recall Rate:     0.966



    [1] 52nlp: http://www.52nlp.cn/中文分词入门之资源
