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关于 Elxis CMS 的扩张和特性

关于 Elxis CMS 的扩展和特性Elxis has some global extension types and some others that are component

关于 Elxis CMS 的扩展和特性

Elxis has some global extension types and some others that are component specific. The most important extensions are theComponents. A component handles the user request and generates the corresponding output which is visible in the center area of the site. Only one component can run in each page. Depending on the user's request Elxis decides which component to load.Modules, on the other hand are small blocks shown arround the component on the left, right, top and bottom areas of the site.


最重要的扩展就是 Components 组件.

一个组件 控制着用户请求和生成相应的能够在站点中央区域可见的内容。只有一个组件可以在每一个页面运行。根据用户的请求,Elxis 决定来加载那一个组件。

关于 Elxis CMS 的扩张和特性


关于 Elxis CMS 的扩张和特性

The complete list of the built-in extension types follows.


    Authentication methods 授权方式

    Elxis accepts user login from external providers such as OpenId, LDAP, GMail and Twitter.

    Elxis Authentication methods are component User specific extensions that provide this extra functionality.

    You can install new Authentication methods and manage them as any other extension type.

    Elxis 允许用户从外部来源登录系统,如 OpenId, LDAP, GMail and Twitter. 

    Search engines 搜索引擎

    People usually search for articles matching some given search criteria. But what about searching other things like video, images or people? Well, Search Engines are exactly for this. These component'sSearch extensions allows you to extend search on anything you can imagine.



    Templates handles the structure and the style of the generated pages. The template controls things like the side columns of the site and the position of the modules. There are templates for the site's frontend area but also for the back-end area. Templates can also provide the structure and the layout for theExit Pages (error 403, 404, etc) and for themobile version of the site.



      High quality object oriented programming in PHP5 (ready for PHP6).高质量的OOP 面向对象编程用PHP5
      PDO database layer
      Multiligual user interface and content.External authentication methods like Twitter, Gmail, OpenId, etc...扩展授权登录方式如Twitter等
      Extendable and configurable user groups and permissions.Elxis Defender, Security Level, SSL/TLS, encryption and other security related features.Problem notification (automatic email notifications to site's technical manager on security alerts, fatal errors, and more).File and APC cache.Small footprintMulti-sites supportRight-To-Left languages support.Sub-categories of any level.Multi-functional articles and categories.Built-in commentary system.RSS/ATOM feeds per category.APIs for all core features makes developer work extremely easy.Open search - search through your browser's search box.Multiple supported doctypes - XHTML 5, HTML 5, XHTML 1.1 tranditional, XHTML 1.1 strict.Mobile readyCustom exit pages (page not found, forbidden, error, etc)Extendable search system (search for content, images, videos, and more).Image galleriesContact formsMulti-level suckerfish style menus.Highly configurable category and article pages.jQuery ready.Site traffic statistics.Highly configurable frontpage.Easy and powerful internal linking system and search engine friendly URLs (Elxis URIs).One-click extension install/update/un-install.Elxis repositoryPowerful templating system for the site's frontend and backend sections.Visitors can display dates based on their own location.Automatic generation and expansion of menus for components.Performance monitorSystem debug with many report levels.One-click complete file system and database backup.System logs (logging errors, security alerts, install/update/un-install actions, and more).WYSIWYG editor with many features like spell checker, image uploading, styling, and moreMedia managerTranslations managerFTP supportUTF-8 supportUsers central, members list and rich user profile.Custom icon packages
