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用Python 兑现的目录拷贝程序

用Python 实现的目录拷贝程序背景:最近自己在做一个项目,由于时间紧,任务重,所以会利用在公司空余的时间去

用Python 实现的目录拷贝程序



'''copy one directory to another directory@author: '''import os;import shutil, errno;import ctypes;import itertools;import string;import platform;_home = "E:\sourcecode";home_disk = "K:\FTS_HOME";office = "D:\sourcecode\FTS";office_disk = "E:\FTS_HOME";other_source = "D:\\pythontest\\source";other_target = "D:\\pythontest\\target";FILES_DIRECTORY_LIST = ["ForeignTradeFront\src", "ForeignTradeFront\WebContent", "ForeignTradeServer\ejbModule", "ForeignTradeServer\TestSrc"];def copyFiles():    directory = input("how to copy files? \n\copy to office(1), \n\copy to office removable driver(2),\n\copy to _home(3),\n\copy to _home removable driver(4);\n\other(5)");        if directory == "1":        executeCopyFiles(office_disk, office);    elif directory == "2":        executeCopyFiles(office, office_disk);    elif directory == "3":        executeCopyFiles(home_disk, _home);    elif directory == "4":        executeCopyFiles(_home, home_disk);    elif directory == "5":        executeCopyFiles(other_source, other_target);          def executeCopyFiles(sourceDirectory, targetDirectory):    copyConfirm = input("Are you sure want copy" + sourceDirectory + " to " + targetDirectory + "?(Y/N)");    if copyConfirm == "Y":        if os.path.isdir(sourceDirectory) and  os.path.isdir(targetDirectory):            for update_directory in FILES_DIRECTORY_LIST:                newSourceDirectory = generateUpdatePath(sourceDirectory, update_directory) ;                newTargetDirectory = generateUpdatePath(targetDirectory, update_directory) ;                deleteOldTargetDirectory(newTargetDirectory);                copyanything(newSourceDirectory, newTargetDirectory);        else:            print("Please input a directionary path!");    else:        print("Cancellation copy file!");        def generateUpdatePath(originalPath, updatePath):    return os.path.join(originalPath, updatePath);def deleteOldTargetDirectory(targetDirectory):    print(targetDirectory + " was removed!");    shutil.rmtree(targetDirectory, True);      def copyanything(src, dst):    try:        if(os.path.exists(dst)):            shutil.rmtree(dst, False);        shutil.copytree(src, dst)        print(dst + " copy successful");    except OSError as exc: # python >2.5        if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:            shutil.copy(src, dst)        else: raiseif __name__ == '__main__':    copyFiles();
