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define X264_THREAD_MAX 128#define X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX 16#define X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX 250// arbitrary, but low because SATD scores are 1/4 normal#define X264_LOOKAHEAD_QP (12+QP_BD_OFFSET)// number of pixels (per thread) in progress at any given time.// 16 for the macroblock in progress + 3 for deblocking + 3 for motion compensation filter + 2 for extra safety#define X264_THREAD_HEIGHT 24#define x264_pthread_t               pthread_t#define x264_pthread_create          pthread_create#define x264_pthread_join            pthread_join#define x264_pthread_mutex_t         pthread_mutex_t#define x264_pthread_mutex_init      pthread_mutex_init#define x264_pthread_mutex_destroy   pthread_mutex_destroy#define x264_pthread_mutex_lock      pthread_mutex_lock#define x264_pthread_mutex_unlock    pthread_mutex_unlock#define x264_pthread_cond_t          pthread_cond_t#define x264_pthread_cond_init       pthread_cond_init#define x264_pthread_cond_destroy    pthread_cond_destroy#define x264_pthread_cond_broadcast  pthread_cond_broadcast#define x264_pthread_cond_wait       pthread_cond_wait#define x264_pthread_attr_t          pthread_attr_t#define x264_pthread_attr_init       pthread_attr_init#define x264_pthread_attr_destroy    pthread_attr_destroy#define x264_pthread_num_processors_np pthread_num_processors_np#define X264_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZERtypedef struct x264_lookahead_t{    volatile uint8_t              b_exit_thread;    uint8_t                       b_thread_active;    uint8_t                       b_analyse_keyframe;    int                           i_last_keyframe;    int                           i_slicetype_length;    x264_frame_t                  *last_nonb;    x264_pthread_t                thread_handle;    x264_sync_frame_list_t        ifbuf;    x264_sync_frame_list_t        next;    x264_sync_frame_list_t        ofbuf;} x264_lookahead_t;/* synchronized frame list */typedef struct{   x264_frame_t **list;   int i_max_size;   int i_size;   x264_pthread_mutex_t     mutex;   x264_pthread_cond_t      cv_fill;  /* event signaling that the list became fuller */   x264_pthread_cond_t      cv_empty; /* event signaling that the list became emptier */} x264_sync_frame_list_t;typedef struct x264_frame //!< 为节省篇幅,仅附上与线程有关的成员变量{    /* threading */    int     i_lines_completed; /* in pixels */    int     i_lines_weighted; /* FIXME: this only supports weighting of one reference frame */    int     i_reference_count; /* number of threads using this frame (not necessarily the number of pointers) */    x264_pthread_mutex_t mutex;    x264_pthread_cond_t  cv;} x264_frame_t;/* threading */void x264_frame_cond_broadcast( x264_frame_t *frame, int i_lines_completed ){    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &frame->mutex );    frame->i_lines_completed = i_lines_completed;    x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &frame->cv );    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &frame->mutex );}void x264_frame_cond_wait( x264_frame_t *frame, int i_lines_completed ){    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &frame->mutex );    while( frame->i_lines_completed < i_lines_completed )        x264_pthread_cond_wait( &frame->cv, &frame->mutex );    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &frame->mutex );}void x264_threadslice_cond_broadcast( x264_t *h, int pass ){    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->mutex );    h->i_threadslice_pass = pass;    if( pass > 0 )        x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &h->cv );    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->mutex );}void x264_threadslice_cond_wait( x264_t *h, int pass ){    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->mutex );    while( h->i_threadslice_pass < pass )        x264_pthread_cond_wait( &h->cv, &h->mutex );    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->mutex );}int x264_sync_frame_list_init( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist, int max_size ){    if( max_size < 0 )        return -1;    slist->i_max_size = max_size;    slist->i_size = 0;    CHECKED_MALLOCZERO( slist->list, (max_size+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );    if( x264_pthread_mutex_init( &slist->mutex, NULL ) ||        x264_pthread_cond_init( &slist->cv_fill, NULL ) ||        x264_pthread_cond_init( &slist->cv_empty, NULL ) )        return -1;    return 0;fail:    return -1;}void x264_sync_frame_list_delete( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist ){    x264_pthread_mutex_destroy( &slist->mutex );    x264_pthread_cond_destroy( &slist->cv_fill );    x264_pthread_cond_destroy( &slist->cv_empty );    x264_frame_delete_list( slist->list );}void x264_sync_frame_list_push( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist, x264_frame_t *frame ){    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &slist->mutex );    while( slist->i_size == slist->i_max_size )        x264_pthread_cond_wait( &slist->cv_empty, &slist->mutex );    slist->list[ slist->i_size++ ] = frame;    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &slist->mutex );    x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &slist->cv_fill );}x264_frame_t *x264_sync_frame_list_pop( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist ){    x264_frame_t *frame;    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &slist->mutex );    while( !slist->i_size )        x264_pthread_cond_wait( &slist->cv_fill, &slist->mutex );    frame = slist->list[ --slist->i_size ];    slist->list[ slist->i_size ] = NULL;    x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &slist->cv_empty );    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &slist->mutex );    return frame;}                                                                                                                                   typedef struct x264_param_t //!< 为节省篇幅,仅附上与线程有关的成员变量{    /* CPU flags */    unsigned int cpu;    int         i_threads;           /* encode multiple frames in parallel */    int         i_lookahead_threads; /* multiple threads for lookahead analysis */    int         b_sliced_threads;  /* Whether to use slice-based threading. */    int         b_deterministic; /* whether to allow non-deterministic optimizations when threaded */    int         b_cpu_independent; /* force canonical behavior rather than cpu-dependent optimal algorithms */    int         i_sync_lookahead; /* threaded lookahead buffer */}x264_param_t; struct x264_t //!< 为节省篇幅,仅附上与线程有关的成员变量{    /* encoder parameters */    x264_param_t    param;    x264_t          *thread[X264_THREAD_MAX+1];    x264_t          *lookahead_thread[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX];    int             b_thread_active;    int             i_thread_phase; /* which thread to use for the next frame */    int             i_thread_idx;   /* which thread this is */    int             i_threadslice_start; /* first row in this thread slice */    int             i_threadslice_end; /* row after the end of this thread slice */    int             i_threadslice_pass; /* which pass of encoding we are on */    x264_threadpool_t *threadpool;    x264_threadpool_t *lookaheadpool;    x264_pthread_mutex_t mutex;    x264_pthread_cond_t cv;}

