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driver.navigate().to(url):跳转到指定的url,只执行跳转动作,不判断、不等待指定的页面是否加载成功;driver.get(url):跳转到指定的url,并且检查页面是否加载完毕,如果指定了pageLoadTimeout,而在指定时间内没有加载完毕则会抛出org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException;      这样,我们就可以很轻易的解决跳转不稳定的问题了:

/** * rewrite the get method, adding user defined log</BR> * 地址跳转方法,使用WebDriver原生get方法,加入失败重试的次数定义。 *  * @param url the url you want to open. * @param actionCount retry times when load timeout occuers. * @throws RuntimeException */protected void get(String url, int actionCount) {boolean inited = false;int index = 0, timeout = 10;while (!inited && index < actionCount){timeout = (index == actionCount - 1) ? maxLoadTime : 10;//最后一次跳转使用最大的默认超时时间inited = navigateAndLoad(url, timeout);index ++;}if (!inited && index == actionCount){//最终跳转失败则抛出运行时异常,退出运行throw new RuntimeException("can not get the url [" + url + "] after retry " + actionCount + "times!");}}/** * rewrite the get method, adding user defined log</BR> * 地址跳转方法,使用WebDriver原生get方法,默认加载超重试【1】次。 *  * @param url the url you want to open. * @throws RuntimeException */protected void get(String url) {get(url, 2);}/** * judge if the url has navigate and page load completed.</BR> * 跳转到指定的URL并且返回是否跳转完整的结果。 *  * @param url the url you want to open. * @param timeout the timeout for page load in seconds. * @return if page load completed. */private boolean navigateAndLoad(String url, int timeout){try {driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);driver.get(url);return true;//跳转并且加载页面成功在返回true} catch (TimeoutException e) {return false;//超时的情况下返回false} catch (Exception e) {failValidation();//共用的异常处理方法LOG.error(e);//记录错误日志throw new RuntimeException(e);//抛出运行时异常,退出运行}finally{driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(maxLoadTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS);}}
