/etc/auto_master nfs 配置文件,用来保存自动mount 其他机器的贡献资源, 这个文件提供系统命令automount
/etc/cdromd.conf Defines for the cdromd daemon the managed devices and supported file system types.
/etc/cronlog.conf 针对用户定义cron定时任务日志格式及存放目录
/etc/exclude.rootvg 定义在备份的时候那些文件不进行备份
/etc/exports nfs 对外提供的文件系统列表
/etc/environment 记录系统启动时的路径,这里只能是 var=val 格式,不支持shell
/etc/exports Contains a list of directories that can be exported to Network File System (NFS) clients.
/etc/dhcpcd.ini dbcp
/etc/filesystems 定义系统内存在的文件系统及其默认行为、属性
/etc/gated.conf Contains configuration information for the gated daemon.
gated Provides gateway routing functions for the RIP, RIPng, EGP, BGP, BGP4+,
HELLO, IS-IS, ICMP, ICMPv6, and SNMP protocols.
/etc/groups Contains the basic attributes of groups.
/etc/hosts 定义主机和ip对应关系
/etc/hosts.equiv 根据主机名+用户 和主机名+组 定义访问控制(第一个访问$HOME/.rhosts,第二个hosts.equiv,第三个hosts.lpd)
/etc/hosts.lpd 类似hosts.equiv
/etc/inittab 定义系统启动行为,这里的条目都会在系统启动时执行
/etc/inetd.conf 定义demoan配置,定义后如果有程序访问制定端口,inetd会启动相应服务
/etc/irs.conf 系统名称 解析顺序定义文件优先权小于/etc/netsvc.conf
/etc/locks Contains lock files that prevent multiple uses of communications devices and multiple calls to remote systems.
/etc/magic The /etc/magic file is used by commands such as the following to determine the type of a given file:
/etc/motd 登陆时,系统显示的提示信息
/etc/netsvc.conf The /etc/netsvc.conf file is used to specify the ordering of name resolution,名字解析顺序
/etc/ntp.conf 网络时钟服务器
/etc/objrepos odm 数据库 存储目录
/etc/pam.conf Contains service entries for each PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
/etc/rc.tcpip 启动tcpip 的deamon
/etc/rc.d System V 风格系统服务启动文件
/etc/rc.* 用来启动和停止系统服务的
/etc/resolv.conf 定义域名服务器
.ids Contains standard and administrative user IDs and group IDs.
.profile 创建用户时使用的默认用户配置文件
aixpert/ 系统功能脚本
audit/ 安全验证相关
bincmds 验证程序配置
environ Contains the environment attributes of users
failedlogin 记录失败的登陆信息
group Contains the extended attributes of groups.
lastlog 记录当前正在使用的最后登陆用户信息,包括ip,终端等,应该是last命令使用的
limits 限制用户内存、core、cpu等资源的使用限制,这个状态可以用ulimit读取
login.cfg 定义登陆行为,如登陆失败重试间隔,空闲时间、提示问题等
mkuser.default ->/usr/lib/security/mkuser.default 定义在使用mkuser建立普通用户不指定属性的默认值
mkuser.sys -> /usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys mkuser 使用的默认内脚本
passwd 密码文件Contains password information.
portlog 配合登陆尝试锁定端口
pwdalg.cfg 密码验证模块配置
pwdhist.dir 密码历史
pwdhist.pag 密码历史
services Network services
user Contains the extended attributes of users.如:用户验证使用ldap,还是本机配置文件
user.roles Contains the administrative role attributes of users.
/etc/shells 定义系统中存在的shell
/etc/ rovides the boot and engine ID information for the snmpdv3 agent
/etc/swapspaces 定义系统pagingspace
/etc/sudoers sudo 权限分配软件
/etc/syslog.conf 系统日志配置文件
/etc/telnet.conf terminal type resolver file for telnet
/etc/trcfmt trcrpt默认模版
/etc/tunables 系统参数目录。记录了最后一次启动时的参数,下次启动将要使用的参数
The utmp file, the wtmp file, and the failedlogin file contain records
with user and accounting information.
When a user attempts to logs in, the login program writes entries in two
* The /etc/utmp file, which contains a record of users logged into the
* The /var/adm/wtmp file (if it exists), which contains connect-time
accounting records.
On an invalid login attempt, due to an incorrect login name or password,
the login program makes an entry in:
* The /etc/security/failedlogin file, which contains a record of
unsuccessful login attempts.
/etc/vfs 定义操作系统支持那些文件系统
/etc/vg 包含vg标识的目录,下面每一个文件代表一个vg .“VG IDENTIFIER”显示的就是那个文件名,去掉开头的vg两个字母
/etc/xtab Contains entries for currently exported NFS directories