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基于opengl的RoundBox绘制(转)?实现了16种roundBox,见图i#include cstdlib#include GL/glut.h#include





#include <cstdlib>   #include <GL/glut.h>   #include <cmath>   #include <ctime>     //#include "BezierLinkRender.h"   #include "RoundBoxRender.h"     //////////////////////////////////////////////////   //global   GLuint gColorStable[] =    {       (0xFF0000), //red        (0xDC143C), //crimson       (0x9400D3), //violet       (0xFFA000), //orange       (0xFFFF00), //yellow       (0xFFD700), //glod       (0x00FF00), //green       (0x90FF90), //lightgreen       (0x006400), //darkgreen       (0x556B2F), //olivegreen        //very good color绿橄榄       (0x0000FF), //blue       (0x00008B), //darkblue       (0x4169E1), //royalblue       (0x5555FF), //skyblue       (0x191970), //midnightbue       (0xFF00FF), //fuchsia       (0x00FFFF), //aqua       (0xffb6c1), //pink       (0xFF91A4), //salmonpink       (0x30D5C8), //turquoise       (0x008080), //darkturpuoise       (0xA9A9A9), //gray       (0xD3D3D3), //lightgray       (0x808080)  //darkgray   };     float g_fWidth = 500;   float g_fHeight = 500;   float g_fDepth = 100;   float g_fAngle = .0;     int     gRoundboxtype = 0;   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   void renderBitmapString2D(float x, float y, void *font, char *string);   void getColorFromTable(GLuint rgb, float vec[3]);     void init(void)    {       RoundBoxRender::setType(gRoundboxtype);       printf("%d\n", gRoundboxtype);         glClearColor (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0);       glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);   }     void display(void)   {       const float slotSize = 30.f;       const float slotColor[] = {0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f};       const float slotShadowSize = 2.0f;       const float slotShadowAlpha = 0.7;         glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);       glColor3f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);         glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);       glLoadIdentity();       glOrtho(0, g_fWidth, 0, g_fHeight, 0, g_fDepth);       glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);       glLoadIdentity();         glTranslatef(80.f, 80.f, 0.f);      //整体平移              int xPos(0);       int yPos(0);       int xOffset(0);       int yOffset(0);         for (int i=0; i<16; i++)       {           char buffer[10] = {'\0'};           itoa (i,buffer,10);             int fontWidOffset = i>10 ? 12 : 5;       //估算量           int fontHghOffset = 10;                 //估算量             int boxSize = 60;                      float colorVec[3];           getColorFromTable(gColorStable[i], colorVec);           glColor3fv(colorVec);           RoundBoxRender::setType(i);             yOffset = i/4;           xOffset = i%4;             glPushMatrix();           {               glTranslatef(xPos+xOffset*100, yPos+yOffset*100, 0.f);               RoundBoxRender::gl_round_box_shade(GL_POLYGON, 0, 0, boxSize, boxSize, 10, 0.3, 0);               glColor3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.0f);               renderBitmapString2D(boxSize/2-fontWidOffset, boxSize/2-fontHghOffset, GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24, buffer);           }glPopMatrix();       }       //glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);       //ui_draw_link_bezier(&gRect);         glutSwapBuffers();   }     void reshape (int w, int h)   {       glViewport (0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);        glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);       glLoadIdentity ();       gluPerspective(60,1.0,1.5,20);       glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);   }     void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)   {       switch (key)        {       case 27:           exit(0);           break;       }       glutPostRedisplay();   }     void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)   {       if(button==GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)           switch(state)       {           case GLUT_DOWN:               break;             case GLUT_UP:               break;       }       glutPostRedisplay();   }     int main(int argc, char** argv)   {       glutInit(&argc, argv);       glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB);       glutInitWindowSize (500, 500);        glutInitWindowPosition (100, 100);       glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);       init ();       glutDisplayFunc(display);        glutReshapeFunc(reshape);       glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);       glutMouseFunc( mouse );       glutMainLoop();       return 0;   }     void renderBitmapString2D(float x, float y, void *font, char *string)   {       char *c;       // set position to start drawing fonts       glRasterPos2f(x, y);       // loop all the characters in the string       for (c=string; *c != '\0'; c++) {           glutBitmapCharacter(font, *c);       }   }   void getColorFromTable(GLuint rgb, float vec[3])   {       GLubyte  r = GLubyte ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF);       GLubyte  g = GLubyte ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF);       GLubyte  b = GLubyte (rgb & 0xFF);       vec[0] = r / 255.0f;       vec[1] = g / 255.0f;       vec[2] = b / 255.0f;   }  本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/dizuo/archive/2010/07/08/5721751.aspx


#define ROUNDBOXRENDER_H     // 7/8/2010 RYF   // QQ: 546952710   // Email: dizuo@126.com     struct RoundBoxRender   {       // 产生一个渐变的效果:       //      shadetop叠加top       //      shadedown叠加到down 可以为负       //      rad为圆角的半径         /* linear horizontal shade within button or in outline */      /* view2d scrollers use it */      static void gl_round_box_shade(int mode, float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy, float rad, float shadetop, float shadedown)       {           float vec[7][2]= {{0.195, 0.02}, {0.383, 0.067}, {0.55, 0.169}, {0.707, 0.293},           {0.831, 0.45}, {0.924, 0.617}, {0.98, 0.805}};           float div= maxy-miny;           float coltop[3], coldown[3], color[4];           int a;             /* mult */          for(a=0; a<7; a++) {               vec[a][0]*= rad; vec[a][1]*= rad;           }           /* get current color, needs to be outside of glBegin/End */          glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, color);             /* 'shade' defines strength of shading */              coltop[0]= color[0]+shadetop; if(coltop[0]>1.0) coltop[0]= 1.0;           coltop[1]= color[1]+shadetop; if(coltop[1]>1.0) coltop[1]= 1.0;           coltop[2]= color[2]+shadetop; if(coltop[2]>1.0) coltop[2]= 1.0;           coldown[0]= color[0]+shadedown; if(coldown[0]<0.0) coldown[0]= 0.0;           coldown[1]= color[1]+shadedown; if(coldown[1]<0.0) coldown[1]= 0.0;           coldown[2]= color[2]+shadedown; if(coldown[2]<0.0) coldown[2]= 0.0;             glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);           glBegin(mode);             /* start with corner right-bottom */          if(roundboxtype & 4) {                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 0.0);               glVertex2f(maxx-rad, miny);                 for(a=0; a<7; a++) {                   round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, vec[a][1]/div);                   glVertex2f(maxx-rad+vec[a][0], miny+vec[a][1]);               }                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, rad/div);               glVertex2f(maxx, miny+rad);           }           else {               round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 0.0);               glVertex2f(maxx, miny);           }             /* corner right-top */          if(roundboxtype & 2) {                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, (div-rad)/div);               glVertex2f(maxx, maxy-rad);                 for(a=0; a<7; a++) {                   round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, (div-rad+vec[a][1])/div);                   glVertex2f(maxx-vec[a][1], maxy-rad+vec[a][0]);               }               round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 1.0);               glVertex2f(maxx-rad, maxy);           }           else {               round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 1.0);               glVertex2f(maxx, maxy);           }             /* corner left-top */          if(roundboxtype & 1) {                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 1.0);               glVertex2f(minx+rad, maxy);                 for(a=0; a<7; a++) {                   round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, (div-vec[a][1])/div);                   glVertex2f(minx+rad-vec[a][0], maxy-vec[a][1]);               }                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, (div-rad)/div);               glVertex2f(minx, maxy-rad);           }           else {               round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 1.0);               glVertex2f(minx, maxy);           }             /* corner left-bottom */          if(roundboxtype & 8) {                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, rad/div);               glVertex2f(minx, miny+rad);                 for(a=0; a<7; a++) {                   round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, (rad-vec[a][1])/div);                   glVertex2f(minx+vec[a][1], miny+rad-vec[a][0]);               }                 round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 0.0);               glVertex2f(minx+rad, miny);           }           else {               round_box_shade_col(coltop, coldown, 0.0);               glVertex2f(minx, miny);           }             glEnd();           glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);       }         static void setType(int nType){            roundboxtype = nType % 16;       }     protected:       static void round_box_shade_col(float *col1, float *col2, float fac)       {           float col[3];             col[0]= (fac*col1[0] + (1.0-fac)*col2[0]);           col[1]= (fac*col1[1] + (1.0-fac)*col2[1]);           col[2]= (fac*col1[2] + (1.0-fac)*col2[2]);             glColor3fv(col);       }         static int roundboxtype;   };     int RoundBoxRender::roundboxtype = 3;     #endif  本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/dizuo/archive/2010/07/08/5721751.aspx
