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Configure SVN for your rails app

Configure SVN for your rails app.http://gist.github.com/609762#!/bin/shsvn remove log/*svn commit -

Configure SVN for your rails app.

http://gist.github.com/609762#!/bin/shsvn remove log/*svn commit -m”removing log files”svn propset svn:ignore “*.log” log/svn update log/svn commit -m ‘Ignoring all files in /log/ ending in .log’svn move config/database.yml config/database.examplesvn commit -m ‘Moving database.yml to database.example to provide a template for anyone who checks out the code’svn propset svn:ignore “database.yml” config/svn update config/svn commit -m ‘Ignoring database.yml’svn remove tmp/*svn propset svn:ignore “*” tmp/svn update tmp/svn commit -m “ignore tmp/ content from now”svn propset svn:ignore “.htaccess” config/svn update config/svn commit -m ‘Ignoring .htaccess’svn propset svn:ignore “dispatch.fcgi” config/svn update config/svn commit -m ‘Ignoring dispatch.fcgi’
