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[转载]UIView的层次结构--code转载自:http://blog.csdn.net/theonezh/article/details/8216584?// Recursi




// Recursively travel down the view tree, increasing the indentation level for children

- (void)dumpView:(UIView?*)aView atIndent:(int)indent into:(NSMutableString?*)outstring


for?(int?i =?0; i < indent; i++) [outstring?appendString:@"--"];

[outstring?appendFormat:@"[%2d] %@\n", indent, [[aView?class]?description]];


? ? ? ? [self?dumpView:view?atIndent:indent +?1?into:outstring];



// Start the tree recursion at level 0 with the root view

- (NSString?*) displayViews: (UIView?*) aView


NSMutableString?*outstring = [[NSMutableString?alloc]?init];




// Show the tree

- (void)logViewTreeForMainWindow


? ??// CFShow([self displayViews: self.window]);

? ??ATLogInfo(@"The view tree:\n%@", [self?displayViews:self.window]);





[ 0] UIWindow

--[ 1] UILayoutContainerView

----[ 2] UINavigationTransitionView

------[ 3] UIViewControllerWrapperView

--------[ 4] UIView?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??-----rootViewController

----------[ 5] UITableView

------------[ 6] ServerViewCell_iphone

--------------[ 7] UITableViewCellContentView

------------[ 6] ServerViewCell_iphone

--------------[ 7] UITableViewCellContentView

----[ 2] UINavigationBar

------[ 3] UINavigationBarBackground

------[ 3] UILabel

------[ 3] UIButton

--------[ 4] UIImageView

--------[ 4] UIImageView

--[ 1] UIView? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??----backView

--[ 1] UITransitionView

----[ 2] UIView? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ----CameraPlayerView.

------[ 3] UIView? ? ? ? ? ? ? for zoom.--frameView.

--------[ 4] UIImageView

------[ 3] UIImageView

------[ 3] UILabel

--------[ 4] UIImageView

------[ 3] UIImageView

------[ 3] UINavigationBar

--------[ 4] UINavigationBarBackground

--------[ 4] UINavigationItemView

----[ 2] UILayoutContainerView

------[ 3] UINavigationTransitionView ??-----recordVideoView

--------[ 4] UIViewControllerWrapperView

----------[ 5] UIView

------------[ 6] UITableView

--------------[ 7] UIImageView

--------------[ 7] UIImageView

------------[ 6] UIToolbar

--------------[ 7] _UIToolbarBackground

--------------[ 7] UISegmentedControl

------[ 3] UINavigationBar

--------[ 4] UINavigationBarBackground

--------[ 4] UILabel

--------[ 4] UIButton

----------[ 5] UIImageView

----------[ 5] UIButtonLabel
