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文件夹、文件的创建、删除简单的一个文件夹和文件的创建的例子// description:程序先检查文件夹是否存在,如


// description:     程序先检查文件夹是否存在,如果不存在,则创建一个,存在,则继续运行.//               文件夹处理完成后,下一步工作为往文件夹中创建文件.// caution:       当前文件夹中如果已经有名为abc.txt的文件时,在当前文件夹创建一个名为abc.txt的文件会失败.//               在这个程序中,如果E:\\test 下已经有名为1,2,3,4的文件时,程序执行会失败.import java.io.*;public class Demo{  public static void main( String[] args)  {    File   dirFile;    File   tempFile;    boolean bFile;    String   sFileName;        bFile = false;    try    {        dirFile = new File("E:/test");        bFile   = dirFile.exists();        if( bFile == true )        {          System.out.println("The folder exists.");        }        else        {          System.out.println("The folder do not exist,now trying to create a one...");          bFile = dirFile.mkdir();          if( bFile == true )          {            System.out.println("Create successfully!");          }          else          {            System.out.println("Disable to make the folder,please check the disk is full or not.");            System.exit(1);          }        }              System.out.println("Now we put files in to the folder...");        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)        {          sFileName = new String("E:/test/");          sFileName += String.valueOf(i);          tempFile = new File(sFileName);          bFile = tempFile.createNewFile();          OutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile,false));//use buffer here          fos.write("design myself!design my life!".getBytes("utf-8"));//what we write          fos.close();        }      }catch(IOException e)      {        // Exception hadler      }            if( bFile == true )        System.out.println("Successfully put files in to the folder!");      else        System.out.println("Sorry sir,i don't finish the job!");  }}

import  gxdmif.GXStringUtil; import  java.io.DataOutputStream; import  java.io.File; import  java.io.FileOutputStream; import  java.io.InputStream; import  org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; public   class  SaveFile  {     public   boolean  save(String path, MultipartFile file)  throws  Exception  {        GXStringUtil gx  =   new  GXStringUtil();         boolean  result  =   false ;        File dirFile  = null ;         try {            dirFile  =   new  File(path);             if ( ! (dirFile.exists())  &&   ! (dirFile.isDirectory())) {                 boolean  creadok  =  dirFile.mkdirs();                 if (creadok) {                    System.out.println( " ok:创建文件夹成功! " );                } else {                    System.out.println( " err:创建文件夹失败! " );                                    }             }          } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            System.out.println(e);             return   false ;        }           if  (file  !=   null   &&   ! file.isEmpty())  {            String fullPath  =  path  +  System.getProperty( " file.separator " )                     +  gx.netStringToGBK(file.getOriginalFilename());            DataOutputStream out  =   null ;            InputStream is  =   null ;             try   {                out  =   new  DataOutputStream( new  FileOutputStream(fullPath));                is  =  file.getInputStream();                 byte [] buffer  =   new   byte [ 1024 ];                 while  (is.read(buffer)  >   0 )  {                    out.write(buffer);                }              }   finally   {                 if  (is  !=   null )  {                    is.close();                }                   if  (out  !=   null )  {                    out.close();                }             }             result  =   true ;        }          return  result;    }        public   boolean  delete(String path, MultipartFile file)  throws  Exception  {        GXStringUtil gx  =   new  GXStringUtil();         boolean  result  =   false ;         if  (file  !=   null   &&   ! file.isEmpty())  {            String fullPath  =  path  +  System.getProperty( " file.separator " )                     +  gx.netStringToGBK(file.getOriginalFilename());             try   {                File file2  =   new  File(fullPath);                file2.delete();                result  =   true ;            }   catch  (Exception e)  {                e.printStackTrace();                result  =   false ;            }         }          return  result;    }          public     boolean    deleteFolder(File   folder)    {           boolean  result  =   false ;         try {              String   childs[]    =    folder.list();                 if    (childs    ==     null     ||    childs.length    <=     0 )    {                           if (folder.delete()) {                            result  =   true ;                        }                }   else {                   for    ( int    i    =     0 ;   i    <    childs.length;   i ++ )    {                            String   childName    =    childs[i];                            String   childPath    =                                 folder.getPath()    +    File.separator    +    childName;                            File   filePath    =     new    File(childPath);                             if    (filePath.exists()    &&    filePath.isFile())    {                                  if (filePath.delete()) {                                    result  =   true ;                                } else {                                    result  =   false ;                                     break ;                                }                           }                              else     if    (filePath.exists()    &&    filePath.isDirectory())    {                                   if (deleteFolder(filePath)) {                                    result  =   true ;                                } else {                                    result  =   false ;                                     break ;                                }                           }                     }                 }                      folder.delete();            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();              result  =   false ;          }          return  result;    } } 
