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在编写可运行程序时,经常需要输入除了可运行文件之外的其它的命令行参数,可以用传统的getopt函数来分析,本文基于面向对象,分析一种管理命令行参数方法 -- 来源于webrtc项目,在阅读过程中,大家分享一下。


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#ifdef WIN32#include "talk/base/win32.h"#include <shellapi.h>#endif#include "talk/base/flags.h"// -----------------------------------------// Implementation of FlagFlag::Flag(const char* file, const char* name, const char* comment,           Type type, void* variable, FlagValue default__)    : file_(file),      name_(name),      comment_(comment),      type_(type),      variable_(reinterpret_cast<FlagValue*>(variable)),      default_(default__) {  FlagList::Register(this);}void Flag::SetToDefault() {  // Note that we cannot simply do '*variable_ = default_;' since  // flag variables are not really of type FlagValue and thus may  // be smaller! The FlagValue union is simply 'overlayed' on top  // of a flag variable for convenient access. Since union members  // are guarantee to be aligned at the beginning, this works.  switch (type_) {    case Flag::BOOL:      variable_->b = default_.b;      return;    case Flag::INT:      variable_->i = default_.i;      return;    case Flag::FLOAT:      variable_->f = default_.f;      return;    case Flag::STRING:      variable_->s = default_.s;      return;  }  UNREACHABLE();}static const char* Type2String(Flag::Type type) {  switch (type) {    case Flag::BOOL: return "bool";    case Flag::INT: return "int";    case Flag::FLOAT: return "float";    case Flag::STRING: return "string";  }  UNREACHABLE();  return NULL;}static void PrintFlagValue(Flag::Type type, FlagValue* p) {  switch (type) {    case Flag::BOOL:      printf("%s", (p->b ? "true" : "false"));      return;    case Flag::INT:      printf("%d", p->i);      return;    case Flag::FLOAT:      printf("%f", p->f);      return;    case Flag::STRING:      printf("%s", p->s);      return;  }  UNREACHABLE();}void Flag::Print(bool print_current_value) {  printf("  --%s (%s)  type: %s  default: ", name_, comment_,          Type2String(type_));  PrintFlagValue(type_, &default_);  if (print_current_value) {    printf("  current value: ");    PrintFlagValue(type_, variable_);  }  printf("\n");}// -----------------------------------------// Implementation of FlagListFlag* FlagList::list_ = NULL;FlagList::FlagList() {  list_ = NULL;}void FlagList::Print(const char* file, bool print_current_value) {  // Since flag registration is likely by file (= C++ file),  // we don't need to sort by file and still get grouped output.  const char* current = NULL;  for (Flag* f = list_; f != NULL; f = f->next()) {    if (file == NULL || file == f->file()) {      if (current != f->file()) {        printf("Flags from %s:\n", f->file());        current = f->file();      }      f->Print(print_current_value);    }  }}Flag* FlagList::Lookup(const char* name) {  Flag* f = list_;  while (f != NULL && strcmp(name, f->name()) != 0)    f = f->next();  return f;}void FlagList::SplitArgument(const char* arg,                             char* buffer, int buffer_size,                             const char** name, const char** value,                             bool* is_bool) {  *name = NULL;  *value = NULL;  *is_bool = false;  if (*arg == '-') {    // find the begin of the flag name    arg++;  // remove 1st '-'    if (*arg == '-')      arg++;  // remove 2nd '-'    if (arg[0] == 'n' && arg[1] == 'o') {      arg += 2;  // remove "no"      *is_bool = true;    }    *name = arg;    // find the end of the flag name    while (*arg != '\0' && *arg != '=')      arg++;    // get the value if any    if (*arg == '=') {      // make a copy so we can NUL-terminate flag name      int n = static_cast<int>(arg - *name);      if (n >= buffer_size)        Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "CHECK(%s) failed", "n < buffer_size");      memcpy(buffer, *name, n * sizeof(char));      buffer[n] = '\0';      *name = buffer;      // get the value      *value = arg + 1;    }  }}int FlagList::SetFlagsFromCommandLine(int* argc, const char** argv,                                      bool remove_flags) {  // parse arguments  for (int i = 1; i < *argc; /* see below */) {    int j = i;  // j > 0    const char* arg = argv[i++];    // split arg into flag components    char buffer[1024];    const char* name;    const char* value;    bool is_bool;    SplitArgument(arg, buffer, sizeof buffer, &name, &value, &is_bool);    if (name != NULL) {      // lookup the flag      Flag* flag = Lookup(name);      if (flag == NULL) {        fprintf(stderr, "Error: unrecognized flag %s\n", arg);        return j;      }      // if we still need a flag value, use the next argument if available      if (flag->type() != Flag::BOOL && value == NULL) {        if (i < *argc) {          value = argv[i++];        } else {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: missing value for flag %s of type %s\n",            arg, Type2String(flag->type()));          return j;        }      }      // set the flag      char empty[] = { '\0' };      char* endp = empty;      switch (flag->type()) {        case Flag::BOOL:          *flag->bool_variable() = !is_bool;          break;        case Flag::INT:          *flag->int_variable() = strtol(value, &endp, 10);          break;        case Flag::FLOAT:          *flag->float_variable() = strtod(value, &endp);          break;        case Flag::STRING:          *flag->string_variable() = value;          break;      }      // handle errors      if ((flag->type() == Flag::BOOL && value != NULL) ||          (flag->type() != Flag::BOOL && is_bool) ||          *endp != '\0') {        fprintf(stderr, "Error: illegal value for flag %s of type %s\n",          arg, Type2String(flag->type()));        return j;      }      // remove the flag & value from the command      if (remove_flags)        while (j < i)          argv[j++] = NULL;    }  }  // shrink the argument list  if (remove_flags) {    int j = 1;    for (int i = 1; i < *argc; i++) {      if (argv[i] != NULL)        argv[j++] = argv[i];    }    *argc = j;  }  // parsed all flags successfully  return 0;}void FlagList::Register(Flag* flag) {  assert(flag != NULL && strlen(flag->name()) > 0);  if (Lookup(flag->name()) != NULL)    Fatal(flag->file(), 0, "flag %s declared twice", flag->name());  flag->next_ = list_;  list_ = flag;}#ifdef WIN32WindowsCommandLineArguments::WindowsCommandLineArguments() {  // start by getting the command line.  LPTSTR command_line = ::GetCommandLine();   // now, convert it to a list of wide char strings.  LPWSTR *wide_argv = ::CommandLineToArgvW(command_line, &argc_);  // now allocate an array big enough to hold that many string pointers.  argv_ = new char*[argc_];  // iterate over the returned wide strings;  for(int i = 0; i < argc_; ++i) {    std::string s = talk_base::ToUtf8(wide_argv[i], wcslen(wide_argv[i]));    char *buffer = new char[s.length() + 1];    talk_base::strcpyn(buffer, s.length() + 1, s.c_str());    // make sure the argv array has the right string at this point.    argv_[i] = buffer;  }  LocalFree(wide_argv);}WindowsCommandLineArguments::~WindowsCommandLineArguments() {  // need to free each string in the array, and then the array.  for(int i = 0; i < argc_; i++) {    delete[] argv_[i];  }  delete[] argv_;}#endif  // WIN32
