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Flex DataGrid怎么实现根据多列排序(Multiple Column Sort)的功能

Flex DataGrid如何实现根据多列排序(Multiple Column Sort)的功能我们知道这Flex 3.0以前的DataGrid默认只

Flex DataGrid如何实现根据多列排序(Multiple Column Sort)的功能

我们知道这Flex 3.0以前的DataGrid默认只能有一列进行排序,不能进行多列排序。其实要想实现多列排序也并不难。我们只要利用Sort和SortField这两个对象就可以达到这个目的。

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

????? initialize="initDP();" width="550" height="400">

?? <mx:Script>

????? <![CDATA[

???????? import mx.events.DataGridEvent;

???????? import mx.collections.*;


???????? // Declare storage variables and initialize the simple variables.

???????? // The data provider collection.

???????? private var myDPColl:ArrayCollection;

???????? // The Sort object used to sort the collection.

???????? [Bindable]

???????? private var sortA:Sort;

???????? // The sort fields used to determine the sort.

????????? private var sortByInStock:SortField;

????????? private var sortByArtist:SortField;

????????? private var sortByAlbum:SortField;

????????? private var sortByPrice:SortField;

???????? // The data source that populates the collection.

???????? private var myDP:Array = [

??????????? {Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Slanted and Enchanted',

?????????????? Price:11.99, InStock: true},

??????????? {Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain',

?????????????? Price:10.99, InStock: false},

??????????? {Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Wowee Zowee',

?????????????? Price:12.99, InStock: true},

??????????? {Artist:'Asphalt', Album:'Brighten the Corners',

?????????????? Price:11.99, InStock: false},

??????????? {Artist:'Asphalt', Album:'Terror Twilight',

?????????????? Price:11.99, InStock: true},

??????????? {Artist:'Asphalt', Album:'Buildings Meet the Sky',

?????????????? Price:14.99, InStock: true},

??????????? {Artist:'Other', Album:'Other', Price:5.99, InStock: true}

???????? ];


???????? //Initialize the DataGrid control with sorted data.

???????? private function initDP():void {

??????????? //Create an ArrayCollection backed by the myDP array of data.

??????????? myDPColl = new ArrayCollection(myDP);

??????????? //Create a Sort object to sort the ArrrayCollection.

??????????? sortA = new Sort();

??????????? //Initialize SortField objects for all valid sort fields:

??????????? // A true second parameter specifies a case-insensitive sort.

??????????? // A true third parameter specifies descending sort order.

??????????? // A true fourth parameter specifies a numeric sort.

???????????? sortByInStock = new SortField("InStock", true, true);

???????????? sortByArtist = new SortField("Artist", true);

???????????? sortByAlbum = new SortField("Album", true);

???????????? sortByPrice = new SortField("Price", true, false, true);

??????????? // Sort the grid using the InStock, Artist, and Album fields.

??????????? sortA.fields=[sortByInStock, sortByArtist, sortByAlbum];

??????????? myDPColl.sort=sortA;

??????????? // Refresh the collection view to show the sort.

??????????? myDPColl.refresh();

??????????? // Initial display of sort fields

??????????? tSort0.text = "First Sort Field: InStock";

??????????? tSort1.text = "Second Sort Field: Artist";

??????????? tSort2.text = "Third Sort Field: Album";


??????????? // Set the ArrayCollection as the DataGrid data provider.

??????????? myGrid.dataProvider=myDPColl;

??????????? // Set the DataGrid row count to the array length,

??????????? // plus one for the header.

??????????? myGrid.rowCount=myDPColl.length +1;

???????? }?


???????? // Re-sort the DataGrid control when the user clicks a header.

???????? private function headRelEvt(event:DataGridEvent):void {

??????????? // The new third priority was the old second priority.

??????????? sortA.fields[2] = sortA.fields[1];

??????????? tSort2.text = "Third Sort Field: " + sortA.fields[2].name;

????? ??????// The new second priority was the old first priority.

??????????? sortA.fields[1] = sortA.fields[0];

??????????? tSort1.text = "Second Sort Field: " + sortA.fields[1].name;

??????????? // The clicked column determines the new first priority.

?????? ?????if (event.columnIndex==0) {

??????????? ????? sortByArtist.descending = !sortByArtist.descending;

?????????????? sortA.fields[0] = sortByArtist;

??????????? } else if (event.columnIndex==1) {

??????????? ????? sortByAlbum.descending = !sortByAlbum.descending;

?????????????? sortA.fields[0] = sortByAlbum;

??????????? } else if (event.columnIndex==2) {

??????????? ????? sortByPrice.descending = !sortByPrice.descending;

?????????????? sortA.fields[0] = sortByPrice;

??????????? } else {

?????????????? sortA.fields[0] = sortByInStock;}

??????????? tSort0.text = "First Sort Field: " + sortA.fields[0].name;

??????????? // Apply the updated sort fields and re-sort.

??????????? myDPColl.sort=sortA;

??????????? // Refresh the collection to show the sort in the grid.

??????????? myDPColl.refresh();

??????????? // Prevent the DataGrid from doing a default column sort.

??????????? event.preventDefault();

???????? }

????? ]]>

?? </mx:Script>


?? <!-- The Data Grid control.

???????? By default the grid and its columns can be sorted by clicking.

???????? The headerRelease event handler overrides the default sort

???????? behavior. -->

?? <mx:DataGrid id="myGrid" width="100%" headerRelease="headRelEvt(event);">

????? <mx:columns>

??????????? <mx:DataGridColumn minWidth="120" dataField="Artist" />

??????????? <mx:DataGridColumn minWidth="200" dataField="Album" />

??????????? <mx:DataGridColumn width="75" dataField="Price" />

??????????? <mx:DataGridColumn width="75" dataField="InStock" headerText="In Stock"/>

????? </mx:columns>

?? </mx:DataGrid>

?? <mx:VBox>

????? <mx:Label id="tSort0" text="First Sort Field: "/>

????? <mx:Label id="tSort1" text="Second Sort Field: "/>

????? <mx:Label id="tSort2" text="Third Sort Field: "/>

?? </mx:VBox>

