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Nandflash 驱动移栽 (四)

Nandflash 驱动移植 (四)接着上一篇,这一篇介绍cpp部分fmd.cpp,这里将逐个函数进行分析讲解:NFCONF[0]必须

Nandflash 驱动移植 (四)




Nandflash 驱动移栽 (四)


BOOL FMD_OEMIoControl(DWORD dwIoControlCode, PBYTE pInBuf, DWORD nInBufSize, PBYTE pOutBuf, DWORD nOutBufSize, PDWORD pBytesReturned) {     switch(dwIoControlCode)     {         case IOCTL_FMD_GET_INTERFACE:         {             RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_GET_INTERFACE\n")));              if (!pOutBuf || nOutBufSize < sizeof(FMDInterface))             {                 DEBUGMSG(1, (TEXT("FMD_OEMIoControl: IOCTL_FMD_GET_INTERFACE bad parameter(s).\n")));                 return(FALSE);             }              PFMDInterface pInterface = (PFMDInterface)pOutBuf;              pInterface->cbSize = sizeof(FMDInterface);             pInterface->pInit = FMD_Init;             pInterface->pDeInit = FMD_Deinit;             pInterface->pGetInfo = FMD_GetInfo;             pInterface->pGetInfoEx = NULL;        //FMD_GetInfoEx;             pInterface->pGetBlockStatus = FMD_GetBlockStatus;             pInterface->pSetBlockStatus = FMD_SetBlockStatus;             pInterface->pReadSector = FMD_ReadSector;             pInterface->pWriteSector = FMD_WriteSector;             pInterface->pEraseBlock = FMD_EraseBlock;             pInterface->pPowerUp = FMD_PowerUp;             pInterface->pPowerDown = FMD_PowerDown;             pInterface->pGetPhysSectorAddr = NULL;              break;         }      case IOCTL_FMD_LOCK_BLOCKS:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_LOCK_BLOCKS Not Supported\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_UNLOCK_BLOCKS:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_UNLOCK_BLOCKS Not Supported\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_READ_RESERVED:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_READ_RESERVED\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_WRITE_RESERVED:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_WRITE_RESERVED\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_GET_RESERVED_TABLE:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_GET_RESERVED_TABLE\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_SET_REGION_TABLE:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_SET_REGION_TABLE\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_SET_SECTORSIZE:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_SET_SECTORSIZE\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_RAW_WRITE_BLOCKS:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_RAW_WRITE_BLOCKS\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_GET_RAW_BLOCK_SIZE:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_GET_RAW_BLOCK_SIZE\n")));         return FALSE;      case IOCTL_FMD_GET_INFO:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_GET_INFO\n")));         return FALSE;      case  IOCTL_FMD_SET_XIPMODE    :         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_SET_XIPMODE\n")));         return FALSE;      case  IOCTL_FMD_GET_XIPMODE:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_FMD_GET_XIPMODE\n")));         return FALSE;      case  IOCTL_DISK_FLUSH_CACHE:         //RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : IOCTL_DISK_FLUSH_CACHE\n")));         return TRUE;      default:         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : Unknown IOCTL (0x%08x)\n"), dwIoControlCode));         return FALSE;     }      return TRUE; }  BOOL FMD_Deinit(PVOID hFMD) { #if (NAND_DEBUG)     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] FMD_Deinit() \n"))); #endif      return(TRUE); }   /*     @func   BOOL | FMD_GetInfo | Provides information on the NAND flash.     @rdesc  TRUE = Success, FALSE = Failure.     @comm     @xref */ BOOL FMD_GetInfo(PFlashInfo pFlashInfo) { // Add by AlexLee RunNo[5]     UINT32  nCnt;     UINT32 nNandID;     UINT8 nMID, nDID;      if (pFlashInfo == NULL)     {         RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD:ERR] FMD_GetInfo() : Invalid Parameter\n")));         return(FALSE);     }      pFlashInfo->flashType = NAND;  #ifdef    SYNC_OP     EnterCriticalSection(&g_csNandFlash); #endif      nNandID = ReadFlashID();  #ifdef    SYNC_OP     LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csNandFlash); #endif      nMID = nNandID >> 8;     nDID = nNandID & 0xff;      for (nCnt = 0; astNandSpec[nCnt].nMID != 0; nCnt++)     {         if (nDID == astNandSpec[nCnt].nDID)         {             break;         }     }      //  OK, instead of reading it from the chip, we use the hardcoded     //  numbers here.      pFlashInfo->dwNumBlocks         = NUM_OF_BLOCKS;     pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock    = PAGES_PER_BLOCK;     pFlashInfo->wDataBytesPerSector = NAND_SECTOR_SIZE;     pFlashInfo->dwBytesPerBlock     = (PAGES_PER_BLOCK * NAND_SECTOR_SIZE);      //RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = %d(0x%x), SECTORSPERBLOCK = %d(0x%x), BYTESPERSECTOR = %d(0x%x) \n"), pFlashInfo->dwNumBlocks, pFlashInfo->dwNumBlocks, pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock, pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock, pFlashInfo->wDataBytesPerSector, pFlashInfo->wDataBytesPerSector)); // del by alexlee      return TRUE; }   /*     @func   DWORD | FMD_GetBlockStatus | Returns the status of the specified block.     @rdesc  Block status (see fmd.h).     @comm     @xref */ DWORD FMD_GetBlockStatus(BLOCK_ID blockID) {     DWORD dwResult = 0;  #if (NAND_DEBUG)     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] ++FMD_GetBlockStatus(0x%08x) \n"), blockID)); #endif  #ifdef    SYNC_OP     EnterCriticalSection(&g_csNandFlash); #endif      if ( IS_LB )     {         dwResult = FMD_LB_GetBlockStatus(blockID);     }     else     {         dwResult = FMD_SB_GetBlockStatus(blockID);     }  #ifdef    SYNC_OP     LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csNandFlash); #endif  #if (NAND_DEBUG)     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] --FMD_GetBlockStatus()\n"))); #endif      return dwResult; }   /*     @func   BOOL | FMD_SetBlockStatus | Marks the block with the specified block status.     @rdesc  TRUE = Success, FALSE = Failure.     @comm     @xref */ BOOL FMD_SetBlockStatus(BLOCK_ID blockID, DWORD dwStatus) {     BOOL    bRet = TRUE;  #if (NAND_DEBUG)     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] ++FMD_SetBlockStatus(0x%08x, 0x%08x) \n"), blockID, dwStatus)); #endif  #ifdef    SYNC_OP     EnterCriticalSection(&g_csNandFlash); #endif      if ( IS_LB )     {         bRet = FMD_LB_SetBlockStatus(blockID, dwStatus);     }     else     {         bRet = FMD_SB_SetBlockStatus(blockID, dwStatus);     }  #ifdef    SYNC_OP     LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csNandFlash); #endif  #if (NAND_DEBUG)     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[FMD] --FMD_SetBlockStatus()\n"))); #endif      return bRet; } 

