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22、Flex 三快速入门: 构建自定义组件 部署组件

22、Flex 3快速入门: 构建自定义组件 部署组件???????????? }??????????? // Display the contents of the

22、Flex 3快速入门: 构建自定义组件 部署组件


??????????? }

??????????? // Display the contents of the address form to the user.

??????????? Alert.show(msg, "Thank you for submitting the form!");

??????? }

??? }



package components


??? import mx.events.FlexEvent;

??? import mx.controls.Button;

??? import mx.controls.TextInput;

??? import flash.events.MouseEvent;

??? import mx.containers.Form;


??? public class AddressFormClass extends Form

??? {

??????? // Components in the MXML must be

??????? // declared public. This is a limitation in

??????? // the current version of Flex and may change

??????? // in the future.

??????? public var submitButton:Button;

??????? public var nameInput:TextInput;

??????? public var street:TextInput;

??????? public var city:TextInput;

??????? public var state:TextInput;

??????? public var country:CountryComboBox;


??????? // Constructor

??????? public function AddressFormClass ():void

??????? {

??????????? addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, creationCompleteHandler);

??????? }


??????? // Creation complete is a good time to add event listeners and

??????? // interact with child components.

??????? private function creationCompleteHandler (event:FlexEvent):void

??????? {

??????????? submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitHandler);

??????? }


??????? // Gets called when the Submit button is clicked

??????? private function submitHandler (event:MouseEvent):void

??????? {

??????????? // Gather the data for this form

??????????? var addressVO:AddressVO = new AddressVO();

??????????? addressVO.name = nameInput.text;

??????????? addressVO.street = street.text;

??????????? addressVO.city = city.text;

??????????? addressVO.state = state.text;

??????????? addressVO.country = country.selectedItem as String;


??????????? var submitEvent:AddressFormEvent = new AddressFormEvent(AddressFormEvent.SUBMIT);

??????????? submitEvent.data = addressVO;


??????????? // Dispatch an event to signal that the form has been submitted

??????????? dispatchEvent(submitEvent);

??????? }

??? }



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


??? xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

??? xmlns:custom="components.*"


?? <mx:FormItem label="Name">

??????? <mx:TextInput id="nameInput"/>

??? </mx:FormItem>

??? <mx:FormItem label="Street">

??????? <mx:TextInput id="street"/>

??? </mx:FormItem>

??? <mx:FormItem label="City">

??????? <mx:TextInput id="city"/>

??? </mx:FormItem>

??? <mx:FormItem label="State/County">

??????? <mx:TextInput id="state"/>

??? </mx:FormItem>

??? <mx:FormItem label="Country">

??????? <custom:CountryComboBox id="country"/>

??? </mx:FormItem>


??? <mx:Button

??????? id="submitButton"

??????? label="submit"

??? />



package components


??? import flash.events.Event;

??? import components.AddressVO;

??? public class AddressFormEvent extends Event

??? {

??????? public static const SUBMIT:String = "submit";

??????? private var _data:AddressVO;

??????? public function AddressFormEvent (eventName:String)

??????? {

??????????? super (eventName);

??????? }


??????? public function set data (value:AddressVO):void

??????? {

??????????? _data = value;

??????? }


??????? public function get data ():AddressVO

??????? {

??????????? return _data;

??????? }

??? }



package components


??? public class AddressVO

??? {

?????? // We are using public properties for the

??????? // value object to keep this example short. In a

??????? // real-world application, make these properties

??????? // private and use implicit accessors to expose them

??????? // so you can do validation, etc. if necessary.

??????? public var name:String;

??????? public var street:String;

??????? public var city:String;

??????? public var state:String;

??????? public var country:String;

??? }



package components


??? import mx.containers.Panel;

??? public class PaddedPanel extends Panel

??? {

??????? public function PaddedPanel()

??????? {

??????????? // Call the constructor of the superclass.

??????????? super();


??????????? // Give the panel a uniform 10 pixel

??????????? // padding on all four sides.

??????????? setStyle ("paddingLeft", 10);

??????????? setStyle ("paddingRight", 10);

??????????? setStyle ("paddingTop", 10);

??????????? setStyle ("paddingBottom", 10);

??????? }

??? }



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:ComboBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">

??? <mx:dataProvider>???

??????? <mx:String>United States</mx:String>

??????? <mx:String>United Kingdom</mx:String>


??????? <!-- Add all other countries... -->

??? </mx:dataProvider>


要创建SWC文件,确定compc编译器在你的系统路径中(如果没有,添加到PATH环境变量中)。从QuickStartLibrary 文件夹开始,输入如下命令:

compc -source-path+=.


-include-classes components.AddressForm

?? components.AddressFormClass

?? components.AddressFormEvent

?? components.AddressVO

?? components.ApplicationClass

?? components.CountryComboBox

?? components.PaddedPanel


提示:你使用compc编译器创建SWC文件时,通过命名空间,或者manifest文件你可以包含任意数量的组件。这可以避免命令行变得过长和无法控制。更多关于使用命名空间和manifest文件的信息,参看Creating and Extending Adobe Flex 3 Components.

source-path选项在souce path中包含当前文件夹。这指明了compc如何发现include-classes选项列表中的各种类。






下边的例子使用QuickStartLibrary.swc中”Creating SWC Files”一节创建的AddressForm组件。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


??? xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

??? xmlns:custom="components.*"

??? width="400" height="310"


??? <custom:PaddedPanel title="Creating Libraries">

??????? <custom:AddressForm id="addressForm"/>

??? </custom:PaddedPanel>



mxmlc -library-path+=.;../QuickStartLibrary/bin Main.mxml


提示:你也能添加SWC文件到FlexBulder项目中。要添加你的SWC文件,选择“Project > Propertise > Flex Build Path”。在Library选项卡,单击“Add SWC”按钮,并且添加QuickStartLibrary到你的项目中。下边的图片展示了QuickStartLibrary.sec文件在你的项目库路径中。
22、Flex 三快速入门: 构建自定义组件 部署组件


