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Installing OpenStack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in 十 Minutes

Installing OpenStack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in 10 Minutes Download the ScriptsLogin to your box and in

Installing OpenStack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in 10 Minutes


Download the Scripts

Login to your box and install git with apt-get. We’ll become root and do an update first.

sudo suapt-get updateapt-get install git

Now checkout the StackGeek scripts from Github:

git clone git://github.com/StackGeek/openstackgeek.gitcd openstackgeek

Install the Base Scripts

Be sure to take a look at the scripts before you run them. Keep in mind the scripts will periodically prompt you for input, either for confirming installation of a package, or asking you for information for configuration.

Start the installation by running the first script:


When the script finishes you’ll see instructions for manually configuring your network. You can edit theinterfaces file by doing a:

vim /etc/network/interfaces

Copy and paste the network code provided by the script into the file and then edit:

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static  address  network  netmask  broadcast  gateway  dns-nameservers eth1

Change the settings for your network configuration and then restart networking and run the next script:

/etc/init.d/networking restart./openstack_base_2.sh

After the second script finishes, you’ll need to set up a logical volume for Nova to use for creating snapshots and volumes. Nova is OpenStack’s compute controller process.

Here’s the output from the format and volume creation process:

root@precise:/home/kord/openstackgeek# fdisk /dev/sdbDevice contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabelBuilding a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xb39fe7af.Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)Command (m for help): nPartition type:   p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)   e   extendedSelect (default p): pPartition number (1-4, default 1): 1First sector (2048-62914559, default 2048): Using default value 2048Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-62914559, default 62914559): Using default value 62914559Command (m for help): wThe partition table has been altered!Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.Syncing disks.root@precise:/home/kord/openstackgeek# pvcreate -ff /dev/sdb1  Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully createdroot@precise:/home/kord/openstackgeek# vgcreate nova-volumes /dev/sdb1  Volume group "nova-volumes" successfully createdroot@precise:/home/kord/openstackgeek#

Note: Your device names may vary.

Installing MySql

The OpenStack components use MySQL for storing state information. Start the install script for MySQL by entering the following:


You’ll be prompted for a password to be used for each of the components to talk to MySQL:

Enter a password to be used for the OpenStack services to talk to MySQL (users nova, glance, keystone): f00bar

During the installation process you will be prompted for a root password for MySQL. In our install example we use the same password, ‘f00bar’. At the end of the MySQL install you’ll be prompted for your root password again.

mysql start/running, process 8796#######################################################################################Creating OpenStack databases and users.  Use your database password when prompted.Run './openstack_keystone.sh' when the script exits.#######################################################################################Enter password:

After MySQL is running, you should be able to login with any of the OpenStack users and/or the root admin account by doing the following:

mysql -u root -pf00barmysql -u nova -pf00bar novamysql -u keystone -pf00bar keystonemysql -u glance -pf00bar glance

Installing Keystone

Keystone is OpenStack’s identity manager. Start the install of Keystone by doing:


You’ll be prompted for a token, the password you entered for OpenStack’s services, and your email address. The email address is used to populate the user’s information in the database.

Enter a token for the OpenStack services to auth wth keystone: r4th3rb3t0k3nEnter the password you used for the MySQL users (nova, glance, keystone): f00barEnter the email address for service accounts (nova, glance, keystone): user@foobar.com

You should be able to query Keystone at this point. You’ll need to source the stackrc file before you talk to Keystone:

. ./stackrckeystone user-list

Keystone should return a list of users:

+----------------------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+|                id                | enabled |         email          |  name  |+----------------------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+| b32b9017fb954eeeacb10bebf14aceb3 | True    | kordless@foobar222.com | demo   || bfcbaa1425ae4cd2b8ff1ddcf95c907a | True    | kordless@foobar222.com | glance || c1ca1604c38443f2856e3818c4ceb4d4 | True    | kordless@foobar222.com | nova   || dd183fe2daac436682e0550d3c339dde | True    | kordless@foobar222.com | admin  |+----------------------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+

Installing Glance

Glance is OpenStack’s image manager. Start the install of Glance by doing:


Note: You can safely ignore the SADeprecationWarning warning thrown by Glance when it starts.

The script will download an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS cloud image from StackGeek’s S3 bucket. Go grab some coffee while it’s downloading. Once it’s done, you should be able to get a list of images:

glance index

Here’s the expected output:

ID                                   Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size          ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------71b8b5d5-a972-48b3-b940-98a74b85ed6a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS               qcow2                ovf                       226426880

We’ll cover adding images via Glance in another guide soon.

Installing Nova

We’re almost done installing! The last component is the most important one as well. Nova is OpenStack’s compute and network manager. It’s responsible for starting instances, creating snapshots and volumes, and managing the network. Start the Nova install by doing:


A Bit on Networking First

You’ll immediately be prompted for a few items, including your existing network interface’s IP address, the fixed network address, and the floating pool addresses:

#############################################################################################################The IP address for eth0 is probably Keep in mind you need an eth1 for this to work.#############################################################################################################Enter the primary ethernet interface IP: the fixed network (eg. the fixed starting IP (eg. floating range can be a subset of your current network.  Configure your DHCP serverto block out the range before you choose it here.  An example would be the floating network (eg. the floating netowrk size (eg. 32): 32

Note: The script isn't very sophisticated and doesn't use defaults, so be sure you type in things carefully! You can rerun the script if you mess up. There's a nice subnet calculatorhere if you need help with network masks. For reference, the/27 above is called the 'mask bits' in the calculator.

The fixed network is a set of IP addresses which will be local to the compute nodes. Think of these addresses as being held and routed internally inside any of the compute node instances. If you decide to use a larger network, you could use something like10.0.4.0/24 and a starting address of

The floating network is a pool of addresses which can be assigned to the instances you are running. For example, you could start a web server and map an external IP to it for serving a site on the Internet. In the example above we use a private network because we’re doing this at the house, but if your routing equipment/network allows it you could assign externally routed IPs to OpenStack instances.

Finish Installing Nova

Nova should finish installing after you enter all the network information. When it’s done, you should be able to get a list of images from Glance via Nova:

nova image-list

And get the expected output we saw earlier from Glance:

root@precise:/home/kord/openstackgeek# nova image-list+--------------------------------------+------------------+--------+--------+|                  ID                  |       Name       | Status | Server |+--------------------------------------+------------------+--------+--------+| 71b8b5d5-a972-48b3-b940-98a74b85ed6a | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | ACTIVE |        |+--------------------------------------+------------------+--------+--------+

Installing Horizon

Horizon is the UI and dashboard controller for OpenStack. Install it by doing:


When it’s done installing, you’ll be given a URL to access the dashboard. You’ll be able to login with the user ‘admin’ and whatever you entered earlier for your password. If you’ve forgotten it, simply grep for it in your environment:

env |grep OS_PASSWORD

Start Launching Instances

That’s it! You can now watch the introduction video guide which gives an overview of creating a new project, users, and instances.

Be sure to drop us a line if you have any questions or corrections for this guide!
