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增加不存在的数据?select cs.site_idsiteID,cs.site_namesiteName,cch.category_namecategoryDesc,cwi.ica



select cs.site_id         siteID,       cs.site_name       siteName,       cch.category_name  categoryDesc,       cwi.icam_bucket_id bucketId,       cwi.work_item_desc servItemDesc,       --to_char(ce.event_start_dt, 'yyyy') year,           sub_years. year,       sum((case             when to_char(ce.event_start_dt, 'yyyy') = sub_years. year then              nvl(decode(ces.actualize_ind,                         'P',                         ces.proj_cost,                         'A',                         ces.act_cost + ces.outstand_cost,                         'L',                         ces.act_cost,                         0),                  0) / TO_NUMBER(1000000)             else              0           end)) price_new, --             sum((case             when to_char(ce.event_start_dt, 'yyyy') = sub_years. year then              nvl(decode(ces.actualize_ind,                         'P',                         ces.proj_cost,                         'A',                         ces.act_cost + ces.outstand_cost,                         'L',                         ces.act_cost,                         0),                  0) / TO_NUMBER(1000000)             else              0           end)) cost_new  from COST_MDL_STANDALONE_SERVICE mss,       cost_site cs,       COST_WORK_ITEM cwi,       cost_work_item_category cwic,       cost_category_head cch,       cost_event_service ces,       cost_event ce,       (select level + 2010 - 1 year          from dual        connect by level <= (2021 - 2010 + 1)) sub_years where ces.mdl_ver_id = 119545   and ces.mdl_standalone_serv_id = mss.mdl_standalone_serv_id   and ces.event_id = ce.event_id   and ces.mdl_ver_id = ce.mdl_ver_id   and cch.category_head_id = cwic.category_head_id   and mss.mdl_ver_id = ces.mdl_ver_id   and cs.site_id = mss.site_id   and cwi.work_item_id = mss.work_item_id   and cwic.work_item_category_id = cwi.work_item_category_id--and ce.event_typ_id = 5    --and cwi.work_item_desc = 'Vehicle Services'   group by cs.site_id,          cs.site_name,          cch.category_name,          cwi.icam_bucket_id,          cwi.work_item_desc,          sub_years. year

