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NetBeans vs Eclipse 最新战报!

NetBeans vs Eclipse 最新战报!呵呵!NetBeans: The Ultimate Linux IDE本文只截取最后一部分,想看原文,请

NetBeans vs Eclipse 最新战报!呵呵!
NetBeans: The Ultimate Linux IDE

本文只截取最后一部分,想看原文,请点击下面的地址.(偶的翻译能力不够,就看英语原文吧!NetBeans vs Eclipse 最新战报!)

NetBeans vs Eclipse

Thecurrent trend is that many are coming out of their own version ofEclipse. The vanilla Eclipse has a lot less to offer. Although thereare commercial alternatives, they are too greedy. As I see it, theproblem with Eclipse is that it was designed to be a good platform fornumerous commercial products. So it lags behind in terms of features.Thus, companies can add more features (I would say basic features) to acommercial version of it and charge money. This is not the case withNetBeans. All the greatest and best features are available to use,right away. There is no need to buy a NetBeans-based commercial IDE tohave all the features. If you ask me, Eclipse is a platform, and not anIDE.

NetBeans Face-To-Facts with Eclipse?

Download and InstallationEclipse comes without automated installer. Users are supposed toinstall it manually and configure all the necessary prerequisites.
Automated cross-platform installer is provided, which also detects all platform perquisites.
Java Enterprise SupportDoes not come pre-configured with any of the Java EE servers. You must do it on your own.
Popularapplication servers like Glassfish and Apache Tomcat are alreadybundledwith the installation. Just start compiling your servlets. UML Modelling
Is very basic and needs to be installed separately.
Advancedand out of the box availability. It separately. supports eight types ofUML diagrams, including activity diagrams, class diagrams,collaboration diagrams, component diagrams, deployment diagrams,sequence diagrams, state diagrams, and use case diagrams.BPEL Support
Is very basic, and needs to be installed
and configured separately.Advanced and out-of-the-box support. It is also supported by an enterprise pack,which includes SOA tools as well.
JavaDocs Online Help Fails to render help from jar files
Render it.
Collaborative Development Need plug-ins.
Out-of-the-box support for CVS and Mercurial.
Visual Web Development tools This is limited, need plug-ins.
Advanced, and built in.
Java SE
Incomplete support. Features like generics are missing
Full support.Non-Java support
Need plug-ins. Out of the box support for C, C++, Ruby. PHP \development is under process.
XML editor
Need plug-ins. Out-of-the-box support.
GUI Designer
Need plug-ins. Powerful and feature rich support for SWING via Matisse.
Mobile development
Limited support, Need plug-ins.
Ready to go.

Inthe next article we will do some cool things with NetBeans. NetBeanscan be used as an IDE, DB designer, source control tool, unit tester,and many more. And yes, you can write your own plug-ins for it. We willcover one role at a time.

109 楼 qubic 2008-07-08   leirdal 写道唉,netbeans和eclipse的比较,让我想起来曾经,也许是到现在都在争论的两个东西,vim vs emacs。
Jbuilder就算了,你肯定没用过新版的,新版已经是基于Eclipse的了,同样是商业收费插件还不如去用MyEclipse。 110 楼 ray_linn 2008-07-08   n个人说了VS不占内存速度快之后,证明了有个人就会信口开河. 111 楼 XMLDB 2008-07-08   今天用了一下netbean 还有UI设计功能,很好很强大,毫无疑问第一感觉UI响应快速并且简洁,我慢慢会喜欢上它的。 112 楼 lbfhappy 2008-07-08   喜欢楼上这样的话,自己亲自去用某样东西,才有资格去评价它,否则,只能是人云亦云了
113 楼 冉翔 2008-07-08   K,这种话题6天12页,我真服了。。。 114 楼 leirdal 2008-07-08   qubic 写道leirdal 写道唉,netbeans和eclipse的比较,让我想起来曾经,也许是到现在都在争论的两个东西,vim vs emacs。
