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eclipse中的一个编译错误修正现象: 在eclipse做编译时,提示错误The project cannot be built until its p


现象: 在eclipse做编译时,提示错误"The project cannot be built until its prerequisite XXX is built. Cleaning and building all projects is recommended" .
解决方法: 最初无论怎样Clean都不能去掉编译红叉,后来在网上搜索到一个解决方法,原文是这样的:
I found that if I remove the project and re-add it again it works (clean all and build all did not work). Strange but at least it works now ;-)
本人比较懒,觉得remove 后再re-add太麻烦 , 我的做法是直接将出错的project, close掉,然后再open. 发现编译竟然也好了.
